"Stimulus" update

I was reading multiple stories about how the House and Senate have passed Obama's spending bill (which it isn't, of course) and Congress has cleared the way for a national stimulus. The stories seem to indicate the Congress worked out various items and agreed on plans.
Photo on the left: Tax Cheat-In-Chief has press conference with little motto to remind the stupid people that Big Brother is on top of things, though there is no detail, people are working on it. At least we are done with that US seal: Office of the President Elect. (Who are these people?)
I can't find a news report of one Senator's observations after Geithner's tesimony yesterday, to bring you a quote. I don't even know who it was. He did say, however, that everyone is now dumber after hearing the fantasy testimony. He finished with: "May God have mercy on your soul." I wonder why I can't find that comment. I will look for it.
Just a quick look:
1. In the House: "The 244 to 188 vote was mostly (yeah, mostly) along party lines, with 11 Democrats voting against the package." That is, ALL Republicans and 11 Democrats voted against it.
2. In the Senate, a different bill which is somehow still Obama's, was approved for mingling with the House: 61 to 37. There were 3 Republicans (if you can call Specter a human), and 56 Democrats. Two independents sided with Dems.
Seems like we have an issue for the future. In toto, Congress voted: Yea: 300 Dems and 3 Repubs.
I recall a few years ago all the efforts the Republicans made to bring the Democrats into the discussion, even setting up equal representation in committees. Morons.
Mr. Obama's comment in Florida about all this was: “Doing nothing is not an option. You didn’t send me to Washington to do nothing.”
From Rasmussen today:
Forty-two percent (42%) of the nation’s likely voters now support the president’s plan
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Approval Index for Wednesday shows that 42% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that BarackObama is performing his role as President.
Forty Two and dropping, but that won't stop the intelligensia from giving birth to their own albatross. Sure there will be a claim that the plan turned things around, as nature takes it course, but people are not that gullible, though they seem to trust too quickly. On Feb 4, Rasmussen's poll showed 50% of people thought the plan would do more harm than good.
Wonder what that is today?
Let us pray.
Labels: Democratic plan, disapproval, Stimulus plan
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