Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 11, 2012

PLEASE LISTEN: Standsbury lecture

As I have noted, I am winding down this particular blog. Its done what it can. It has even focused my own concerns. If you do nothing else regarding your safety, please listen to the lecture below. 

As a farewell gift, please accept the accompanying lecture by Porter Standsbury.   


It does not matter who you are or what you are up to. This lecture is about financial and, perhaps, physical survival in the very near term. Yes, near term. Porter even mentions what I have written about: the normalcy bias. That is the inertia of the human mind that something new will not happen, even as you get into a cattle car.  Once reality clicks all the clever investment you may have will be rendered meaningless, unless they are puts. There will be a new normalcy, very Grecian in flavor.

Remember, I told you to buy silver at $11 and peanut butter. Indeed, it is a good time to buy more. Consider I may be on to something.

The lecture is long and requires attention, though it is brilliantly simple to follow.  A pencil in hand would be a good idea. Much of it, you have heard from me for years, but this presentation puts is all in one place. I can say no more, nor criticize the outlook presented. You don't need to buy anything. (I am guessing the 4th investment is diamonds).  

I noted in 2009 how the stock markets in the economic collapse tracked nearly to the day the Great Depression. It sill does and there is cliff directly in front of us. (In Standsbury)  More than a technical offering a technical prognosis, the lecture reviews the death of our dollar and the con game in Washington - one that will end in an instant as draconian measures will become law. 

It is the Depression on steroids. (He notes the Shadow Statistics find our unemployment rate is now 22.5%. The statistics game in D.C. is to lull us into complacency as the traps are being set. There have been no increases in Social Security benefits for three years because the government see no inflation.)

The army has already been given the authority to patrol our streets and arrest us. We have concentration camps. Republicans, by the way, voted FOR these items.  A conspiracy theory?  You decide.

You want to stay clear of riots and rioters, some of whom are already being primed as provocateurs - the Wall Street useful idiots.  Nothing, nothing I have warned against or that is in the lecture is untrue. All you hear from D.C. and the major D.C. outlets is pretty much a lie, in that subtle spin regarding essential statistics is an absolute lie.

The end comes the day after the government cannot sell Treasury Bills - other countries have decided they do not need to put up with further theft in the form of inflation (the devaluation of the dollar, not the cost of peanut butter). That day, the music stops AND you have no chair to sit in. Get out of the game now.

The U.S. dollar is finished as the world's currency.  PERFECT VIDEO. Other nations are already organizing its replacement. Soros continues his slaughter. By itself this reduces our standard of living by a estimated 25%. Those exposed to large mortgages and stocks could be cleaned out.  (But, if you can, get a fixed mortgage right now.)

A temporary dictator who did not indulge in Keynesian fantasy could fix things, then ask us for a contributions. Add that to the coming oil and gas revenues, especially once Obama is gone, we might survive. In a healthy family, everyone will contribute to the household, but we have a boarding house run by the Artful Dodger. No one will trust the current government; no one will consider it their ally. It is either your pusher or a sneak thief, but it is not family. 

We have, in the presidency, a socialist follower of Alinsky who has been trained to collapse the system, this is no theory, so a central government can take control. So, if we decided to stop using services and contribute money to the common crisis, the government would steal the new money and transfer it to friends and constituents. 

Therefore, I see no possibility of salvation. The government will commit suicide and the death will blamed on "capitalists," those people who brought you the highest standard of living in history. Say good bye to your retirement funds, your extra car, and, for many, your home.  If you are over 70 years of age, just go die, please, but you could get free contraceptive pills.

If you want to protest this theft, the army will be waiting. If you think this cannot happen, why was the posse comitatus repealed New Year's Eve? That condition was the norm. Why are there concentration camps?  Are they normal? 

There is no advantage to pointing out our dull populace voted in the conman of the conmen; indeed, the GOP leaders are nearly as bad. The whole crowd is poisoning us. It is better that I urge you to get out to political meetings and clubs, now, today, to replace the incumbent statists. Run for the school board.  There are no more spectators in this game.  

There is work to be had to correct what we have ignored.


Finally, I have arranged a way for you to lend a Canadian company (I am a partner) as much money as you like. You will get a horrible interest, so we can easily cover it, BUT THE ASSET WILL BE IN CANADIAN FUNDs and will be out of the reach ands scope of our government, unlike your 401(k) or IRA. You can still pay tax on your interest and remain legal.

If the world were not about to change, the loan would be stupid.  You have decide what tis about to happen.

Let me know, if you are interested in making a loan.  I am working on writing up a term sheet.

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