Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

October 26, 2011

American Socialist Subversives

There is a local party that actually won some posts last election.  It is important to realize the Working Famlies Party is funded by George Soros and is a blatantly socialist organization hiding behind a touchy feely front.

Please pass this around our area so people realize who the people behind the curtain really are.

Please note a recent ad on Craig's List:


Date: 2011-09-26, 5:09PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

The Working Families Party (WFP) ( is New York's most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in 1998 by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions, we came together to build a society that works for all of us, not just Wall Street CEOs and the well-connected. WFP is independent from corporate and government funding and in-addition we are community based; community funded and equally uninfluenced by both major parties. Our agenda focuses on economic and social justice, corporate accountability, job creation, environmental protection, and investment in education and healthcare.

For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics,

Leading the fight and helping to frame the debate. The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York's Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws, Creating Thousands of Jobs In the Green Economy, Passing Healthcare Reforms on the Local Level, Fighting for Affordable Housing, Keeping Tuition Costs Low, A Progressive Tax Code, Reliable/Cost Effective Public Transit System, Public Financing Of Elections and Corporate Accountability . In addition, we have an unapologetic stance on supporting and pushing good candidates to enact progressive legislation

The WFP is seeking immediate hires.

You must be an energetic communicator, with a passion for social and economic justice.

Only outgoing, articulate dedicated, determined candidates will be considered for the positions.

For those candidates that qualify WFP offers substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership, on varied issues such as: advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, fundraising, networking and organizing. We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.

This is not a policy job! Through direct action you will be shaping NY state politics for the next 20 years.

If you care about New York and want to help educate and mobilize around legislative campaigns-then we look forward to hearing from you!

"We're organizing in communities around New York State -- but we don't hire people to Occupy Wall Street. Then again, if you believe the laughable conspiracy theories from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, this is probably the wrong job for you anyway."

  • Compensation: $350-$650 A Week Depending On Responsibility & Length Of Time On Staff
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 2618821815

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Your bank account

Think of a witty image here, if I were not
using Verizon/Samsung services.  I think
a guy pushing a wheelbarrow of cash would work.

The M2 supply -- that is the money in circulation plus travelers checks, savings, and small time deposits -- is $9.3 trillion on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the Federal Reserve.
The U.S. has 8,133 tons of gold worth about $477 billion. In order to cover the M2 supply 
1. the gold price would need to hit $35,000 OR
2. the government would have to drain $8 trillion out of the system OR
3. the U.S. would have to buy almost all the 165,000 tons of gold in the world, including jewelry.


We are living in an illusory world of paper based on an unthinking trust.  Maybe it is in everyone's best interest to not see the Emperor is naked, but once it is clear that he is, little remains.  Talk about a run. [a good spot for a funny streaker photo]

U.S. companies reported some good profits, but recall they are firing employees which provides more profit until you run out of inventory and orders. Major companies are restructuring this quarter. Apple and Amazon reported disappointing returns. Besides, the profits are in dollars. We are doubling down on our illusion of money. Also, after time, you get to sense the media con when it is turned on. It is on.  I should add that the various exchanges have PR rooms that release news to talking heads and editors. The information is supplied to the PR offices from floor traders - duh.

Consider retrenching, hard assets, food, barter, and so on. It can't hurt.

I recently bet on the Euro failing. This is as a sure bet as I have ever made. I may have gotten in the day before the turn. [Want in:   EUO which gives your 2x your money as the Euro declines - or takes it, if you guess wrong.] 

Europe is finger pointing and playing PR, like our White House. This is not a plan. Greece is insolvent; Germany has a quiet plan to leave the Euro; Italy and Spain are on the edge. A major French bank has collapsed after recently passing its "stress test." Stalling makes things worse. It is like pulling off a huge band aid slowly, stopping when it hurts.  Without governments, resetting moves quickly and punishes the stupid and greedy, but in a fascist environment, the government works for big money folks.

We are talking about sovereign defaults, not company failures. 

U.S. banks are exposed to derivative loss from Europe; no one outside the banks know the extent of this exposure, but it understood that it is huge.

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October 17, 2011

Bye Bye Miss American Pie, eventually

I read today in CNN business that the Euro is destined to move upward because Germany and France will save Greece. Of course, they point out this is true as after the recent puppet show in Europe, it is clear the nice leaders of France and Germany can solve things. 

