Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 29, 2011

Few items

I may have time to return to reporting on my blog's mission, here. For now, let me update you on a few items.

1.  The U.S. has decided for the second year running there is no inflation so no need to raise benefits, such as Social Security payments.  I suppose we are lucky they do not lower the benefits, there being no inflation.  I guess our economy is in perfect balance: no inflation, no deflation, no devaluation.

2.  Consumer Rerports informed my through my radio that the Federal Reserve reported very little inflation. The "journalist" went on to explain how this is so and why.  The fact that this report was written is sad; that it was aired is terrifying.  Here is the gist:

The Fed reported no inflation because it has removed fuel and food from its list of factors measuring inflation.  It did this because if it did not, there would be significant inflation which would result, according to its monetary philosophy, in a raising of interest rates, something it feels is bad for the economy.  Therefore, it removed inflation by not accounting for it which, resulted, in there being no need to raise rates.  

I am not making this up. 

3.  The U.S. dollar has decreased in value 10% over the last two years. 

4.  Congress is wrangling over a proposed 60,000,000,000 spending cut.  This year's deficit:  1,400,000,000,000.

That is 6 divided by 140 to find the percentage of THIS YEARS DEFICIT that we are talking about.  A joke. I won't even bother insulting you with the math.  Congress is playing a game by bantering around the "billion" word as though it means something in a "trillion" world.

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