Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 02, 2012

Penultimate Aloah

I am going to end all this blog stuff, soon.  In addition to too much legal work, there is too much going on in this country.

Cassandra's dilemma shadows me, as it has become pointless to point at the obvious. So, I will organize some sort of farewell, close Facebook (not that I use it), stop using Gmail, and Google.  If you are unaware why, there you go.  You better look into it.

A few things to consider:

1. Our lovely government again (OLGA, I made this up) has instituted a mortgage tax.  Yes, a federal tax on new mortgages. This will depress prices, of course. This is the beginning.  This crap passes quietly through Congress while we all talk about the Giants destroying New England.

2. Predators fly over Manhattan.

3. There are dozens of concentration camps already in existence under the misnamed FEMA. They are complete with inward-facing barbed wire, so they are not for friendly use, and are on rail road lines.

4. As of 12/31, the Army can come and arrest you and hide you. Bye bye

5. The two recent bills aimed at controlling the Internet, the last bastion of free speech, were shouted down by the likes of Wiki etc., but a few months ago Obama secretly signed a treaty that is going around designed to control the Internet (oh, it is supposed to be about intellectual property.) In the America I remember, treaties were ratified by the Senate, but, of course this Senate is a combination of Marxist and simpletons in both parties.

6. The GOP candidates are statists who have no idea what a "conservative" is.  They are, essentially, despicable people behind false smiles. They play handball on the Fox channel.  All establishment - statist control. So, you have statist collectivism on the left and statist collectivism, but cheaper, on the right.

7.  The GOP is promoting Jindal and Rubio for VP.  BOth are not naturally born citizens - take your Constitution and shove it.  McCain wasn't either, when you find the real facts. So, both parties are ends justifies the means gangs.

8.  Etc Etc.  There is a daily barrage of insults to freedom and those who see it merely sit around and simmer waiting for the elections, if they happen, of course. As it is, the leftist are planning a violent year, they are pushing for violence that requires troops to quell.  Now that the troops can act in the country.

9. Worst of all peanut butter is going to  sky rocket.

10. The UN is creating a policy where nations agree to unify food, air, and water into one controlling entity.  The Codex Alimentarius is still around.

11. Buffet can do all the insider trading he likes, along with Soros. GE gets contracts build stupid things. Green energy companys take billions in cash and declare bankruptcy. The EPA is blocking the pipeline from Canada so we will not have 40,000 new jobs and energy independence.

All is purposefully chaos designed to tighten the strangle hold on all of us. Go Giants.

So, anyone who sees what is going on, doesn't need me.  Anyone who cannot, won't.  It is better to concentrate on grass roots elections and exit routes.  In the past few years, you have suffered through my calls to arms and you should likely see that I am usually right. So, why not go along with me.  It can't hurt and it could save.

I will get a gun pretty soon, sad to say. If you want to get cash out of the country you can lend to a company I partly own in Canada.

Note: My hysteria about inflation was premature,  since China has floated its currency and is now in an inflation cycle. So, you have until after the election until all hell breaks loose. The inflation will, then, drop in for a decade or so.  Dump that cash. Once you hear OLGA could not sell many treasury bonds at an auction, fill your gas tank.



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