Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

February 04, 2008

Super Duper Twos Daze

A quick observation that may make you look smart tomorrow.

[Left: New Democratic Voters At Polls]

As in the last presidential election, the polls are not taking into account the sea of young voters, the twenty-moron-somethings, who do not have land lines, like me, a still fifty-something-savant.

So? you say.

There will be a jump in the Obama percentages that will surprise pundits, but not you, having been forewarned. This is based upon my assumption that young morons will vote for a nice looking, well spoken guy who doesn't come off like the devil incarnate (their moms) and they have not been polled via cell phones.

On the GOP side, the dimly-aware seem to think Mr. Type-A Egomaniac is a hero conservative, so Romney may not fare well, as the other conservative faker, Huckabee, is also syphoning conservative votes his way. Not that Romney is all that conservative, either, but, at least, he can add.

The important factor here is most of the states are not winner-take-all, so Romney will remain in the game. Massachusetts may give him a nice bunch of delegates. If he stays in to the convention, the freed voters of others running will make things interesting. Maybe we will have two old-fashioned conventions where the bosses can finally pick the best candidates, not the morons and savants.

Anyway, who cares. Its the bloods against the crypts.




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