Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

March 26, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg and the Looking Glass

It is the practice of Marxists and socialists to declare their opponents mentally ill and dismiss them, or institutionalize them. (see Frankfurt group at the Marxist Columbia University)  So, I will avoid making snide remarks regarding the left and leave any judgment to you.  One should not engage in tit-for-tat.

As you recall cognitive dissonance occurs when a person is confronted with a reality that does not fit their preferred world view.  In that case, the person never even hears or sees the offending information. You see this when all arguments are rebuffed with,
Bush did it."   Keep that in mind.

Next, understand narcissism, which I outlined when Obama was first running and the leading expert in the world in that mental illness noted Obama was clearly a narcissist.  From  Wikipedia:

Symptoms of this disorder, as defined by the DSM-IV-TR include:[1]
  • Reacting to criticism with angershame, or humiliation
  • Taking advantage of others to reach own goals
  • Exaggerating own importance, achievements, and talents
  • Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
  • Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
  • Becoming jealous easily
  • Lacking empathy and disregarding the feelings of others
  • Being obsessed with self
  • Pursuing mainly selfish goals
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Becoming easily hurt and rejected
  • Setting goals that are unrealistic
  • Wanting "the best" of everything
  • Appearing unemotional
In addition to these symptoms, the person may also display dominance, arrogance, show superiority, and seek power.[6] The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others. However, they have a fragile self-esteem and cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth. It is this sadistic tendency that is characteristic of narcissism as opposed to other psychological conditions affecting level of self-worth.[7]
One could say, Obama's goals were not unrealistic, considering his offensive line and the defensive media line.

Scott Peck once wrote there are two types of mental illness. One where a person takes on responsibility for everything bad  and tone where one never assumes responsibility for anything, ever.  So, with this in mind, review Mayor Bloomberg's recent comments on TV that Rod sent along:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday: Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights. 
“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.
SEE RELATED: N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg: ‘I think I have a responsibility … to try to make this country safer’
“We think the judge was just clearly wrong on this,” he said, on NBC. “Our Department of Health has the legal ability to do this. … [They’re] not banning anything.” 
Mr. Bloomberg’s remaining months in office have included a firestorm of regulations and policy pushes on wide range of issues. Aside from the soda size ban and a well-publicized call for tighter gun control, another contentious policy he pushed: Nudging hospitals to lock up baby formula to force mothers to breast-feed newborns.

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The man is, as we used to say, "mad."

He says, you are too stupid for your own good and should let "we,"  the government, tell you what to do. (I guess this act of a madman accepting this must resolve the illness).   He does agree we have rights, but they have to be put aside for his edicts on proper living. 

He said the Department of Health, now it is not him as the ruling was rejected by the court, had the right to interfere with your rights to purchase a legal substance and the flow commerce. even if the regulation discriminated against the poor, thus, being racist at heart.

He is spending millions in Chicago and Colorado to influence local elections, as the people there are stupid too to be trusted.  He wants cigarettes to be hidden from view in a store, lest a child look at them and decide to buy them.  This is the MAYOR of the, still, the most important city in the world.

Notice he also clearly states the government is "we." Classical fascist logic (yes, fascism is the right aspect of the current "liberal.") Leftist never agree to be followers, they always see themselves as the "we" that is in charge.

Of course, as the article says, he feels hospitals must hide baby formula lest a mother want to use it. He likes mothers to breast feed. It must please him to see that. I guess if a mother is on crack, it is too bad for the baby.

He knows what is good, you see, coming from Wall Street where, as a partner in Salomon Bothers, he learned to use other people's money and other people.  One has to say, though, he was a good chum defending billionaires to the Occupy Wall Street people as being hard working tax payers. 

The man should be removed for medical reasons.  

Caveat: Not being judgmental about the looney, just saying. The curious thing to remember, he is not crazy if you are a leftist where if you say you don't understand why 33 oz of crappy soda is a crime. immoral, or whatever the justification makes you extreme or ill.  

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