Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 18, 2013

Bunker Hill arrives in New York

Resolution quick list

Above is a map showing the progress, as of March 15,2013, probably, of proposals issuing from the legislatures of the counties in New York regarding the recent gun control legislation.  The legislation was voted upon without being read and had to have been prepared long before Sandy Hook events, just passing time until there was a media hysteria to cover the passage of the bill.  Of course, the bill was poorly written, nonetheless; it even made felons of the police who used 10 round magazines.
The green counties are those who have already passed a resolution opposing the gun confiscation act.  I highlight the nearly unanimous opposition outside of the oozing mess of New York City, a home I abandoned in 1979.
This response is, actually, more important than the passage of the offensive law. A line has been crossed and the average person now sees the Constitution is under attack by the leftists. People never respect the government, but now they see the government, rightly, as an enemy worried that the people have the means to protect themselves. The hornets nest, as Greg puts it, has been kicked. The reaction in New York state has national implications. 
Blue represents counties that are considering a resolution opposing the act. One can guess Albany county may not oppose, as it is a bastion of government workers, unions, socialists (Working Families Party and Democrats), and welfare recipients.  The other counties, one could assume, will oppose. 
White counties have not proposed such an opposition. The lone, upstate country in this category is where Cornell is located. Cornell has a long, open history of Marxist and subversive activity imbued with violence, as well as a few good graduate schools. The money from NYC feeds the brand-name school. There are thousands of leftist professors, students, and ex-students who like to hang around and relive the old days.  Me, I like the wineries; downtown Ithaca is looking like Schenectady, another Democratic strong hold.
New York City, Long Island, and Westchester have not entertained a resolution.  Not long ago, Nassau and Suffolk counties were more rural, hence voted Republican; now, they have been overrun by NYC emigrees. Still, you may see a proposal on Long Island.  
Conclusion: the time has come to separate New York State into two states. 
The southern tip of people living on top of each other (as Jefferson had it)  and who shuffle paper all day while "transferring wealth" to themselves, can have their own state or join up with New Jersey or Greece. They can even keep the name New York as their sports teams already use the name. Or, it could be State of Goldman-Sachs or New Fascisti.  Whatever.  Who cares?
I am going to organize such a proposal after reviewing the steps as to how one performs an operation to cast off gangrenous limbs. There is no question upstate would leave in a heartbeat. There will be a howling of protest from downstate, as the imprisoned of upstate provide power to the leftist in Washington.  It is clear the solid voting bloc of New York City is studious in spreading a "liberal" form of fascism. Old Europe has made deep roots there, like a virulent weed. There is no marriage counseling possible. People who live in open spaces tend to understand freedom and individual responsibility. Cattle go down the chute to their gruel.
If you hear city people threaten us with the loss of revenue, don't argue.  I am not even sure that idea survives analysis, but let them think that.  On the other side of the separation track is a booming economy, lower taxes, more liberty, and plenty of gas and electricity we can sell to NYC. Unless, the people there, being as smart as they claim,  invent subways that run on wind power collected from blades on skyscrapers.  Can you imagine an upstate where a person can contemplate opening a new business!
The next trick is to thwart fleeing New Yorkers from moving upstate.  You know how ebola spreads.  It has to lest it die with its host.  Look at how Vermont has become a theme park with tattoo parlors.  After 9/11 there was a burst of nasal voiced buyers moving upstate and buying property that, to them, was cheap. Somehow, a wound must be cauterized. Unlike West Germany, we cannot and are not interested in welcoming refugees. 
Anyway, talk up a divorce. 

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