CNN thought only a devaluation in the U.S. would hurt the Euro.  This being CNN you can be sure it is intentionally incorrect as insiders are using CNN readers as suckers. 

I figured I would get another opinion, as this blog is about doubting consensus opinion.

Lehman Event in Europe (Greek Default)
Phoenix Capital Research's picture

So nationalization is now the name of the Game in Europe. Indeed, we've now seen three European banks nationalized in the last few days... and France has announced a plan to nationalize 2-3 banks "just in case."
If you'll recall, we tried similar plans in the US with Fannie and Freddie, AIG, and other firms in 2008. That situation didn't work out too well. Indeed, looking back on it, things really started to implode right around the time we started nationalizing companies.
Meanwhile Sarkozy and Merkel continue to make "plans" for what to do... The reality is they have no plans other than throwing money at Europe's banks and the PIIGS.
All they're doing is playing for time while they prepare for a Greek default. Indeed, German officials recently told the Telegraph that a "hard" default for Greece is coming which will feature investors taking a 60% "haircut" on their investments in Greek bonds.
Click here to read more about this.
In plain terms, we're fast approaching the "Lehman" event for 2011. However, this time around, instead of a bank going under, it's going to be Greece's sovereign debt.
Consider the Belgian bank Dexia which just went under... it only had 5.4 billion euros' exposure to Greek debt.
Well, French, German, UK and US exposure to Greece is north of $165 billion. And those same countries have $2.6 TRILLION in exposure to PIIGS debt in total.
So suffice to say that when Greece defaults (and it will) we're going to enter a very very interesting time. Indeed, this will be the Crisis to which 2008 was just the warm-up.
You see, 2008 was caused by toxic debts on private bank balance sheets. Today, thanks to US Federal Reserve and other Central Banks' moves, these toxic debts have moved onto the PUBLIC's balance sheet.
So this time around, the market collapse is ALSO going to feature the bond bubble bursting, sovereign defaults (including eventually the US), MAJOR bank failures (Bank of America?), bank holidays, government shutdowns, civil unrest, and food shortages. 

If you have yet to prepare yourself for what’s coming, now is the time to do so. Whether it’s by moving to cash and bullion, opening some shorts, or simply getting out of the markets altogether, now is the time to be preparing for what’s coming (remember, stocks took six months to bottom after Lehman… and that was when the Fed still had some bullets left to combat the collapse).

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October 16, 2011

Removing individual freedom.

I have talked about the provincial medical systems of Canada. I wrote about the Englishman who could not get his leg reset in order to back to work because the state would not pay for it as he continued to smoke,  but here is a different glimpse into our happy socialist future.

Irene, living in Toronto who recently was driven to reacquire her U.S. citizenship in time to see us move to the left of everyone, and I were conversing about guns and protection, a common thought, these days, as you will see if you hang around a Walmart hunting section, when she mentioned even with a legal gun you can't shoot someone who is threatening you on your property.  I wrote that in New York, one that person is in your house, you can shoot them with immunity.  Can it be otherwise in Canada?

Yes, ever so sadly, even if someone comes into your house or business and harms you. In this jurisdiction a business man with small grocery store fought a burglar, tied the burglar up and held burglar til police came. Store owner was charged with kidnapping. No kidding. That's where we are now in wonderful post modern Ontario.

Perhaps, you can see the point of the insane political activity we are witnessing. It is all geared to control people through their own philosophical desire to permit the views of others and, yes, there are people behind it. They are a long way up the ladder and the are not politicians, ultimately, they use politicians, who are so easy to be bought.

It just struck me that the theme of "O Canada," a pleasant anthem one can both remember and sing, strikes a philosophical discord for the individual. The frame of reference is subtle, but revealing. It seems very old-Europe/British:


O Canada! Our home and native land
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north, strong and free
From far and wide, O Canada
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

If you don't see what I am saying, permit me to add the final stanza because we do not sing it and you will read it without standing with your hat over your heart. Understand what (a few) people are singing about:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

The difference is, Do you belong to and work for a country or is it an embodiment of free people? There is a real difference.

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October 12, 2011

Andrew K Dart

I am publishing an emal I received.

Please read it and follow the site.  We have a resource, here, that is well-done and Mr. Dart is thoroughly aware of what is happening.  He is aware and not asking for money to share his information.

