Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 31, 2009

A final warning: Cliff HIgh

Please listen and act as you will. This is worth a few minutes.

I have the report mentioned in the interview above. but will respect High's direction that it not be passed around. However, let me say it is terrifying. Also, if I published it, the analysis borders on what most would think is insane, which may render it unappealing. The radio interview is much less chilling.

I looked up Cliff online to see if he was a crazy man; I don't think so. I found the above interview. It would be interesting if Greg and Rod listened to the interview and added observation. He strikes me as a man of a scientific bias, not a full out nut job. He is careful to define what he does and what the results mean. For example, they are not really predictions, only strong themes represented by frequently used terms.

High is a linguist who developed a method to listen to the Internet back in the 1990s. He is not a political pundit, etc. I know IBM has developed a system that listens to the net and can report back on what one is interested in, such as a new and popular band. Google provides ads vaguely related to my email, though clearly related, not reponsive. One can only imagine there are far more powerful apps behind the curtain.

High seems to be a big hit with the stranger crowd, but don't let that misdirect you. In this report, which is remarkably informal in places, humorous, he tells people to not read it, if they are squeamish and don't make any life changes based on what he found. I get the impression he believes in his methods and what the meta speak, especially about personal awareness, but that he is not interested in being a prophet. He is merely reporting upon what his system returns.

Still, it is good to listen and read other signs.

A bottom line - expect the worst and prepare for something far worse. It can't hurt to be prepared for bad times.

Time frame: right now. Literally.

Quick things to do, if you are concerned: buy silver or gold. Not mines, not stocks, buy metals, right now. (That is me talking) Buy food that will keep and store it away. According to High's scenario, you don't want to consider short term ups in a market, just buy.

Expect and avoid forced inoculations. (I swear he reported on this. He foretold states preparing to enforce the shots, just as Mass did last week.) The report senses those who advocate against the invasion of our persons will be arrested. This is a world-wide read of the Internet in many languages..

As the report says, there is a war between the elite and the rest of us. It is now an active war on the side of the elite. Again, this rings of the "all in" we were talking about.

However, the big event will be the surprise that people become aware and resist. The world will become aware there is an enemy, not just bad times. There will be something akin to a worldwide revolution, the elite being surprised, though that word seems inaccurate according to the interview. IF this report reflect what will happen, then there will be a bloody catharsis and in four years or so, the world will return to a more tribal life-style. Community, etc.

Per the report - If you hear of an attack on fields in Iran by Israel in its desire to curb Iran's nuclear program, there is a chance (in the great mistake) that a plume of deadly radiation will erupt from underground and will circle the earth for a long time resulting in millions of direct deaths, followed by more deaths as the food supply fails.

How sensing internet words in use, the analysis comes up with this, I have no idea, but if I hear of a field being attacked, I will immediately drive where I can get a gas mask, then go into a basement, seal it off and wait, with a pile of food. There will be a little time as the cloud circles the earth - to the NE US

Of course, this could all be ado about nothing, but he did report the date of the financial collapse and the immediate frequency of tall buildings/airplanes in an event that will change world history. One lecturer, one of the more goofy type, said after seeing High was 20 for 20, it was imperative to take notice of what the analysis reveals.

The notion of storing food is not based on this possibility. The BOT analysis foresees the next whipsaw of chaos as being in the food world, prices spiking beyond any expectation. The US Dollar will collapse, so get out of it. Get some food and other media of value if you are concerned.

Much of what High's analysis points to (he does not make this stuff up as a propagandist) is similar to what I have been jumping up and down about, even as to the solar oddities, however, his reportage is well beyond any concerns I have had.

A major term that comes up about the near or now term is "surprise." People will be surprised by events, prices, the dollar, economists by how things collpase, and the ruling elite about the push back.

And in my experience, surprise proves the consensus.

I cannot appreciate the depth of the Cliff's web bot nor say the reported terms portend the end times, but one has to consider what is being gleaned from the world users of the Internet.



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