Ray II

Ray says I was beaten up by Dale re the last blog, the one about the commie camp. Ray says the photo in question came from a racist site, to which my reaction is that doesn't mean the photo is not a photo. I will get to the letter, sorry.
If I looked now I would blow the rest of the day having fun. This is not allowed. Anyway, I am not saying anything, just that King and Parks were there. I don't think anyone denies it. I guess one could say they were there together, but had no interaction as well as the man on the moon is smiling. I just wanted to show the stuff to Ray, as he hadn't heard of the background
Today's Riff: Ray said he found an Obama birth certificate online, contrary to concerns over alleged absence of same, I previously reported. I found it too and thought I would put it up, the answer being clear. It is here
I didn't put it up, for a reason. Take a look at it closely. Then, closer. (This is great conspiracy) In the interest of journalism, I read a site that said, basically, don't fall for the certificate. I didn't think much of the grumbling until the writer pointed out that the date is not printed on the certificate paper. It has a white background. This is very Miami Vice curious. HERE
Even if he is a racist, the white is still there. Something is wrong, there, if you can follow the photoshop argument.
Recall Mel Gibson in his film Conspiracy Theory? He was the editor of a small-circulation conspiracy publication, I recall, and spent his life in quest of paranoid conspiracies. At being told he was targeted for revealing a secret, he says something like, "You mean I am right?" Anyway, I laughed.
The nay-sayer's criticism is intriguing, as I downloaded the certificate and increased its size as much as I could see. It is very curious; he looks right. Then, I noticed the impression coming through from the back side: the Certificate was dated Nov. something, 2007. I felt like an FBI agent.
So, the campaign went out and got a repro, OK - no problem, it would explain the perfect image, but that white stuff is intriguing and would suggest an alteration. I can hear Dale steaming.
Personally, I don't want to spend time on this, just creating trouble.
Anyway the certificate says void if altered and the number is blocked out (electronically, hmmm), so it is no good. So, if you go by the certificate, we still haven't seen the valid certificate. (Just kidding).
I am now wondering what I could do with a birth certificate number.
Labels: Barack Obama, birth certificate
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