Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

September 25, 2014

Newtown: No Murders On FBI Statistics

Greg keeps me apprised of events: Below is a link to the FBI page that shows no murders in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012.

This is official data collected by FBI statisticians who gather local numbers. So, why no data?  My guess is either the page will be revised quietly, without comment from the Department of Mass Media, or we will be told it was not included for the privacy of the families.

Recall, there are no autopsies that have been released, though the strange coroner previously demanded that all autopsies should be public.  
Recall, no emergency personnel were allowed in the school to check for wounded, being the first responders.  
Recall, no specialists were called, required by law, to deal with the hazards of blood. 
Recall, no one saw the bodies taken out. It is alleged, they were removed early the NEXT DAY! The spent the night in the school building? 
Recall, the FACEBOOK fundraising page went live before the "murders." 
Recall, the schools was flattened and is gone. A few years earlier, the local  paper reported the school was closed.  
Recall, there was a concurrent mock emergency event in a nearby town run by das Homeland Security. The entire acting troupe and material just happened to be nearby.

So, you may say: "Conspiracy Theory!"  Exactly.

A theory with definable, powerful premises that have never been rebutted.  That it seems impossible that our government and a strange community would work together to orchestrate a horrific lie, does not mean it did not happen. It may well be that gullibility is being tested - and not reached.

For my part, my views changed when it was clear the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie. It was brazen story that was spun as I watched T.V.  For those who don't know, it was this incident that sparked our adventure in Viet Nam. Lots of bombs made during those years, but, at least, the corrupt government we supported collapsed when we ran away.

There are, of course, other false flags that are impossible to believe, such as the incredible shrinking and vanishing jet liner that made a small round hole in the Pentagon on 9/11. Its wings and engines vanished before hitting the building and the fuselage shrank, apparently. The extent of the duplicity is breathtaking in that it worked.

Incredible shrinking and vanishing jets, however, are just a conspiracy theory. He is another:

No murders

Table 8

Offenses Known to Law Enforcement
by City, 2012

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September 19, 2014

Light Reading for Coffee Break: Data collected about you

There was a big spike in readership, recently, I wonder what the entry was about?  I should look but do not really care.

What is the point? The Yahoos, the original ones, have taken over. They have won. It is only reasonable to admit that and prepare. The conscious need to find a redoubt or leave. The diaspora of rational Americans is reaching down to the middle class. Unlike the Jews of the 1930s, we are not stuck in our lost land; however, being stupid keeps people in serfdom.

This morning I heard a blip of a news report, as I never listen carefully to the voice of Big Brothers, but this stood out.  It seems 36%, if I caught it correctly, could have been 32%, of those polled could not name the three branches of our government.  

You should write this down and next to it:  "I pay for public schools." Put it on your refrigerator . 

The subversives scam the marks and use their money to fund the next scam. People still vote for school boards, the most important of elections, without any thought at all and very, very few vote. The most common prior career for school principals in America is gym teacher.  We get what we deserve and that is the rule of the least common denominator, a math term you may not know, if you went to public school

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think most high school graduates today have the skills needed to enter the workforce, down from February’s high of 25%  REPORT

What is the point of arguments concerning the imbalance, when one third of the people have no idea one was supposed to exist?  People actually think Obama makes laws. Can't do it from the links.

NYC, the axis of arrogant stupidity, loved their former mayor, the one who announced it was illegal to sell a 17 ounce cup of  coke. A 64 ounce bottle was legal, of course.  The comic opera council voted to support this bizarre notion. The media repeated the sadness of diabetes, the reason why a city decided to control its citizens. Eventually, the law was overturned, but the mentally ill have learned that if they keep doing the same thing, eventually some court will let them win.

NYC is out to make electric cigarettes illegal even though the items were invented to help people stop smoking. Why? They look like cigarettes. We have finally achieved full dominance of form over substance.  Legislatures are irrelevant.

The new Marxist Mayor cannot obtain a security clearance sufficient to be briefed about active terrorist plots against the city.  No problem, Congress saved us. It agreed with our Indonesian Sunni president to fund Sunni terrorists who agree to fight ISIS Sunni terrorists. Let see, the friend of my enemy who is fighting my shiite enemy is my friend. I think that's it. Most of the world, I suspect, no longer laughs at the retarded giant we have become; they are preparing themselves for the worst and watching for us blundering around.

The statist mindset, now called liberalism, a word that means the opposite of a classic liberalism, is a mental disease. It is more than being lazy or having a submissive psyche. These liberal are not so large a percentage of the population; however,  they control the low information voters with welfare and the like, as well as people who graduated from public school. The low information drones vote for the sensitive dictators. The media has become a Marxist propaganda department. Select companies and large banks become powerful thanks to government largesse (i.e. your taxes.)  Things are too far gone to unwind. Our systems are too complex and we are becoming to ignorant to know a fifth grade break down of out government. When things unravel, it could be ugly.

The death knell is to come, put off by world chaos that we fuel, and the money looking for safety in the USD, as well as the Federal Reserve working long hours to protect the banks exposed to the coming "interesting" times. It is to come. I would advised you to look at the consumer price index, but since the Clinton years, gasoline and food are not included, so the government can have the media tell us the CPI is flat. You know your dollar is devalued daily; common sense is a good thing. Buy junk silver, if you have no idea what to do.

