Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 02, 2011

Being Surrounded

Having watched the USS Government hit the iceberg after running over the Titanic, I am fighting the urge to just jump ship.  The iceberg looks like a safe haven.

When your representatives know they are killing the nation and lie to your face that the knife wound will not hurt, your first instinct, that of fight, has to give way to that of flight when faced with Das Homeland Security.

Yet, I am here for the time being, so I thought we could develop a strategy that can overcome the great leaders. Eventually, we need to adopt Universal Term Limits, but in the meantime, I had an idea.

As you know, employees routinely fill out a W4 to report how many deductions they are claiming.  There is no provision for this in the Internal Revenue Code and the instructive language to employees remains incredibly paternal for the blood sucking IRS.  Essentially, people could just estimate their deductions. This item alone bespeaks of spin.

Just hand in as much money as you want?  There is something wrong, here.

There is a long history of withholding, the government has been incrementally spreading the notion since 1918 with a huge spread of the power in 1943 (they called it part of a "war" tax - sound like a famliar tactic?) All along Americans, you know, your grandfathers, fought bitterly against the forced transfer of wealth.  The federal government knew that tax payers had the ultimate power to say "drop dead" and the central government absolutely needed to be fed weekly. So, withholding became a generational project.  Now, we do not even think about how odd it is in a free country.

I am working upon the premise I have heard that withholding was designed for non-residents, which is in the Code and makes sense, and has been slid under our noses so the government could force Seymour to "Feed Me." The W4 starts to smell like it is permission to withhold, rather than a friendly gesture from the government to decide what citizens will pay.

I have no opinion on this plausible theory, as extended by me, so don't do anything stupid until I tell you too.  

My main theory, pending my instructions to do something stupid, was that one way we can starve the beast, which I feel is our last resort short of virtual or real revolution, was by everyone taking a large number of deductions and putting the saved money in silver, awaiting tribute day on April 15.

Great plan, but check this out, the paternal language does not exist behind Wizard's curtain:

Payroll Articles 

IRS Dictates Employee Withholding Amounts

  • The IRS has set up a program where it can dictate to an employer what an employee can withhold from their paycheck for Federal Income Tax purposes without any input from the employee and without a court order.
  • Under the new Withholding Compliance Program, the IRS can issue a "lock-in letter" specifying what the withholding rate is for an employee regardless of the employee's W-4. The employer is then required to do the following....

Big Brother is years ahead of us. They are setting up corrals and pens far down the road.  The Marxists in power are not so happy with the people thinking it is their money they wish to preserve. This new law is designed to terrify andy hapless employer.

So, another bureaucrat is in charge of your life.  If you meet one of these faceless people, do not piss him off.  He can take your money without review or inquiry and direct the employer that you have zero dependents, which could be true after a bureaucrat kills off you mom or kids. 

If you are thinking, "Well, some people abuse the system and this seems fine...," you are hopeless. I no longer have time to work on deprograming cultists.  I would advise you that some day in the future, you will, by necessity, no longer be a harmless dope, you will be the enemy.  When lines are drawn, motive and ignorance do not define you as an enemy. Tolerance, not really a virtue in the end, is turned off.

 In the meantime, I will look for the basis of withholding, one in law, not based on "because that is what we always do."  

We have not been paying attention to encroachment upon our rights and younger people, today, do not even understand what is wrong with being soylent green.  

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