Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 13, 2009

HeyChump #1

I occasionally leave a twitter note, feeling guilty about Facebook - I set up a new email address for it and forget the password. Anyway, here is today's tweet:

HeyChump #1: H1N1 deaths outside Mexico: 2. Total cost of governmental reaction: $3,000,000,000,000

If you don't understand why I recounted this as a "HeyChump," then there is a banana calling you.

I like my HeyChump idea. It is the only way to deal with the mindlessness of so many. It sort of goes along with Greg's notion the only way to deal with Muslim terrorists is ridicule.

There is hope, though. Obama's Presidential Approval Ratingis -8. All we have to do is shut down all the public and Ivy League schools, and a practical and rational America may reappear. In the meantime, nimrods will say Sotomayor had an interesting life so she should be a Supreme Court judge. It makes the hair on my neck rise when I consider that. Just like the time Ted Kennedy ridiculed the Judge Bork's intellectual prowess. I guess he assumes everyone cheats on college tests and Bork didn't get caught.

As to my prescription - kill all the schools - Let me remind you, Cornell was rated No. 1 in the nation for students unlearning American history and culture. Yup, entering freshmen score higher on American facts, culture, and philosophy, than graduating seniors. Thank God, students in Africa and Asia study our history and hope to apply it, one day.

I am thinking the mess we are in can be traced to the Viet Nam war. After college, I taught in various places and found nearly ALL the males teaching there were looking for a draft exemption. (I was 1Y, wiseguy, then had a high lottery number.) Don't get me wrong, they liked to rap with the "kids," aka children, and play their guitars. They infested the schools and took over the unions. I recall I was alone in the NYC public schools I would visit in wearing a jacket and tie, save for the principal and custodian.

I recently sat through a fifteen minute interview on the phone from MIT to say I knew what HiV1 was and that I had no interest whatever in getting a flu shot or having anyone I know get one. I didn't shriek with horror with the idea that I may have to stay home for three days, if there is an outbreak, so as to avoid getting sick

I figure someone is trying to figure out how to ratchet up the fear. Still, HeyChump #1 was specatcularly executed, like the nano and stem cell panics.

Another interesting Rasmussen result:

National Tracking: Taxes



Tax Increases Help or Hurt Economy?



Tax Cuts Help or Hurt Economy?



Increases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



Decreases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



See article, crosstabs, or trends

Now if Congress or the major media would only read this. I suppose this means the idiot opposition may have a chance to get some candidates voted in.

I am guessing I have lost my patience. Sugar, probably.


Public Service Note: If you get the flu - massive doses of Vitamin C is required to avoid serious scurvy. Then, you won't die.

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