Below is an excerpt regarding a 2006 flappe where Amazon released over 600,000 profiles. That is way back in Internet time. Keep that in mind, then  multiply the result by a million or so when thinking of the NSA. There are still idiots who say, "Duh, I have nothing to hide…." but they sure do and the feds have access to all this data. You do not want to upset Big Brother.

I got this item, below, from my search engine ixquick; it is from a promotional item. As a result, I have turned off my acceptance of cookies until I am asked for one. I found it interesting NSA people use TOR, a browser dedicated to privacy; on the other hand, if you search for it, that inquiry is immediately flagged by the NSA. This is a good recommendation. 

This blog required a Google cookie, now that I pay attention I will deal with this, so I can imagine finding a new home in the future. Google is no friend of personal freedom and they are proud of telling us that: we are not where people find information - we tell them what they should know. 

Based on the number of local searches, AOL user 1515830 appears to be a resident of Ohio's Mahoning County. On March 1, user 1515830 was trying to find the amount of calories in chai tea and bananas. But on March 9, the searches took a darker turn: 

chai tea calories 
calories in bananas 
aftermath of incest 
how to tell your family you're a victim of incest 
pottery barn 
surgical help for depression 
oakland raiders comforter set 
can you adopt after a suicide attempt 
who is not allowed to adopt 
i hate men 
medication to enhance female desire 
jobs in denver colorado 
teaching positions in denver colorado 
how long will the swelling last after my tummy tuck 
divorce laws in ohio 
free remote keyloggers 
baked macaroni and cheese with sour cream 
how to deal with anger 
teaching jobs with the denver school system 

marriage counseling tips 
anti psychotic drugs

Revenge is a common theme, though of course it's impossible to guess whether an AOL user has criminal intent or is in the middle of writing a true-crime novel. In the case of AOL user 17556639, the jury's still out: 
how to kill your wife 
pictures of dead people

photo of dead people
car crash photo
Some AOL users seem to be worried that an abusive partner in a relationship may come back to hurt them. This person, AOL user 005315, searched for information about prison inmates, gang members, sociopaths in relationships, and women who were murdered in southern California last year: 

resources for utility bill paying assistance in southern california
section 8 housing southern california
los angeles county ca. gang member pictures
orange county california jails inmate information
fractured ankle
letters and responses written by women to emotionally
abusive partners
men that use emotional and physical abandonment to control their partner
warning signs of a mans infidelity or sexual addiction
the sociopathic relationship
southern california newspaper stories about woman murdered by boyfriend in pomona december2005
names of females murdered or found dead in pomona california in 2005
characteristics of a sociopath in a relationship
a person that shows lack of empathy
help in writing a letter to a abusive narcissistic ex boyfriend 
how to hurt the narcissistic man
retaliating against the narcisisstic man
CONTINUED: Lovelorn and desperate…
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September 18, 2014

Passing Awareness

Every so often, we all take what we are thinking and compare it with prior ideas.

Today, it dawned on me that when I was younger, I would recommend students follow the academic track in high school, rather than one designed for technical preparation for useful employment. This was an OK idea, back then, as I figured an excellent foundation was sufficient to work at any job or, if there is a shift in college, be able to attend to a career in the sciences or math.  Schools, back in the day, especially private ones, were excellent.

Now, I recommend following a serious vocational interest in high school.

As I see it, there are no jobs to BS degrees. I can fix my own poem, thank you. The academic foundation has been replaced with double-talk and a superficial understanding of how to be a drone. Of course, anyone in an "academic" setting is subjected to mindless pap form the NPR types who drift into and up in any career that involves managing other people, rather than producing something.

I also recommend college students who are working to make money to get back to school to forget about that unless they have a focused plan to follow that leads to useful knowledge. There is no point in owing the government $100,000 in student loans and being a barrista.

Old fashioned husbandry is the way to go. Get clean and free of debt (sober) and have a family. Old ideas are OK.


September 05, 2014

Uhmmm: False Flag

Greg keeps up on conspiracies.   

The first one I looked at, today, included a reference to a report that concluded the recent beheading of Foley could not be true from a forensic view.  OK.  We have had months of far more outrageous false flags. We get it.

Check out this video. The arrogance of the liars is stunning. It also seems the lying team must be very small.

Sandy Hill student who knew Lanza 

is also

Foley's Sister

You have to wonder how long people will fall for the big lie, especially when it is poorly done. I expect the average person does not know what is going on, hence Obama, so send this around.

My take on the Foley matter, as I do not watch American television news, just House MD, was that how the hell does someone kneel quietly waiting.

A good conspiracy theory to work on is who is running the extended false flag operations? We know Obama is a figure head, so who pulls the strings?  Why is ISIS touted as a new SS? I heard a Kurd on the Batchelor show mention in passing that ISIS is a small group of thugs who drive around in Fords; that they could have been removed in passing. 

He said they will hold their own against ISIS with a continued no help even though their weapons do not have the same range. 

Must be an election coming, but what is this? We are supposed to rally around the flag carried by liars? The idiots immunity from scrutiny is their downfall. First thing you do, is never buy a New York Times and cancel your cable.

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