Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 02, 2015

V: Starve The Beast

If you have given up on you freedom and property, you are not alone; however, you act alone in despair as an individual. Even if you are only confused why everything is in chaos, your confusion is limited to complaining in cafe. This is the problem and organizing empowers the philosophy of the collective.

In the past, we had churches and ethical leaders who agreed to a charter of morality, so we acted as a unit. This has been purposely undercut by subversive collectivists. Don't argue with me, just look up the KGB, Frankfruter group, Cloward-Piven.  I no longer have any interest in leading horses to water. Do you really think an assault on priests and marriage has to do with anything else? The recent "gay" case was only a victory for those who wished to destroy the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is now a weapon of the federal government to use to overwhelm the States.

So, back to talking to realists.

The key to your own serfdom is that you have permitted subversives to gain control your government, your money, which they use actively destroy your rights, that is, power. This is like forced unionism where the union has little interest in the worker.

This technique is not unique to America, the Marxists have used it for over a hundred years. The world is seeing Marxism is a failure, but American collectivists are giddy with success. Think about the "American system" and this is the model you will see. The profit of hard work being transferred to those who do not, but consider ruling worth money they take.

It is contradictory to work from inside the beast to ask it to change its bloody appetite.

Survival demands predatory monsters be killed, now offered tribute.

The NAZI party used German's money to control them; then, educate a nation of young monsters. This is where we are, today, in America. So, let us not be passive like Germans of 1933 who looked bemused upon the little Hitler caricature of a speaker.  You should not be polite to ebola

Here is your plan:

Simply, for my part, I suggest secession from the United States on a personal level. Just say no. Do not support anyone who supports mass control, military fantasies, the NSA, the military practicing to occupy your town. Just stop supporting them.  DO NOT VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF AN EVIL.

The lesser or an evil is still evil.

You need to pay your taxes, unless you agree to going to prison as a statement. This is not easy and the monster knows this, so will not push people into self sacrifice until it is sure it can destroy it. Still, take your money out of any federal program, even your retirement fund as it is in the crosshairs, and invest it in things physical or out of the country. Go work in another country. Retire early and take your social security early. Do not pay for anything, anymore, and save your money.

Do not even argue with those who live inside The Matrix. Just smile and move on. The time is past to talk sense to true believers. Events always correct craziness. You just want to be out of the way.

Do not worry about the economy; it is not your problem. The rich tell you it is and that you have to sustain it. Really? You work hard and have nothing to show for it. Resign yourself to letting it collapse. Collapse of the adolescent governments is part of the cycle of history; if we are lucky we can rebuilt a republic, but the longer it takes to collapse, the fewer of us left will remember how freedom worlds.

The real asset of America is the remaining moral people, not politicians or GE. Let them all die off, like an outbreak that has exhausted its source of energy. We have paid too great a price for their "security."

No monster can survive a million cuts.

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