As you will see in the letter, those of us concerned about a reality of false information have to stop preaching to the choir.  Last year, we ran the Irregulars as a way to reach out to reward the man whose change of vote passed Obamacare. We used a pyramidical email structure. Today, our goal, individually and collectively, must be to reach those we know who are ambivalent. Their vague thought patters could imprison us all.

Perhaps mail a link to this blog.  The key is to be active.  Perhaps, we can organize a structure to reach out, but right now being a concerned person can't hurt. After all, one of your friends or family is probably in need of remedial assistance.

Oh, the image is one of Cassandra. I am not sure why she was being torn away from a statue in Pompeii. Link to an account of her myth.

Dear Mr. Cunningham, 
Thank you for your message and the positive feedback about my web site.  Your comments are greatly appreciated, and because the whole operation is free of advertising, compliments from readers are my greatest reward. 
Once in a while I may also get a message from someone who disagrees with *everything* I've said, and although that is informative, there is just no way to respond to someone like that. 
You are correct in your assessment that I'm preaching to the choir, by and large, and most of my web site's visitors are just looking for confirmation or reinforcement of their opinions.  By searching for my own name on the internet, I have also discovered that some groups on the far left point to me as an example of a right-wing fool.  That's flattering. 
In maintaining my web site, one of my goals is to counteract selective news reporting and to keep important events from disappearing down the media memory hole.  For example, the governor of North Carolina recently suggested that the 2012 elections should be suspended.  Naturally she kicked up a cloud of opposition, and the story soon faded from the headlines (in the few news outlets that mentioned it at all), but we must never forget that the idea came up, and it was a Democrat who brought it up. 
My web site serves only to sound the alarm.  The solutions to our country's problems, in my opinion, would be too "extreme" for our current crop of politicians to implement, as they would have to include such things as a complete turnover in Congress (term limits) and having the military patrol and enforce our border with Mexico (rather than living confortably in Japan or Germany). 
Deeper than that, the people of our country are hopelessly divided into two groups:  The producers and the sponges.  A huge fraction of the population is living on government checks, and there's no way they will ever vote to cut themselves off.  To put it another way, as long as the sponges are allowed to vote, the ratio of sponges to producers will increase -- and yet the ratio is already too high to suddenly prohibit them from voting, even if the Constitution would allow such a change.  (The Constitution does not authorize direct payments to individuals, as far as I can tell, but nobody cares about that.) 
The second deepest root is that both political parties constantly work to expand the government and, no matter which party is in power, no federal agencies are ever disbanded and dissolved.  Several major government operations have run out of things to do, yet they soak up billions of dollars every year.  Two examples are NASA and the EPA.  A few years ago I tried to assemble a list of all the federal departments, bureaus, institutes, commissions, and so on, and it soon became apparent that there's no way for one person to find them all.  You can see my list at
Congratulations on helping to get Chris Gibson into the House of Representatives.  A quick Google search showed me his district.  Incidentally,  Albany, NY, is the farthest I've ever been away from home.  (My parents lived in New York until the 1940's, on a farm outside of Hamilton.  Fortunately they moved to Texas before I was born.  The farm life is wonderful, I'm sure, but I don't like snow.) 
You are quite correct:  Sleepwalking is a dangerous thing. 
Have a great day! 
Andrew K. Dart 


October 11, 2011

The Real World

“The market place is a crime and punishment world, and this Federal Reserve credit expansion is the greatest monetary crime of all time. Accordingly, the punishment will be far and away the greatest punishment of all time.” -
John Exeter, Gold Newsletter June, 1987 and James U. Blanchard III Golden Insights

