Bye, Bye American Pie
Usurper Obama is intending to subjugate the Bill of Rights to the UN. Of course, he lied and said he would not. Here is your world government at work.
The UN is a band of 1%ers, mostly Muslim in name, intent on destroying the power of the U.S. This is understandable as extant records demonstrate Obama is an Indonesian Muslim. This he admits while there is a battle over Kenya and other lies. You may think, "So, what, the baseball season is still on." I have no response.
In the meantime, between the Obama golf rounds, the secularist revolution in Egypt, one that the army agreed to back, against the Muslim Brotherhood's destruction of the Egyptian Constitution continues. Forty Seven christian churches have been looted and many destroyed in the last few days. Imagine if one white person hit a muslim in the U.S. 24/7 News.
The sane Egyptians seem to have a clearer understanding of the subversion of liberty. Perhaps, they have not gotten weak by taking it for granted.
It is time, again, to act. Tell elected officials this UN treaty to be approved by the Senate is a single issue. If a Senator votes for it, you vote against him or her, regardless of the alleged party.
Talk this up. Continue to withdraw from your home. It is time for a V-Revolution. That is, a virtual revolution. Just withdraw from supporting this monster of a government.
It is time to take a long shower, clean yourself of Weiner, Spitzer, Clinton, Filner filth, then, start to plan your future with your family.
Posted Friday, August 16th 2013 @ 12pmPresident Obama will move forward with adding his signature to the UN Arms Treaty before the end of this month according to Press Secretary Jay Carney.
It is feared and predicted by many gun rights groups and advocates that the treaty, if ratified, could open up the US gun market to international regulation.
According to a letter written by CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gotlieb,
The uncertainty begins in the discussion of small arms. Where will the regulations on our small arms start, and where will they stop? They are even trying to include ammunition regulations in the Arms Trade Treaty! Will the United Nations try to impose international licensing requirements, an international registry, or international ?
The last negotiations for an Arms Trade Treaty took place in July 2012, just four months before the Presidential election. Obama did not want to take a big stance for global gun control just months before his re-election but now he has made it clear he is for total gun control. He also told voters he would not be re-visiting negotiations for an Arms Trade treaty but here we are.
Labels: Egypt, sovereignty, UN gun treaty
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