The Hidden Agenda - You

Take note that, so far, Congress has refused to permit drilling off our shore, again, even while other nations drill here. The Democrats and Republicans on the subcommittee kept to the party line, so the rejection was 9 t0 6.
Oil officials feel that if the bill passes, that alone will decrease gas by 25%, merely because of the reduction of fear. Leftists say, that is what they want, "We can't afford cheap gas." The silly believe that logic and they elect many of their ilk. Of course, oil officials who want to lower prices must be disbelieved. Right?
Think about the philosophies at work these day. Then, think about all the energy the government produces and all the inventive moves it makes. I wish I grew corn.
Congressman John Peterson, who is the guy who actually knows what he is talking about, is leading the effort. He points out that next week a larger committee meets on the matter. The last bill was approved last year by the House because Democrats crossed party lines. He doesn't know if the same thing will happen.
You can Google this matter and find the arguments. Fox (you know the outfit Obama and Hilary said were the best at objectively covering them) has a report HERE.
The one argument that scares me is from the "NO" Congress people whose decisions are based upon their ideas such as they don't think the oil companies will make money or it will take too long. [Recall JFK said we wold be on the moon in 10 years.] Like the Fabians/Marxists, they didn't bother themselves with logic, law, or economics because they were the smart people whose ideas should govern all. They don't bother with the details and all rules are deductive from their wisdom, not inductive from the people. Or, worse, yet, depend upon the tussle of the marketplace.
No one seems to notice this "NO" activity is central planning, the system that killed the Soviet Union. Briefly, the Constitution does not provide for Congress to act in this manner. Period. If the people who are supposed to represent us are defying the rule book, there is only one action that will stop them. Vote :"None of the above."
We should not engage them on facts, just get them out regardless of the social welfare they promise locally. Don't vote for the lesser of two evils. That is the game we can't win. They are pushers offering a free taste. You only discuss facts with those who talk in the same language. McCain is sure the right will vote for him out of thorough fear of Obama. This is not how parties are supposed to present themselves. He is probably right, but perhaps conservative and those who understandf linear logic should just vote none of the above, anyway.
No one comments there is a "NO" anytime a solution is being pursued. The NO is justified by irrational comments and the goof balls repeat these idea. The ultimate goal is destruction, not alternative energy.
Congress hasn't funded its own enlightened alternative energy programs. If we figured out how to convert water to H, we will be told we can't destroy the environment by using water and adding O2 to the air. You can't engage this with logic, as logic is not the point. If you say, "OK, we will run our economy on changes in smell, the left will say global smell is already disturbed. Like I say, stop arguing. We are too close to the cliff. Vote, None of the Above.
If you disagree and think the ends justify the means, then you may as well agree you are a Marxist or Fabian engaged in the displacement of the United States. Si? If you win, I will write to you from China or Russia, where capitalism is now respected. You know, the countries drilling off our shores.
Fabian Society note: HERE
If this bill is stopped, then it is clear the left has just about won and you had better get out from under your mortgage and start growing food crops As the cartoon's say: The end is coming. This is about the destruction of our system, not being green. I hope you can discern the reality that the mob is being led over the cliff while smiling and chanting. This is new problem, not another challenge; this is destruction from within.
Up until now, truckers have been eating the fuel cost. This will end soon. You will not be able to afford your life - very soon. We are not a tiny, parochial Europe. We like fresh grape juice and are used to getting it.
Who can afford this Brave New World? People like the Kennedies, Kerries, Pelosies, Bushes, etc. Gore is set and Edwards lives quite well in a carbon nightmare. The Clintons and Obamas got theirs. Even John McCain is so disconnected, he offered anyone $50 and hour, to show how we need Mexicans, to pick crops in Arizona.
My idea is we don't fall for slick words from the self-righteous. Don't get distracted by the make-believe parties. If you look at the numbers of Kyoto, which I didn't so I am using hearsay here, then by its own numbers if the Accord were fully followed, we would have gained 6 days, before we all die, I guess. (The big Kyoto's promoters have not really followed the Accord, but they enjoy posturing.) You didn't think the true agenda was clean air, I hope. Those who run the agenda have different plans, but they all agree the U.S., religion, self-reliance, and the traditional family are the enemies.
Be afraid you may get what you want, comrade.
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