Rosa Parks for Ray

Ray wanted me to document Rosa Parks being more than what she seemed in pop culture. I did a little research.There is an hysterical publication with a photo that put Mr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks at a "communist" training session. This was before the bus incident.
Before you guffaw, if that is the spelling, realize the group actually said it was communist. There really is a Marx, Virginia. On the other hand, few people are true communists. Those guys are generally behind the scenes and they use others. Ms. Parks seems like a nice lady with serious intent and may have agreed to start things rolling.
The photo is a little small, so you can go to Here. Mr. King is no. 1. Rosa is there somewhere. I didn't look too hard, crappy shot, but she was there. I didn't think this was news.
I can already hear the dismissal of the message because of the hysteria. Oh well. Here are some old words quoting the communist group.
The book, "Speak Now," a left-wing history of the civil rights movement, states that in August of 1955, (four months before the bus incident) Parks attended the Highlander Folk School in Mount Eagle, Tennessee. The "school" was started in 1932 by Myles Horton and James Dombrowski, both members of the Communist Party.I find people have been programmed to immediately shy away from something "communist," as though it is just some psycho howling. The communists probably find that amusing, if they didn't create that mind set. There is the old saying the best thing the devil ever did was to persuade people he doesn't exist."Speak Now" states that the schools' original purpose was to train Communists activists on how to promote textile strikes, hold protest marches, picket lines and learn "socialist songs."
The Textile Workers Union was completely controlled by the Communist Party. "Speak Now," page 529 reads as:
"FBI surveillance of the Highlander Folk School and the Southern Conference Educational Fund, (SCEF) intensified. In 1952 Myles Horton would invest their energy and resources in the historic Southern struggle over desegregation of the public schools."
"Speak Now," says that Parks attended summer training at the Highlander Folk school in 1955, 1956 and 1957. She is pictured with Martin Luther King sitting on the front row in a Highlander training class on September 2, 1957.
Anyway, if you haven't fled, yet, to make offerings in church for reading this far, let me add that it is understandable that the communists would be attractive to southern blacks in 1955. That is why they were there. They offered a way to fight clear injustice. This situation is like that of the Pullman Riots. I can see myself out there protesting, as well. Similarly, I sympathize with those in "Oh Albany" by Kennedy.
I will venture a hidden precept I hold, which is 100 percent attacked when revealed (so don't bother), that the virtue of our system is when something bad comes up, like the workers in Chicago rearing up, the two parties tend to absorb the new principles or resolutions in order to stay in power and stop any third party. I think that is why, until today, we have h

Here is another photo, but I don't know where it was. It was 1955, according to the source. You may find more.
There is no big point, here; no big worry over conspiracy. I am only reporting what I know as fact. Here is another excited piece:
'Red' Rosa Parks:
Fabricating An
American Icon
By Henry Makow PhD
Rosa Parks was not a simple seamstress whose lonely act of defiance in 1955 sparked the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, she was a trained Communist Party (CPUSA) activist.
- Her refusal to move to the back of the bus wasn't a spontaneous gesture, but a provocation organized by her longtime employer, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)....

It is not only possible, but likely the whole bus incident was planned. Why not? You have to admit there is a nice photo taken on the bus. Now, how did that happen?
The set up worked and brought attention to a problem. The papers never talked about the back story, so people think she was a nice, fed-up seamstress, which she probably was, not a social operative.
Senator McCarthy did not just appear on the scene. He was riding p0pular worry and was often right, according to the KGB. Please, leave me alone. I don't like what he did, but, at least, I understand it. Life is not a comic book.
The Scientologist say we need to get rid of our buttons, our reflexive reaction. Not a bad idea for a sci-fi writer.
Labels: Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks
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