Back, again, and better for it

I was out of touch for a week and this seemed a good way to reach folks. I am back and 100% better, as my brain has food. I am the proud owner of a new stent in my occluded artery.
Some additional food for thought, a reluctant missive, for those who think all change is good and forget to look back more than a year:
1. Just a bunch of SDS and Weatherman friends and supporters of Mr. Obama (former director of the Woods Fund.) Here2. Some more and some of the same SDS subversives Here3. A right wing recounting of some associates:Ayers (Woods Fund, Weatherman, unrepentant bomber) with Dorhn (ex-con terrorist) introduced Obama to the Hyde Park crowd in 1995. Obama said he knew Ayers from the neighborhood as kids went to same school; except they are a generation apart. (Forgot to mention that part.) see photo of Ayers, and anti-Obama commercial hereWright, no more to sayResko (developer, funds source, convict)Rashid Khalidid (PLO operative, Woods)4. Some video of the 1960s. Weatherman sorry they did not do enough.5. Don't foget Obama was a hired "agitator," their word, for the community in Saul Alinsky's group, the same group that offered H. Clinton a job before she went to law school. She had written her senior thesis about Alinsky. Rules for Radicals by Alinsky, the messiah of change by, among other things, deception from within.6. More on SDS and Obama7. As you know SDS and Weathermen folks are part of the campaign, until they are found out. Here is an interesting list of people Obama is throwing under the bus or are holding on to the bumper. Here8. Those of you who liked Obama's books, better ask who "Frank" is and did he mention his father, the one who abandoned him, was a Marxist leader?
All that said, don't let time erase the evil of the Weathermen, the off-shoot of SDS. Killer and thieves all. For those not conscious at the time, there is no equivalent organizations today, save Moslem terrorist groups and old-school Marxists. Fortunately, they were so stupid they mostly killed themselves and their movement when trying to build bombs and - oops.
Now, close your eyes and imagine all the above was said about McCain or Bush or Reagan or Nixon...., how would you react? The siding with the Bloods against the Crypts is not a philosophy; rather it is a tool of manipulation.
You will see the mice leaving the ship via the still-secured lines as departure day comes closer.