Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

December 19, 2014

The Cyber Security False Flag

Greg still pays attention to the stories spun on our news services.  He raised the false flag possibility of the "hacking" of SONY.

This view is internally logical, assuming one does not believe the stories spun for us by the government and media.  Having stated that view, let us assume that the hacking incident is not as reported.

1. The leftist subversives, Democrat and Republican elitists have been working for years to take control of the Internet, as well as guns. These are the last two items that prevent a dictatorship from taking complete, unopposed control. The grass roots and Internet companies have thwarted monstrous attempt to control the Internet. Some battles have been lost.

2. W know the NSA and CIA blatantly monitor the Internet. They are linked to every phone switch. Yet, they need more control. The needs this because control is their mandate, so the machine continues to eat freedom as a way to assure us we can keep it.

3. The NSA and CIA are likely the most sophisticated hackers in the world. This skill is part of the "cyber security" they tell us we need. (They want). Of course, private operatives are probably better. The SONY hack would could be done by a guy in a cubicle.

4. The government is sophisticated in the use of false flag crises and the American people, dulled by the media, do not know what the term means, let alone suspect massive lying.

5. If the imperative of the technocrats, leftists, and oligarchs is the final control of the Internet by claiming they we must build our cyber security, what is the best way to break resistance of those interested in free speech?  Yes, create a massive "terrorist" hack and threat of bombing that offends people and Hollywood, yet does not qualify as a breach requiring military intervention. The age old adage comes into play: those who give up freedom for security will have neither.

     This scenario of an adolescent firm with an offensive theme of killing the head of N. Korea is the
     perfect vehicle for this "crisis."  It is so perfect, one may want to look into the origination
     of the film

6. We are told this hack has the "characteristics" of a North Korean operation. What are those characteristics and where have we caught them before?

7.  If we know the characteristics, if any, then we can easily copy them.

8. This morning, Sen. "Chuck" Schumer, at the chief political manipulator of the Democratic party, was quoted in a speech that he sure hopes the Congress will do something and pass a cyber security bill.

The media, of course, goes on and on about North Korea and how vulnerable we are. This drumbeat of fear is probably this weeks replacement for cops are bad.

There you go, a false flag.

Of course, the only contrary argument is that we should trust the government and its media is reporting the truth as they know it.  Take your pick. It is still early in this gambit, so we have not heard from Korea, not that their reaction would be given air time.  I will look into this.

Has N. Korea done anything like this before?  Do they really have the ability to do this - if so, we had better remove the NSA and resort to private security. What are the characteristics?  Have N. Koreans ever bombed civilians outside N. Korea?

---  I suggest spreading these thoughts  to conscious friends. We need to spread an understanding of how we have lost our freedom in the hope that we can regain it. We are being imprisoned by our trust.

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