Investment Advisor Roger Weiland

...The better advice we can offer is to expect nothing from these situations and hope for the best. Take care of family and friends, invest in hard assets and daily necessities and soundly cut back your standard of living. We all have things we can do without and would probably be the better for it. Be careful out there. Control risk first but work at enjoying the simpler things in life.
More than ever, it is important to take immediate necessary precautions to protect yourself and your families and friends. Traders and investors should be buying precious metals and select shares right now. (Bullish on gold and silver.)
Inflation in China is 10% - 35% depending on where you are. (It's a big place.) The Chinese economy needs 25,000,000 jobs per year to break even, so it uses slave labor. Do not worry too much about China's economic prowess.  Worry about its military action which are aggressive, to say the lease. Taiwan may be an explosion point, that is, if we have a president who will stand by it.
Germany has lent its weak sisters in Europe nearly 1 trillion dollars. Greece is scheduled to implode soon and will withdraw from the Euro.  In 2006 Switzerland went off the gold standard, so it is now dissolving. It is no longer the world's safe currency. Iceland has decided not to pay creditors. They are pissed. England made austerity cuts which caused the cockroaches to flood into the street. There is mass self-deception in Europe.  At least, we are panicing.
More than 28% of U.S. homeowners owed more than their properties were worth. Prices will not recover until 2020.
The derivative scams continue and this time the breath and extension has been worse than before the Lehman crash. 
There has been no reduction in spending in the U.S. and the drunks in office want more booze. That is their solution: take more from the productive. The democrats look to 55% of the nation being public employees, there being 44 million food stamp recipients, and, of course, the socialist unions.  Once they get 15 million illegal aliens voting they will not have to suspend elections.

As I publish this, there has been a show of bravado in Europe to announce they will definitely do something.  They do not know what, nor how. 

I am a suspicious investor. To me, this PR show was to do what it did - lift the markets as the talking heads have something positive to say. 

Once stocks are up and things seems stable, the people not really in Wall Street will sell and transfer their crap to the lemmings. This is known as "distribution," but you can think of it as watering your stock, look that one up, or fraud, if you apply logic.  Watch gold and the Euro.


Governments at work Dept.:  If we paid our doctors when we visited or monthly, life would be cheaper and much simpler. There is a deadly price for bureaucrats to pretend they are professionals.

as reported in the WSJ: 

...Physicians have been dealing with the 18,000 codes of International Classification of Disease (ICD 9), coding their patients’ diagnoses, and the tests and procedures done, all for the convenience of the government and third parties. Now there will be ICD-10, with 140,000 codes, 70,000 for diagnoses, and the rest for procedures. It’s laughably absurd. Is there a code for “Driven insane by ICD-10 codes?”....

October 07, 2011

Special Edition: Worst Financial Crisis In History

The TIME IS AT HAND.  If the images did not translate to email, go to the web site.  

I have to admit most people don't take me seriously because I do not seem capable of diplomacy regarding survival, but it is time to rethink that if you have not prepared. Read the article and watch the video.  This is not me talking. Further, we are not immune to what happens in Europe. The politicians of the world after WWII made sure we were all linked together.  This is the downside of that linkage.

Have cash on hand, some junk silver, wood if you burn it, and food. Money in the bank is a waste. It looses value every day and will collapse soon. Interest rates at a bank are a cruel joke - you are losing every day. Even if you do not have much, take most of it and prepare.  Silver and food will always be worth something.

The adventurous could start with an EFT against the EURO, as it is going to collapse.  EUO

A winding down would take a little time after an initial cascade. People caught in that cascade are going to loose personal wealth. There is nothing tricky, now, just imagine 1930 and what you needed then. If all remains well, you can laugh at me.  If....


World facing worst financial crisis in history, Bank of England Governor says

The world is facing the worst financial crisis since at least the 1930s “if not ever”, the Governor of the Bank of England said last night.

