Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

May 24, 2015

End Times

A video that must be studied.  HERE   Paul is the only advocate of Austrian economics I know of and spent 12 terms in Congress attempting to thwart fiat currency, to no avail.  He gives us a final piece of advice, here.

The End Times will begin with a currency collapse that is now in the near term. The Federal Reserve has done its best to protect the banks and the Federal Government, neither of which is its directive. It no longer has any tools to shore up our debt. The American Poinzi scheme has run out of victims and we are standing around with our pants around our shoes. You know what happens when everyone wants out of a pyramid scam at the same time.

China, though it has been hoarding gold and other metals, may collapse first as it has also lived on paper money. Europe is weaker than we are, so money is coming here for protection!  The one positive factor is we can produce energy cheaply, now, but the government seeks to stop it. An indicator that our leaders desire collapse.

Somewhere in the near future is a tipping point. Is it our stupid notion to start a war in Europe? Is it our helping Sunni murderers? Will Russia, China, and India formally reject the USD?  Or,  will the subversives in America finally set off rioting so their well honed plans for occupation begin? Once there is a general feeling that investors need to get our of the dollar, we will quickly collapse and the city's will become war zones.

So, do something.  Get out of cash.

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