Piro to report on Iraq's WMD

Coming soon to a boob tube near you, the some of the truth about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. It seems Bush didn't lie, Saddam Hussein did, as FBI guy George Prio tells 60 Minutes on Jan. 27th.
I used to argue, for some stupid reason Hussein was playing with the inspectors and intelligence community to give the impression that he had WMD. Hence, once a target for the inspection was determined by Iraq, the order went out to clear the building out just before the inspectors arrived.
I figured he just didn't understand the U.S. (and he didn't as he never thought we would actually invade, just drop a bomb or two for a few days - the legacy of the Clinton years.) but it seems he was playing the shell game in order to convince Iran that he had the weapons. He was more afraid of an Iranian invasion, then one from the west.
Piro spent seven months with Hussein after he was arrested; he speaks Arabic and was charged with debriefing the Stalin wannabe. Hussein had several things he wanted to show, one being how smart he was at tricking the U.S. This is just before he was hanged.
To the end, Hussein needed to be the macho figure, so once it was clear President Bush was going to invade, he still did not say anything. He instructed his army to stall the invasion for two weeks so he could put the "secret war" or the insurgency into effect. I read elsewhere, he got that idea from watching Blackhawk Down and how the gangs in Somalia operated, thinking the US and the UN were somehow analogous. Of course, the UN fucks up and runs away, that is their job. Just ask people being shot at and starved all over the world today.
Another item of interest is that Hussein had the people and equipment lined up for the time that he would, indeed, give the order to make the weapons.
So, catch the show. I know the Bush haters will figure a way to not actually understand the implications of the information, but normal people will now have a handle on what in the hell the Saddam was thinking.
Bush didn't lie
InDUHviduals cry
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