World facing worst financial crisis in history, Bank of England Governor says
Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England Photo: PAUL GROVER
Sir Mervyn King was speaking after the decision by the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee to put £75billion of newly created money into the economy in a desperate effort to stave off a new credit crisis and a UK recession.
Economists said the Bank’s decision to resume its quantitative easing [QE], or asset purchase programme, showed it was increasingly fearful for the economy, and predicted more such moves ahead.
Sir Mervyn said the Bank had been driven by growing signs of a global economic disaster.
“This is the most serious financial crisis we’ve seen, at least since the 1930s, if not ever. We’re having to deal with very unusual circumstances, but to act calmly to this and to do the right thing.”
Announcing its decision, the Bank said that the eurozone debt crisis was creating “severe strains in bank funding markets and financial markets”.
The Monetary Policy Committee [MPC] also said that the inflation-driven “squeeze on households’ real incomes” and the Government’s programme of spending cuts will “continue to weigh on domestic spending” for some time to come.
The “deterioration in the outlook” meant more QE was justified, the Bank said.
Financial experts said the committee’s actions would be a “Titanic” disaster for pensioners, savers and workers approaching retirement. Sir Mervyn suggested that was a price worth paying to save the economy from recession.
Under QE, the Bank electronically creates new money which it then uses to buy assets such as government bonds, or gilts, from banks. In theory, the banks then use the cash they gain to increase their lending to businesses and individuals.
By increasing the demand for gilts, QE pushes down the interest rate yields paid to holders of these and other bonds. Critics of the policy say it pushes up inflation and drives down sterling.
The National Association of Pension Funds yesterday called for urgent talks with ministers to address the negative impact of lower gilt yields on pension funds. Joanne Segars, its chief executive, said QE makes it more expensive for employers to provide pensions and will weaken the funding of schemes as their deficits increase. “All this will put additional pressure on employers at a time when they are facing a bleak economic situation,” she said.
Ros Altman, of Saga, said the latest round of QE was “a Titanic disaster” that would increase pensioner poverty. As well as fuelling inflation, she said, falling bond yields would make annuities more expensive, “giving new retirees much less pension income for their money and leaving them permanently poorer in retirement”.
The MPC also voted to keep the Bank Rate at its historic low of 0.5 per cent, another decision that hurts savers. Yesterday, protesters outside the Bank’s headquarters smashed a giant piggy bank to symbolise the situation of pensioners and others forced to raid savings to keep up with the rising cost of living.
Asked about the plight of savers, Sir Mervyn said it was more important to support the wider economy than to support them. He suggested that savers would not be helped by deliberately pushing the British economy into recession. Yesterday’s decision was the first move on QE since 2009, during the global credit crisis, when the Bank injected £200 billion into the economy.
Some analysts believe that this round of QE could be less effective than the previous one, forcing the Bank to create even more money this time.
Michael Saunders of Citigroup, forecast that there could be as much as £225 billion more QE by next year. “I think they will do lots more QE,” he said. “It’s both that the economy is weak but also that the MPC’s view is that QE is not a very powerful tool, or rather it takes a large amount of QE to have much effect on the economy.”
The Bank is supposed to keep inflation near a target of 2 per cent. Inflation now stands at 4.5 per cent, and the Bank admitted it is likely to hit 5 per cent as soon as this month. The Bank’s own research shows that as well as stimulating the economy, QE pushes up prices.
Sir Mervyn insisted that yesterday’s move was still consistent with the 2 per cent inflation target, saying that the slowing economy means inflation could actually fall below that mark “by the end of next year or in 2013”.
The Governor insisted that the MPC’s decisions had been the correct response to events. “The world economy has slowed, America has slowed, China has slowed, and of course particularly the European economy has slowed,” he said. “The world has changed and so has the right policy response.”
City traders took heart from the Bank’s move to boost growth, with the FTSE 100 rising 3.7 per cent to 5,29, its biggest two-day gain since 2008.
The Bank’s decision came after mounting political pressure from ministers worried that Sir Mervyn was not reacting urgently enough to the darkening global economic outlook.
George Osborne, the Chancellor, welcomed the Bank’s move, saying: “The evidence shows that it [QE] will help keep interest rates down and boost demand and that will be a help for British families.” 

October 04, 2011

Old Commies Just Fade Away

About the same time as Borders Bookstores were  in death throws, one of its featured "historians" died. There is some symmetry, isn't there?

Yes, I speak of the great scholar Howard Zinn, whose textbook-like fiction of the history of the United States (for "The People") outlives Borders and Zinn. This "history" contains no footnotes or citations, of course, those being the tools of white, capitalist males.  He made up for stream-of-consciousness story by making it easy for historians from Cornell and Harvard to read without moving their lips.

As you see below, Noam Chomsky, a well-known Canadian Communist connected to Harvard, objected to the statements in the file as mostly false.  Of course, he is admitting he knew Zinn fairly well.

The clever Communists are dying off and replaced with clods standing around Wall Street not knowing why they have been drawn there, so they have to meet to figure out what they are protesting.  Clods, however, gather into clumps. You never know what aimless clumps can do. Marxist exist to gather useful clumps. From the masses of clumps comes a need for a beloved farmer.

The meeting to figure out why they are protesting reminds me of the Democrats passing the Obama health insurance bill so they could read it.

Oh yes, yesterday, a protester admitted to a radio interviewer that he wanted to destroy capitalism. There was actually a follow up question (one reporter to be fired), "What would you replace it with?"  There was a moments pause when a voice yelled:  "Don't use the word, man. Don't use the word."

