Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 31, 2009

A final warning: Cliff HIgh

Please listen and act as you will. This is worth a few minutes.

I have the report mentioned in the interview above. but will respect High's direction that it not be passed around. However, let me say it is terrifying. Also, if I published it, the analysis borders on what most would think is insane, which may render it unappealing. The radio interview is much less chilling.

I looked up Cliff online to see if he was a crazy man; I don't think so. I found the above interview. It would be interesting if Greg and Rod listened to the interview and added observation. He strikes me as a man of a scientific bias, not a full out nut job. He is careful to define what he does and what the results mean. For example, they are not really predictions, only strong themes represented by frequently used terms.

High is a linguist who developed a method to listen to the Internet back in the 1990s. He is not a political pundit, etc. I know IBM has developed a system that listens to the net and can report back on what one is interested in, such as a new and popular band. Google provides ads vaguely related to my email, though clearly related, not reponsive. One can only imagine there are far more powerful apps behind the curtain.

High seems to be a big hit with the stranger crowd, but don't let that misdirect you. In this report, which is remarkably informal in places, humorous, he tells people to not read it, if they are squeamish and don't make any life changes based on what he found. I get the impression he believes in his methods and what the meta speak, especially about personal awareness, but that he is not interested in being a prophet. He is merely reporting upon what his system returns.

Still, it is good to listen and read other signs.

A bottom line - expect the worst and prepare for something far worse. It can't hurt to be prepared for bad times.

Time frame: right now. Literally.

Quick things to do, if you are concerned: buy silver or gold. Not mines, not stocks, buy metals, right now. (That is me talking) Buy food that will keep and store it away. According to High's scenario, you don't want to consider short term ups in a market, just buy.

Expect and avoid forced inoculations. (I swear he reported on this. He foretold states preparing to enforce the shots, just as Mass did last week.) The report senses those who advocate against the invasion of our persons will be arrested. This is a world-wide read of the Internet in many languages..

As the report says, there is a war between the elite and the rest of us. It is now an active war on the side of the elite. Again, this rings of the "all in" we were talking about.

However, the big event will be the surprise that people become aware and resist. The world will become aware there is an enemy, not just bad times. There will be something akin to a worldwide revolution, the elite being surprised, though that word seems inaccurate according to the interview. IF this report reflect what will happen, then there will be a bloody catharsis and in four years or so, the world will return to a more tribal life-style. Community, etc.

Per the report - If you hear of an attack on fields in Iran by Israel in its desire to curb Iran's nuclear program, there is a chance (in the great mistake) that a plume of deadly radiation will erupt from underground and will circle the earth for a long time resulting in millions of direct deaths, followed by more deaths as the food supply fails.

How sensing internet words in use, the analysis comes up with this, I have no idea, but if I hear of a field being attacked, I will immediately drive where I can get a gas mask, then go into a basement, seal it off and wait, with a pile of food. There will be a little time as the cloud circles the earth - to the NE US

Of course, this could all be ado about nothing, but he did report the date of the financial collapse and the immediate frequency of tall buildings/airplanes in an event that will change world history. One lecturer, one of the more goofy type, said after seeing High was 20 for 20, it was imperative to take notice of what the analysis reveals.

The notion of storing food is not based on this possibility. The BOT analysis foresees the next whipsaw of chaos as being in the food world, prices spiking beyond any expectation. The US Dollar will collapse, so get out of it. Get some food and other media of value if you are concerned.

Much of what High's analysis points to (he does not make this stuff up as a propagandist) is similar to what I have been jumping up and down about, even as to the solar oddities, however, his reportage is well beyond any concerns I have had.

A major term that comes up about the near or now term is "surprise." People will be surprised by events, prices, the dollar, economists by how things collpase, and the ruling elite about the push back.

And in my experience, surprise proves the consensus.

I cannot appreciate the depth of the Cliff's web bot nor say the reported terms portend the end times, but one has to consider what is being gleaned from the world users of the Internet.


August 30, 2009

First image of a molecule

Buck Fuller, long ago, bored most people with his view of the building blocks of nature, from the element to the universe. I am sure you recall his domes.

He wrote that all is structure. He also made up words and confused the hell out me.

Elements are different because of structure. Molecules are whart they are because ot their structure. This is pretty common stuff, now.

Nature has certain structures that is uses, it prefers. Indeed, it must follow.

