Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 21, 2013

Get out the back, Jack

Its starting.

Cypress has refused to steal depositors money, for now, and the banking system (also known as the EU) has turned against the country. No time to worry about them. At least they have few people and hills to grow food.

New Zealand, often thought a haven for money is preparing the mechanism to take depositor's money to save the bank. So much for depositors insurance.  It is still amazing how asleep people are:

...Open Bank Resolution (OBR) is Finance Minister Bill English’s favoured option dealing with a major bank failure. If a bank fails under OBR, all depositors will have their savings reduced overnight to fund the bank’s bail out. “Bill English is proposing a Cyprus-style solution for managing bank failure here in New Zealand – a solution that will see small depositors lose some of their savings to fund big bank bailouts,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr. Russel Norman.
“The Reserve Bank is in the final stages of implementing a system of managing bank failure called Open Bank Resolution. The scheme will put all bank depositors on the hook for bailing out their bank. “Depositors will overnight have their savings shaved by the amount needed to keep the bank afloat. “While the details are still to be finalised, nearly all depositors will see their savings reduced by the same proportions. “Bill English (Finance minister) is wrong to assume everyday people are able to judge the soundness of their bank. Not even sophisticated investors like Merrill Lynch saw the global financial crisis coming. ...
Do you really think our government does not already have mechanisms in place?  They do have 1.6 billion bullets for use at home to back them up. The contract with the bank will be voided by the government and your money will electronically vanish - then devalue.

Get your friends and family secure. Send this around.

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