From Pajamas Media:

The announcement last week by the FBI that it was releasing the FBI files of the late radical historian, Howard Zinn, was not met with universal acclaim.  In fact, many leftists were enraged.  Typical was the reaction of Noam Chomsky, who was quoted by writer Clark Merrefield. Zinn’s  files, Chomsky said, were “mostly a mixture of things that they’ve picked up here and there which is mostly false, things they’ve gotten from informants that are mostly false. We took for granted that obviously we were being monitored by the FBI.” For Chomsky, anything coming from the FBI obviously has to, by definition, be lies.

The most recent comment from the ranks of the Left is by frequent Nation writer Chris Hedges, whose column in Bob Scheer’s inappropriately named Truthdig reflects the most common take on Zinn’s work by liberal/left intellectuals. Hedges writes how he used Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States as a text for the American history class he was giving to prison inmates. “We’ve been lied to,” students would comment at the end of class. He assigned Zinn’s work because he says it opened the “eyes of young, mostly African-Americans to their own history and the structures that perpetuate misery for the poor and gluttony and privilege for the elite.” (Wonder no more about why so much of the American underclass get a bad education.)

So what is in these files? First, the FBI had evidence that Zinn was a member of the Communist Party of the United States, and lied about his membership when being interviewed by FBI agents. The first file on the subject appeared in March of 1949, when an informant noted “that he (ZINN) is a Communist Party member and attends meetings five days a week.” Zinn was then employed by the American Labor Party, which itself gives credence to the informant’s report. By that date, the ALP — created in the early forties to give NYC labor a left-wing ballot on which to vote for FDR — had been taken over lock, stock and barrel by the CP. It never would have hired non-Party members as full-time employees.

Another informant described Zinn as a “person with some authority” in the CP group to which they belonged. Zinn, he said, taught a course for his comrades on “basic Marxism.” On June 12, 1957, another informant told the Bureau that when he was transferred to the Williamsburgh branch of the Party in 1949, “HOWARD ZINN was already a member of that section.” It was his impression that  “ZINN was not a new member, but had been in the CP for some time.”

Zinn, however, denied he was a Communist when questioned by the FBI in 1953. It is important to note here that unlike those who testified before Congressional investigating committees, Zinn was not under oath. The reason Zinn denied his membership was the same as that for other  Communists. The Party instructed them not to, even when asked to testify before committees like HUAC. As some of the Hollywood Ten members revealed years after their own investigations, if they said they were Reds, that would only prove that the Red-baiters were right when they called them Communists! It would undermine their pose as good liberals, who were only taking pro-Soviet positions because they genuinely believed in them, not because it was the Party line.

And this is precisely the pose Zinn took to the agents who questioned him in 1953. Zinn “acknowledged that perhaps his activities in the past had opened him to charges that he was associated with the CP as a member; however,” he told the FBI, “he was not. … He stated that he was a liberal and perhaps some people would consider him to be a ‘leftist.’”

 He admitted that he participated in the work of groups that had been considered CP fronts — in fact, he belonged to and worked in scores of them, not just one or two; “but his participation was motivated by his belief that in this country people had the right to believe, think and act according to their own ideals.” He went on to note that if he had knowledge of anyone who sought to overthrow the U.S. government by force or violence,  he would advise the Bureau.  Zinn added that “he would advise the FBI if he observed persons committing acts of sabotage or espionage against the Government.” He also declared that he “would defend this country in the event of war against any enemy including the Soviet Union.”


October 01, 2011


Something completely different:

Niobium is good.  The U.S. does not have any - bad.  It is a highly valuable strategic metal - good.  China is a main source - very bad.

So, a Vancouver company bought up mineral options and has revisited a Nebraska find of many years ago. So far, their prospect looks "huge," as we say in the Albany, N.Y. area. Indeed the USGS thinks it may be the largest global resource, see below. (This is the key ingredient to this report.)  Right now, IAM Gold extracts niobium from Canadian soil when it thaws out, say July and August.  To determine whether IAM makes money at this involves research.

