I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go.
If you want an email version, send me an email.
I have a notice from Vt. DMV that if want to get on a domestic flight, I must have a Real ID License. It does not say a passport will be OK.
Understand this, if an American wants to fly to the next city, he must have this federally mandated ID that contains your biometric information and personal data. Both parties say this is important because of terrorism, both real and false flag. This 9-11, DHS story is a fantasy as the federal government had a plan to create a national identity card through state licenses since 2005! CATO
Of course, if you take a bus, no one knows who you are or that you are carrying a chicken.
None of the incredibility expensive and intrusive data collection has helped us, at all, fighting terrorism. The main bad guys who were caught, were located or subdued by citizens. I was in NYC and walked right by the block where an observant citizen called in a suspicious vehicle, one filled with explosives, a few years ago. Sort of spooky. Funny though, I did not want to submit to mind control afterwards.
Apparently, terrorists are really stupid and do not read papers, so these new ideas will really confuse them. Oh, really confuse him:
...60? NSA Chief General Keith Alexander claimed “54” or “more than 50” potential terrorist events had been thwarted by government surveillance since 9/11; he later admitted that only 13 were even related to the U.S. and only “one, perhaps two were halted by business records collections.” It’s important to point out that despite being privy to classified NSA metadata surveillance program material, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board testified [pdf], “We are aware of no instance in which the program directly contributed to the discovery of a previously unknown terrorist plot or the disruption of a terrorist attack."
What is a Real ID?
“Under REAL ID, licenses are to be machine readable and contain biometric data (including facial biometrics). This and other information is to be shared nationally and internationally.”
Around the same time, Brian Zimmer, president of the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License (CSDL) warned that, “People who obtain non-compliant driver's licenses need to know that they will have to provide other acceptable IDs, such as passports, to get through security screening at the airports."
Stopping terrorists from obtaining driver’s licenses was supposedly why Congress passed the REAL ID Act nearly a decade ago.
(Oh, please. Does anyone really buy this crap, anymore?)
...13 states don’t have REAL ID, so is the TSA going to stop people without a gold star on their driver’s license from boarding a plane? "Nobody has ever done this before,” Zimmer recently admitted, “so enforcing this law is going to be a major challenge."
In April, the law kicks in, so I guess we’ll find out if the TSA will require a passport in lieu of a REAL ID driver’s license. But ACLU attorney Chris Calabrese said, "It is impossible to imagine DHS keeping the citizens of any of those states off of airplanes.”
USA Today reported that residents living in holdout states will really face consequences "sometime after 2016," as "they will no longer be able to board commercial aircraft with only their driver's license."
I have no problem taking a train. Of course, that will be next to fall to a fascist control. You see, dem der terrorists will have been defeated in the air, so attention will turn to trains and uniformed dolts will start patting down people in Times Square. It will come down showing your papers to see a show in Manhattan. The NSA will know you took the train, paid for the ticket by credit card, and what show you saw. So, you had better see the right sort of show.
In April some FOUR million HR records, full records including reprimands and so on, were stollen from the U.S. government by China. This data will permit an immediate filtering process to identify fine subjects for turning into agents for China or to threat when needed. Who cares, right? Say, do all the children flying to Disneyland in Orlando have to have a chip identifying who they are?
The government is incompetent to keep records or organize anything, but they have unlimited money to pay private businesses to capture all data on all people, so that China can get it. The recent law about stopping unlimited data collection about phone calls is a joke. The phone companies will collect the data and await a request from the universally approving FISA court.
Bye, bye American Pie. Anyway, I like trains.
The tall tales about the World Trade Center and Sandy Hook are terrifying in their inconsistencies, but evidence for false flag operations can also be found in what followed upon using the crises.
...It seems as ridiculous as submitting to TSA security pat-downs that Americans would need a passport to board a plane that never leaves the USA and might not even leave the state in which the flight originated. In fact, it brings to mind a time when the TSA had plans to track all daily travel regardless of if it was to work, to the grocery store, or to social events.
Two years ago, senior policy analyst at the Center for Health and Homeland Security Vernon R. Herron told MSNBC:
that your official travel document "will not only have information as to who you are and where you have traveled, but it will also ... allow government officials to track your travel not only in the air, but your daily travels to work, grocery stores and social events." In the future the "government will detain passengers who have traveled to places that are suspicious in nature" once they enter an airport, Herron added. "All these measures seem extreme. However, after we declared a war on terror, we must be more proactive than reactive when it comes to airport security."
Even if those engaged in this effort to control everyone have good intentions, the government is incompetent and subject to, say, a president using records for political reasons. Why, it could even happen at the IRS.
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