Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 25, 2009

Tommorow is KGB Day

Just a quickie. I got this from a group that is lobbying against the Pelosi control bill on for tomorrow. Numbers are disparate, for example the Heritage Foundation is using a $3,500 increase in family expenses by 2035, assuming we don't have rampant inflation (right, we may not.) However, the point is not so much the exact amount, which to me is a distraction. It is not how to approach this maze.

We should ask what the hell are these people doing? Worse, how is it our sheeple just watch TV as their freedom is capped? They fiddle as Rome burns. The bill exists because the statist want to control everything by claiming a natural gas is killing the earth. If it were true, we would kill all the cows as they produce methane and far outstrip the alleged impact of CO2. .

Oh, the list didn't add any cost for the unemployment.

If you're wondering what to tell them, here are some points* to bring up. The energy tax would:

1. Reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $9.6 trillion
2. Destroy an average of 1-3 million jobs, every year
3. Raise electricity rates 90 percent after adjusting for inflation
4. Raise inflation-adjusted gasoline prices by 74 percent
5. Raise residential natural gas prices by 55 percent
6. Raise an average family's annual energy bill by $1,500 annually
7. Increase the federal debt by 26 percent, which is $29,150 per person

Oh, the KGB reference is to prior information. In the 1960's the KGB, as a retired officer writes, accomplished its finest feat in supporting the green movement. It managed to kill off nuclear power in the U.S. (the French are that stupid) and now will kill off our economy, rather than the cows. Kruschev was right, all along.

I am following UNG a provider of natual gas. You may want to look at it, as gas will take off in the mid term. In the meantime, we are gathering wood, the kind that gives off CO2 when yo burn it, but that is alright because all plant matter givers back the CO2 it took in during life. I am sure burning wood will be illegal. Ecuador is looking good.

There was an idiot representative, Boucher from Virginia, on TV this morning, on CSpan. He expressed surprise at the callers' distress saying, if you read the bill there is not one tax raised and the additional cost for each family will be $77.

I thought he was one of the liar socialist masterminds until he said the Senate is doing "prepatory" work on their version. So, we know he is an idiot. Only an idiot could think what he said made sense or could con people.

We can only blame ourselves and high school drop outs for voting in the idiots. Our revenge is to withdraw and disappear.

Oh, Iranian protesters are being killed in the street. If I had a good joke about that I would have put it in here.

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