Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 23, 2014

NOAA Fraud: U.S. Temperature Lies and Lets Make the Past Seem Much Cooler

Follow the link to a technical explanation of the false science coming out of NOAA regarding the temperature of the United States. 

As I noted years ago, the avalanche of truth will expand and push aside false science. The true believers who are stupid will stand before the torrent in a confused prayer. The diabolical pseudo scientists and politicians will dematerialize and the media will talk about a traffic jam in New Jersey, which is apparently news. Then, scientists and government will confer with Goldman Sachs and institute a new terror that the world must fight against, no matter how many trillions of dollars must be transferred from the public.

Here are two summations:

1.  Bottom line is that there is clearly a huge error in the USHCN adjustments which has added a non-existent one degree hockey stick warming to the official US temperature record, and I now know just where to look for it in their code.
FOIA time.
This is what the adjusted temperatures would look like, without the error. Ignoring the fact that the adjustments themselves are probably not valid....
ScreenHunter_66 Jan. 19 00.37
2. Bottom line is that the NCDC US temperature record is completely broken, and meaningless. Adjustments that used to go flat after 1990, now go up exponentially. Adjustments which are documented as positive, are implemented as negative....

From a related update:

Visualizing How USHCN Hides The Decline In US Temperatures

USHCN thermometers show a significant decline in US temperatures since 1920, with 1921, 1931 and 1934 being the three hottest years.
NOAA decided that this simply wouldn’t do, so about a decade ago they started adjusting the data in the four steps shown below. Remarkably, each adjustment step causes the past to get cooler.
By the time they are done corrupting the data, they have hidden the decline and created a strong warming trend, with 1998, 1999 and 2006 being the three hottest years. Prior to corruption, 1999 and 2006 aren’t even in the top ten.
You can think of USHCN as being the Enron of US temperature data. The graph below shows the total adjustment. Note the massive cheat going on in  2012, which is needed to proclaim 2012 as the hottest year ever.

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