Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 26, 2009

Required watching

Watch Glenn Beck tonight. Its an event.

He has done the framework behind the Obama communists (Van Jones), socialists, Weather Underground, etc. Last night, his ratings were higher than CBS News. Bob said, this morning, he is taping the rest of the week's shows.

We already know about Ayers, Obama's holy religious pastor, his father, family, mother, family friends, sponsors to Harvard, but more is being revealed about those in power.

I understand my blog is dedicated to looking at the message, not the messenger, but that implies the messenger is not trained liar. At some point, especially when dealing with humans, one has to stop talking into the gale and understand all is pretense, that argument has been a waste of time.

Greg has long wanted to create a program to track data back to who are running things. He can atually do this. Like most of us, he has to work for a living, though, to pay taxes and fees.

His idea parallels Beck's confusion as to who is pulling the strings. It can't be Obama. We know that. On last nights show, liberal democrat Caddell said he didn't think it was a Marxist putsh, but one of elitists. I can buy that this analysis makes sense to uncomfortable leftists, but I would believe they are still being herded.

Caddell says, and I am sure this is the strategy:
I think they're flooding the zones, to use a football metaphor, I prefer that. I mean, your viewers probably understand that. Setting out so many things and nobody can cover it all.
The bills, unread by Congress and the President, were prepared by leftists organizations and ready to be dumped on Congress ASAP - to be immediately passed - lest they be read and discussed by the people, who Bill Marr said last night were too stupid to consider when forcing progress on them. (The audience laughed. To that extent, he is right.)

There is an entire network of sub rosa organizations feeding the morons in Congress. Don't forget, ACORN is to control the census. An obvious joke, but most Americans probably don't know what a census is.

On the radio today, Beck said tonight's show is fearful for him, personally. He expects personal attacks, which I already see on the net: he is crazy. The typical attack.

I have to admit the morons fall for it. The evil or stupid or crazy (per situation): Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Cheney, Judge Thomas, etc etc etc, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, etc etc etc. I loved the dual attacks on Bush: he is stupid and he is devilishly clever. The attack depends on the subject matter. When you need to punt, Cheney ran everythings. You see, everyone not a true believer is crazy and stupid, just roll your eyes and don't talk to them. Give each other knowing glances.

Eventually, the believers are trashing the majority, the educated, the tax payers. The breeders are not a base in this country and the illegal aliens won't be able to vote for a long time. Still, even though Hitlers' putsh was a failure, he did eventually become dictator and millions died.

Here is some of Beck on the Piven-Cloward strategy.

The White House was on the telephone to FOX, during the broadcast, making demands.

In response to the facts about Van Jones the White House did not respond to allegations. Its reply was he is not a Czar, just an advisor, so don't call him a Czar. There you go, the Alinsky radicals don't know hot to think, just whine and threaten - but who are they threatening?

Look for the typical personal attacks on Beck. When it comes, you know he has revealed the beast. The thing is, I don't think the "all in" statists were ready, though their timing was smart. They don't have a lasting majority, only a perfect storm of events.

Soon, to say you are an Obama supporter will become an albatross. People will ask, "Are you a communist?" If people say no, then they are stupid. Some choice.

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