Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

November 15, 2016

Google-Government Complex

So, I add a note. Perhaps, I will return with brilliant observations.
For now, be aware:

Google, Facebook move to restrict ads on fake news sites

By Julia Love and Kristina Cooke | SAN FRANCISCO
Alphabet Inc's Google (GOOGL.O) and Facebook Inc (FB.O) on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of "fake news" on the internet by targeting how some purveyors of phony content make money: advertising. Google said it is working on a policy change to prevent websites that misrepresent content from using its AdSense advertising network, while Facebook updated its advertising policies to spell out that its ban on deceptive and misleading content applies to fake news.
The shifts comes as Google, Facebook and Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) face a backlash over the role they played in the U.S. presidential election by allowing the spread of false and often malicious information that might have swayed voters toward Republican candidate Donald Trump....

 - 0- - -

There is no doubt the Internet is the next target of the collective. The election of Mr. Trump is a severe problem inhibiting government intrusion and control, which was ongoing. The election kick started Soros' "riots" of paid drones and agents of the collective to hold a meeting to decide how to make sure the Internet is controlled. Perhaps, Assange will start a search engine.

So, private companies, friendly with the collective, will take up the work. Google and Facebook pretend to protect advertisers and will defund fake new - but this requires Google and Facebook to be the censors.  They will define fake "news." I wonder if ABC news and their fake polls will be blocked. Orwell is alive and well and living in California.

Net people already know Google is actively steering information. Have you ever clicked on a popular YouTube video with a few thousand views that never seem to increase? 

Videos are now being overtly blocked. Even the Wall Street Journal is offended. 


YouTube Just Censored A Video Criticizing Censorship

YouTube just censored another one of Prager University’s educational videos, and this time YouTube went after one criticizing censorship.

Prager University also goes by Prager U. The video in question features Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel, who explains common tactics leftists use to shut down free speech from conservatives, including intimidation, harassment, and blackmail....


So, are you enjoying Facebook?  Imagine, all your pictures and comments, along with all those of your "friends" are archived. Those who do not understand the power of control such information has are welcomed to bleat their way into the pen and feed on the free stuff. You are linked to every nut who follows you.

Trump's election merely shifts blatant tyranny to subversion. It is a simple thing to use TOR and find another search engine. Why feed the enemy? For that matter, drop cable TV because in order to have it, you are funding the enemy, the major networks. Get a digital receiver and use Netflix. No one needs network TV.  If I had a TV, I would.

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