Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 22, 2014

Must See TV Posits: Single Issue Voting

As I mentioned many times, there was an agenda behind the Obama Administration permitting U.S. Soldiers to arrest and detain citizen on U.S. terrirory. (Fascists of all parties are in on this).  This went by the media unexamined, of course. When a Republican president starts arresting leftists, the media will be amazed and outraged. They remain perpetually stupid in that they can never see obvious consequences, let alone unintended ones.

The leftistst never imagine losing power because they are so clever at running prison camps. Some of them actually believe such prisons would not be abused. These we have with us always.

The internment camps, long known to those who pay attention, are designed to keep people in and they are located on railroad tracks, a chilling reminder of the National Socialists (NAZI) solutions. These camps are defined and delinieated in the video, in the U.S. Governments reeducation program. The nice camps have 18 guard towers with snipers ordered to kill attempted escapees.

You see, "conspiracy theory" is not a funny or negative term. The concerns of free, aware people have been confirmed by the U.S. Army. One has to be aware that the reeducation system is from a Marxist philosophy. I recall thinking how bizarre Russia was when I read about them as a kid.  Reeducation was discussed by the Weathermen before they went underground.  (Obama's mentor and Chicago friend was a leading Weatherman, one who was never arrested.)

At this point, those in denial can remain cattle on the Animal Farm. There is no point attempting to sway the True Believer on the way to the gallows he helped build.  Those who are concerned, this video provides a link to a U.S. Army document that defines the entire project.

My suggestion is you call your representatives and candidates and ask if he or she supports this reeducation project designed by the Army. (References are in the video.)  I recommend the issue of internment camps for American citizens to be reeducation be a ONE ISSUE standard for voting.
Forget the false flags, the poor children, Obama's handicap, rather vote on the sole matter of the liverty of your children. Otherwise, South America looks good. I don't think Australia and New Zealand are taking in likely morons.

If your representative/Senator has no idea what you are talking about, dismisses the conversation, or does not get back to you: vote against them. There is nothing, if there is no liberty. Ask local and state candidates if they are for the camps, as well. May as well rip out the weeds, as well.

When you discuss politics, ask if some recommended candidate is for this policy. State that you have no interest in any candidate until this single issue is met with support for liberty.

All the rest is noise.

Spread this email around, expecially to friends and family who are in law enforcemenet or the military, they need to be aware they are pawns.


Another recommendation. When ever you write about or discuss NAZI offenses, call them their proper name: National Socialists. I find the walking dead among us deny the NAZI's were socialist. Being products of our school systems and TVs they think the National Socialists were right wing, right along those parties the demand individual freedom and protection.

Do not doubt the danger of uncorrected dopes.


 FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF)

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Federal Special Ops (private contractors)  in Ferguson as Praetorian Guard for Holder's protection:

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