The nanotube is a bucky structure. The bee hive, too. The structures not only meet the needs of its parts, but form in the strongest way. This is why Bucky domes site quietly during hurricanes.

The structures build on themselves to reveal a larger version. For example:

Non-enveloped Viruses

The virus is not a little lizard monster, it is a set of structures.

When I visited RPI, a few times, the researchers who were actually creating nanotubes (in a silly little interrocitor) were vaguely aware of the name. He wasn't one of them, nontheless

Now, we can look at...

Molecule Anatomy Imaged for First Time

Molecule Anatomy Imaged for First Time

IBM scientists in Zurich, Switzerland, have taken the first ever close up view of a single molecule using atomic force microscopy. The stunning image shows in detail the anatomy of an organic molecule called a Pentacene, consisting of 22 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms. Even the atomic bonds at the molecule's periphery can be seen. This breakthrough is being reported in the August 28 issue of Science magazine. More info and video at

August 28, 2009

Tick, Tick, Tick....

I had to write an entry today as Massachusetts has provided a perfect example of why some of us are frantic. Also, why those who go about their day trusting government have got to wake up. I don't usually add this, but you may want to spread this entry around.

First, above is a 60 Minutes clip (also here) about the "U.S. government propaganda machine."

That right wing propaganda vehicle 60 Minutes reported on the idiotic "swine flu" vaccine in 1976. I refused to take it even though it was offered in law school. We were told about 1917 and 1918, I think it was President Ford, and we were warned about the coming pandemic of a "deadly virus" that started in Fort Dix (not suspicious?).

You can't watch this show and stay asleep. Like today, the vaccine, which we are paying for again, was novel and not fully tested. The moronic campaign resulted in thousands of law suits, but that is less important than the precedent created.

Look into the eyes of the bureaucrat who was in charge and tell me you trust the government when he tells you it wasn't his job to know if the vaccine was tested. The recent line being: Always love your country, but never trust the government.

Next, feel free to Google this.

Massachusetts has just passed a law stating that if anyone refuses to follow the directions of the medical directorate, or whatever they call it, the person can be fined $1,000 a day and put in jail for 30 days. Please.....think. You want a national medical directorate? This is not a mistake being made by talk radio, this is the law in a bordering state.

A parent who won't let Big Brother inject his or her child will be put in jail. Want to bet the state courts order the injections, anyway.

One idiot response, on a site, was that this law can't actually go into effect as other laws make it impossible to happen. Its just a precaution.

Please. Talk about the walking dead. Why would they bother passing the law? How do we wake the dead?

A state is perparing to force injections upon its populace. Why don't we repeat that:

A state is preparing to force injections upon its populace.

First, using the arguments of the left, doesn't this constitute a violation of the right of privacy that Ted Kennedy insisted exists. Don't people have the right to make their own choice regarding their body? Or, is that just for killing embryos and making sure a teen's parents never know?

No, you say, ignoring what you could not understand, the law is justified as it is designed for public health!
That is a sensible rationale for injecting people or putting them in jail. Why not be merciful and put them in concentration camps for the public good? Keep the germs in one place, the filthy germ carrying gypsies. What are we going to do with the inbred morons?

Boy, now we can understand why Marxist states have to send so many people to psychiatric jails - to cure them of their bizarre ideas. A nice medical treatment for the disturbed ordered by the directorate.

Why not test embryonic DNA and abort those who may get sick. Or, kill off those to be born of poor parents? Planned Parenhood was founded on such a hope. Think about it. No poor = better schools, fewer sick people, less welfare. The perfect state uber alles. Why, we even save money.

Second, and I can't believe I have to even discuss this, what right does the state have to batter you and force a disease into you? Especially since vitamin C will keep you alive, if you are not strong. Are we so asleep that we no longer see fascism, communism, statism? Is this the Road to Serfdom?
Oh no, you say, the state is just going to put you in jail. Well, that is a good argument. No force, there. I bet we can take children from their parents for endangerment. Of course, that makes sense. Then, the state can inject them and rear them in an Obama youth brigade.
My question: are we in a state that tells us what it wants us to do for the common good (or that of the oligarchs) or are we a people who have joined together for the common good?

Your answer is the future.

Don't forget Judy Roberts, from the video, unless you think the individual comrade doesn't matter in the new state.

