Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

April 24, 2013

Don't Bother Closing the Door on the Way Out

I seem to be laying off the sky falling hysteria, these days.  Either people get it or not.  I have been going on about if for six years. Those who do not pay any attention are really going to "get it." Perhaps, this is some sort of natural selection, the weaning of the terminally stupid.

Nonetheless, below is a graph from President Obama's own projections, those which accompanied the submitted (this is new) budget plan"

Sort of a hockey stick, no?

As you know, we are at the end of America as we knew it. We are broke, unrest and poverty are coming along with the militarization of the nation, as is planned. All this is so as of 2013.  There is no point even arguing with leftist with the cognitive dissonance disease.

Above, check out the public debt projection of the President.  One cannot use the terms insanity or stupidity for the current charge into hell; it cannot be not seen as baseball has started. We are long past stupidity as a possibility and mental illness on this scale is not possible. We are witnessing the intentional destruction of the our nation. There are many forces at work and have been for decades going back to Marxists, socialists, Progressives, the KGB, the 1 per centers, and so on. They will fight things out among themselves, later, and the winner will tax us and keep us in pens.

There is a smattering of marginalized "Republicans" who are objecting to what is happening, but I think we have lost the ability to save ourselves. Ron Paul could have stemmed the flood, but the GOP made sure he could not beat Romney by having six pseudo conservatives running against him.

Now, as you look at the hockey stick realize that our great leaders assume that the U.S. dollar will remain the world's currency and that we can devalue it as a way out of the bizarre debt.  This will not happen, now, nations are withdrawing from the USD. It is happening all over the world. Thus, there will be little need to buy dollars and put up with the offense of its intentional devaluation.

Once the rest of the world catches on, interest rates will make Greece look attractive. So, get out of dollars.

Even today, if we taxed everyone at 100% we could not balance a yearly budget.  Like I say, we are past insane.

To repeat myself, get peanut butter, coffee, and silver, and a place to go for protection; thanks to Obamacare, begin working on improving your health as there will be no care.

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