So, I looked up Quantum Rare Earth Developments Company. I thought people might be like me and be interested in  a 15 cent stock of companies that don't produce anything and has collapsed from 72 cents in April.  I did read a projection, though, that year one (one of what, you may ask. Go ahead.) would see a 21% return. How they figure that is a mystery, but at .15 who cares. Using a speculator's measure, if a company is .15 and has no business, imagine what it would be worth is it made money! (Of course, we have to assume Mr. Obama and his brilliant economic and political philosophies will be brutally obliterated before investing over $15.00 in a strategic metal that would create a boom and help protect us. If he remains, then look into wind turbine repair shops.)

If you find betting on dirt is problematical, then invest in dirt around Elk City, NB.  Can't hurt especially if we are facing armageddon. If you look at the map, you will see there is still a little clear land left and you can see the marauders coming over the curvature of the earth.  Clearly, NB needs thousands of wind turbines.



Unlike most Vancouver mining companies, there is a silence about the Elk prospects. This is suspicious since the Vancouver game is to hype everything: Quantum Rare Earth Cleans Coffee Pot....  Then again, the home page is suspicious. It has a landscape of wind turbines, very Canadian (they are turbine huggers), but what does that have to do with strip mining Nebraska?

Anyway, even scam artists may actually stumble upon something that is correct.

I think this is important for Ken:  QRE. TSX Venture

From QREDF's home page:

Quantum Rare Earth Developments Corp. is a resource development company focussed
on its premier project in Elk Creek, Nebraska. The Elk Creek project has potential to host one
of the most economical Niobium and Rare Earth deposits in the world.
Elk Creek is an advanced project due to Molycorp having drilled over 100 holes in the 1970’s
and 1980’s. Elk Creek is a "World Class" Niobium deposit, with substantial intercepts of Rare
Earth's and Phosphates. Recently announced assays from the summer 2011 drill campaign.
Quantum is also exploring its 2 other projects in Saskatchewan and Australia. Archie Lake, {Please, Archie Lake!!!}
Saskatchewan, is a Rare Earth exploration play with excellent surface results, with sampling of
29.9% TREO. In Australia, Quantum has 2 exploratory Rare Earth projects near Mount Weld.

Elk Creek, Nebraska - Niobium & Rare Earth Project

  • 80.1 Million Tons of Nb2O5 (Niobium) at .62% Nb2O5 (March 31 2011)
  • ~500 Million Kg of Nb2O5 (Niobium) contained (March 31 2011)
  • Niobium price ~$46/Kg
  • 131 meters of 1.02% Nb2O5 - highlight from 2011 summer drill campaign
  • Deposit is open in 3 directions
  • Significant Rare Earth Complex indentified 2.5 Km from Niobium Deposit
Some more press:
Elk Creek Niobium & Rare Earth Project, Nebraska USA

Quantum Rare Earth Developments Corp. acquired the Elk Creek Carbonatite, a former Molycorp project on May 4th, 2010. The Elk Creek deposit is one of the largest known carbonatites in North America. The transaction was accomplished through the acquisition of Elk Creek Resources, a private Nebraskan corporation which, through a series of agreements, owns an option to acquire the mineral rights to the project.
Elk Creek Highlights

-80.1 million tonnes at 0.62% Nb2O5
 , with the deposit open in 3 directions - NI 43-101 compliant -500 million kg's of Niobium (1.1 billion pounds)  - March 31st 2011
-Potential to be
 "largest global resources of Niobium & Rare-Earth Elements" Source: USGS
-50,000 feet of historical drill core from 113 holes by Molycorp in the 70's and 80's 
-August 2011 Quantum released 3 holes in that were the first holes to be drilled across the deposit- highlights- 
131 meters of Nb2O5
-Substantial historic TREO intercepts including 
54.9m of 3.30%, contained in 155 m of 2.70%
-September 2011 released 2 Rare Earth holes 2.5 km away from the main Niobium zone- highlights- 
68.18 m of 3.32 percent TREO
The Elk Creek Carbonatite, located in southeastern Nebraska an hour south of Lincoln. The Elk Creek an oval-shaped magnetic and gravity anomaly approximately 7 kilometres in diameter, making it one of the largest known carbonatite complexes.

OK, for the hooked:
See more Details | Technical analysis | Historical prices
Quantum Rare Earth Developments (TSX.V:QRE) (QREDF.PK)
Change:-0.025 Variation 
Change in Percent:-13.89% Variation 
Last Trade (With Time):Sep 30 - 0.155 
Last Trade (Price Only):0.155 
52-week Range:0.16 - 0.72

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