Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 18, 2014

Out The Back Jack

Some people prefer to listen to Buffet than me, so read on. He is very good at promoting what to do after he has done it and will benefit by it. Still, good advice. Again, my suggestion is:  peanut butter and silver coins.
The article, below, is simple to the extreme and designed to sell something, but it remains a good reference for many to consider. What I have been warning against for years is now part of marketing assumptions. The great new thing mentioned, but not by name, are bitcoins. 
What is striking is the U.S. Government is NOT going after alternative currencies, as they did a few years ago. This means it is  deemed in the best interest of the oligarchy to have a way out of dollars and for those in the know to survive the coming problems. Just five years ago, the FBI was rounding up anyone who attempted to start an alternate currency, one directly backed by gold. Now, the Treasury Department calls them bad names.  
Now, what is the take away, here?

"Run From Paper Money," Buffett Warns

As the Fed continues pumping $85 billion a month into the U.S economy, further ravaging the dollar’s value, Warren Buffet issued a harsh warning to investors:  “Run from paper money.”
The world’s most famous investor delivered his blunt advice in a riveting interview on CNBC, saying investors should fear the dollar because it will be “worth less and less over time."
Paper money has a lousy future,” Buffett said, adding that Americans should run from it as fast as they can.
As it turns out, thousands of Main Street Americans are already dumping their dollars – and turning to a radical new form of money.
In fact, as the U.S. dollar reaches a startling two-year low – its weakest since November 2011 – and with consumer confidence dropping like a rock – this new form of money is becoming a powerful force on currency exchanges around the world.  
[This is marketing crap so people can pretend they are in the inside of "bitcoins." Bitcoins, as you will read, below, is very popular.  It may be too popular as it growing as a hedge against a falling dollar.  Good argments can be made that is it in a bubble, now, as one coins costs a multiple of the cost of "mining" it. Economics always wins these battles, but economics also includes the devaluation of the dollar. It is a speculative exhange from USD.]
Often referred to as Edison-Ford Dollars, this new radical currency bears a striking resemblance to a type of money first created by American icons, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford at the turn of the 20th century.  (HOMEWORK)
But the U.S. Department of Justice calls it (bitcoins) a “renegade currency,” because while it protects Americans from a decaying dollar, it also threatens Central Banks like the Fed which control fiat currencies around the world.
Ordinary Americans love this currency, yet politicians are terrified of it,” said Michael A. Robinson, a Pulitzer-Prize nominated investigative reporter and former Board Member of a major Silicon Valley Venture Capital Fund who spent the last two years analyzing this “renegade currency.”
Governments fear this money could hasten the end to paper money– and start a powerful revolution,” said Robinson.
Some analysts believe the revolution has already begun. 36 cities across 20 states already allow citizens to pay for everything from water bills to parking tickets with it.
And according to the latest figures, nearly 700,000 American businesses are now turning to it, including Wal-Mart, CVS, Lowes and Nike.
International acceptance is surging too, and economists predict this “renegade currency” could usher in a new international monetary system.
This growing revolt is causing people to abandon not just the dollar but the EURO, the Pound, the Yen…you name it,” said Robinson.
It’s a stateless currency,” Robinson adds. “There’s no central bank, no central computer, no center to attack.”
What we’re witnessing,” Robinson said, “is a global rebellion against the Fed, against all Central Banks. A harsh dose of medicine to many, overblown power structures.”
Unfortunately, Robinson says the mainstream media is still keeping the American people in the dark about how this currency works. 
Robinson spent two years analyzing every facet of this currency. He interviewed dozens of CEOs, investment funds and other major players involved with this new currency. He talked extensively to his network of contacts in Silicon Valley to get a read on where this currency is heading.
He’s now made all that research available to average Americans. And what he reveals may shock people. It completely redefines the way we think about money.
His research also serves as a wake-up call regarding the systematic problems facing our government controlled money supply– and how they this “renegade currency” could actually free citizens from being subjected to the whims of central banks around the world.

“Something like this has never happened before in history,” Robinson said. “Since 2009 we’ve had ungodly amounts of money printing, quantitative easing, and zero percent interest rates as far as the eyes can see.”
Remarkably, this new currency makes all those problems unnecessary and even obsolete.”

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