Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 15, 2010

We Conned the World

"We conned the world" had 3 million hits on YouTube before they took it off.  They do censor things not deviant - don't want to upset people with satire or incorrect opinions.   There is now a viral movement to spread the video.

I found a youtube entry with a few hits, but I expect that will vanish, too.  Here

Another version in on PJTV, but I don't know if you have to register.  Might as well, it is a great site. Also, the performance is remarkably good.  I have always been of the opinion that the msic and film business is a bit of a scam as there are plenty of professional people.  You see that on the TV talent shows.

Here is another satire (it really is in English): Here

Mockery is the antidote to mind control.



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