Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 19, 2014

Watch Me

I received the following email from my friend in Canada, English by birth. The rest of the world has shifted from amusement at American stupidity into fear of the future as, in the end, freedom relied upon us. Not so, anymore.

This is appalling!

No intelligent American citizen, Left or Right would condone
the actual process that will be exposed in this video. It's
almost unbelievable. Please watch at least the first 45
seconds... your eyes will be opened. Every American needs to
see this video.

I am at a loss when I talk to seemingly intelligent people who do not apprehend their own lives. I understand why aware Jews left Germany in the 1930s. At some point, you have to withdraw and get out of the way as the death grip is applied. First afflicted are those who objected. Today, those categorized as "constitutionalists" are designated "domestic terrorists" by the FBI.

We have no law. The Constitution is only used to inflict central control and positions of the wealthy, the exact opposite of its purpose.  A Cuomo aid was revealed as having committed ongoing gun felonies, by being an idiot, so he recently received a "waiver."  Can I get a robbery waiver?  Marijuana is being permitted by NY, other states, and the Emperor Obama, but it is a controlled substance - a felony to have, grow, or sell.  Such examples of government by whim are the SMALL stuff, but it is this flood of stuff that grows into a flood. If you are an idiot connected to a tyrant, you are free of law, but obliged to obey the king.

Send this blog or the letter to friends. Networks are the only way to overcome the control of public information. The open Internet, as you know, is monitored and is under constant assault by Congress and the Emperor.  Several email companies went out of business and deleted all archives as they expected the FBI to demand their clients' information.  Freedom of thought and communication is in the past tense.

My regular advice: vote in the primary against all incumbents regardless of party, buy silver and land (preferably outside the US), and, of course, stock up on peanut butter.  It is time to stock the redoubt.

Will the republic be restored. Rarely happens once the strictures of law are gone and people dumbed down. Resistance to oligarchy and collectivism require both an honest law and responsible people.

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