Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 28, 2009

Tick, Tick, Tick....

I had to write an entry today as Massachusetts has provided a perfect example of why some of us are frantic. Also, why those who go about their day trusting government have got to wake up. I don't usually add this, but you may want to spread this entry around.

First, above is a 60 Minutes clip (also here) about the "U.S. government propaganda machine."

That right wing propaganda vehicle 60 Minutes reported on the idiotic "swine flu" vaccine in 1976. I refused to take it even though it was offered in law school. We were told about 1917 and 1918, I think it was President Ford, and we were warned about the coming pandemic of a "deadly virus" that started in Fort Dix (not suspicious?).

You can't watch this show and stay asleep. Like today, the vaccine, which we are paying for again, was novel and not fully tested. The moronic campaign resulted in thousands of law suits, but that is less important than the precedent created.

Look into the eyes of the bureaucrat who was in charge and tell me you trust the government when he tells you it wasn't his job to know if the vaccine was tested. The recent line being: Always love your country, but never trust the government.

Next, feel free to Google this.

Massachusetts has just passed a law stating that if anyone refuses to follow the directions of the medical directorate, or whatever they call it, the person can be fined $1,000 a day and put in jail for 30 days. Please.....think. You want a national medical directorate? This is not a mistake being made by talk radio, this is the law in a bordering state.

A parent who won't let Big Brother inject his or her child will be put in jail. Want to bet the state courts order the injections, anyway.

One idiot response, on a site, was that this law can't actually go into effect as other laws make it impossible to happen. Its just a precaution.

Please. Talk about the walking dead. Why would they bother passing the law? How do we wake the dead?

A state is perparing to force injections upon its populace. Why don't we repeat that:

A state is preparing to force injections upon its populace.

First, using the arguments of the left, doesn't this constitute a violation of the right of privacy that Ted Kennedy insisted exists. Don't people have the right to make their own choice regarding their body? Or, is that just for killing embryos and making sure a teen's parents never know?

No, you say, ignoring what you could not understand, the law is justified as it is designed for public health!
That is a sensible rationale for injecting people or putting them in jail. Why not be merciful and put them in concentration camps for the public good? Keep the germs in one place, the filthy germ carrying gypsies. What are we going to do with the inbred morons?

Boy, now we can understand why Marxist states have to send so many people to psychiatric jails - to cure them of their bizarre ideas. A nice medical treatment for the disturbed ordered by the directorate.

Why not test embryonic DNA and abort those who may get sick. Or, kill off those to be born of poor parents? Planned Parenhood was founded on such a hope. Think about it. No poor = better schools, fewer sick people, less welfare. The perfect state uber alles. Why, we even save money.

Second, and I can't believe I have to even discuss this, what right does the state have to batter you and force a disease into you? Especially since vitamin C will keep you alive, if you are not strong. Are we so asleep that we no longer see fascism, communism, statism? Is this the Road to Serfdom?
Oh no, you say, the state is just going to put you in jail. Well, that is a good argument. No force, there. I bet we can take children from their parents for endangerment. Of course, that makes sense. Then, the state can inject them and rear them in an Obama youth brigade.
My question: are we in a state that tells us what it wants us to do for the common good (or that of the oligarchs) or are we a people who have joined together for the common good?

Your answer is the future.

Don't forget Judy Roberts, from the video, unless you think the individual comrade doesn't matter in the new state.

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