South Carolina Narrative?
The crazed, drugged young man, dangerous killer racist story is back. The shooter sat in the congregation for an hour and, apparently, muttered the sort of crap expected of 1925 in Alabama, such as black men taking white women. No one speaks like this; the comments from the quiet man seem the sort of thing programmed into him. Of course, the young man may be psychically connected to the days of the KKK.
After the lies part of the 9-11 story, the purported mass murder at Sandy Creek, the massive military operation immediately after the Boston Marathon event, and so on, I no longer accept any government/media story.
The narrative of the Sandy Hook events seems to be at odds with nearly all facts, as you should know, but there are also ways to analyze the event from a quantitative view. From Memory Hole:
When race, police, and young white males are part of the story, I do not pay much attention to the hoopla on the media. Local police jurisdictions have the responsibility to try cases, not the media or Obama.
I did notice Obama gave a speech where he bemoaned he has done as much as he could, the Constitution apparently being in the way of the state seizing guns. He, then, immediately left to give several fund raising speeches, curious timing. You know more control laws are coming, there being no chance the Constitution will be amended.
So, we now hear according to a forensic analysis of the shooters jacket, per the instantaneously produced photo, one that has a remarkably square patch denoting support of apartheid was, in fact, digitally added to the Facebook page.
This is the same Facebook that had a funds collections page for victims of Sandy Hook online the day before the shooting.
Gotta go and buy some bit coins
See: Derren Brown
Comment: Binary OneZero 1 week agoI've studied hypnotism for a long time and the techniques used here are legit, and I do believe that with the most suggestible people, something like this could definitely be viable. I used to be skeptical of hypnotism but after I started trying it on people, I discovered the brain can convince itself of almost anything.
After the lies part of the 9-11 story, the purported mass murder at Sandy Creek, the massive military operation immediately after the Boston Marathon event, and so on, I no longer accept any government/media story.
The narrative of the Sandy Hook events seems to be at odds with nearly all facts, as you should know, but there are also ways to analyze the event from a quantitative view. From Memory Hole:
The analysis was conducted in STATA 12 and produced the following results:The key result of course pertains to the casualties variable. The odds ratio of around 1.34 (itself significant at p <.05) indicates that for each additional casualty (whether dead or wounded), the probability that the wounded count will be greater than two rises by 34%. Clearly, since Sandy Hook supposedly involved a total of 28 casualties, there are grounds to be suspicious that only 2 were wounded… [The second wounded has not been identified!]
When race, police, and young white males are part of the story, I do not pay much attention to the hoopla on the media. Local police jurisdictions have the responsibility to try cases, not the media or Obama.
I did notice Obama gave a speech where he bemoaned he has done as much as he could, the Constitution apparently being in the way of the state seizing guns. He, then, immediately left to give several fund raising speeches, curious timing. You know more control laws are coming, there being no chance the Constitution will be amended.
So, we now hear according to a forensic analysis of the shooters jacket, per the instantaneously produced photo, one that has a remarkably square patch denoting support of apartheid was, in fact, digitally added to the Facebook page.
This is the same Facebook that had a funds collections page for victims of Sandy Hook online the day before the shooting.
Gotta go and buy some bit coins
Labels: Charlson shooting, false flags
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