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August 27, 2009

Kennedy Epitaph

I am moved by the currents of our time and, humbly, add to the growing eulogies of the Kennedy branding.

Never forget the things that are not in the news today:

1. Ted Kennedy was expelled from Harvard - twice. Think about how great he was, at an early age, to be let back in after being caught cheating. Years later, Harvard honored the school's former student. Amazing man. I am sure if you or I were expelled for cheating just once, we would not be able to continue on and be appointed to a job in the DA's office. What stamina and drive.

Kennedy earned C grades at the private Milton Academy, but was admitted to Harvard as a "legacy" -- his father and older brothers had attended there, so the younger and dimmer Kennedy's admission was virtually assured. While attending, he was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England, pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea, where a war was raging. Kennedy was assigned to Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged.

While attending law school at the University of Virginia, he was cited for reckless driving four times, including once when he was clocked driving 90 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood with his headlights off after dark. Yet his Virginia driver's license was never revoked. He passed the bar exam in 1959, and two years later was appointed an Assistant to the District Attorney in Massachusetts' Suffolk County..
2. Managed to kill Mary Jo Kopechne, his partner in adultery, by driving drunk, having taken keys from his driver. The great sailor, then, left her underwater drowning, scratching at the upholstery, and went to his motel to confer about the events and have a nap. The body magically left the state before an autopsy and he was not available to have his blood tested by the police at the scene. 

3. Voted against notifying parents that their child had an abortion. He was gracious enough to vote for the state giving contraceptives to children, of course, in secret. 

4. Voted against requiring a photo ID in order to vote.

5. Voted for partial birth abortion and cloning.

6. Rated 26% by US COC, an anti business stance.

7. Never had a job outside of government. 

8. Voted against school vouchers and twice against school savings plans

9. Voted against oil from ANWR and nuclear power, but in 2007 voted we should include "global warming" in the legislative assumptions.

10.  On the family, the Christian Coalition awarded him a rating of 0%.

11. Voted no upon a bill to reduce gifts to Congressmen.

12. Voted against Roberts and Alito

13.  Within 45 minutes of Reagan's nomination of the brilliant scholar Judge Bork, Kennedy spoke:

"Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is -- and is often the only -- protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy... President Reagan is still our president. But he should not be able to reach out from the muck of Irangate, reach into the muck of Watergate and impose his reactionary vision of the Constitution on the Supreme Court and the next generation of Americans. No justice would be better than this injustice."[10][11] 

Breathtaking: "No justice would be better served than by this injustice."  There is an epitaph fitting the lion of the Senate. You don't want to wake up a Senator.

Who can forget the expelled C student Ted Kennedy crossing swords regarding legal scholarship with the mean Judge Bork?  The young, sad man showing up at an inquiry into Kopechne's death - wasn't that a neck brace he was wearing? How sad. The grand Senator so tired he would be found sleeping in the Senate?  The rhetorical genius who could inspire the crowd with unconnected syllables? 

It is time to let him  go.  Truly, America has lost someone, for sure. A former person who will add something brand new to Arlington Cemetery, the place where heroes and men of honor have long rested. 

Things are different today, so Shakespeare must be altered a bit, if I may be so bold: 

"The confusion that men do lives after them, the evil is oft interred with their bones"

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August 26, 2009

Required watching

Watch Glenn Beck tonight. Its an event.

He has done the framework behind the Obama communists (Van Jones), socialists, Weather Underground, etc. Last night, his ratings were higher than CBS News. Bob said, this morning, he is taping the rest of the week's shows.

We already know about Ayers, Obama's holy religious pastor, his father, family, mother, family friends, sponsors to Harvard, but more is being revealed about those in power.

I understand my blog is dedicated to looking at the message, not the messenger, but that implies the messenger is not trained liar. At some point, especially when dealing with humans, one has to stop talking into the gale and understand all is pretense, that argument has been a waste of time.

Greg has long wanted to create a program to track data back to who are running things. He can atually do this. Like most of us, he has to work for a living, though, to pay taxes and fees.

His idea parallels Beck's confusion as to who is pulling the strings. It can't be Obama. We know that. On last nights show, liberal democrat Caddell said he didn't think it was a Marxist putsh, but one of elitists. I can buy that this analysis makes sense to uncomfortable leftists, but I would believe they are still being herded.

Caddell says, and I am sure this is the strategy:
I think they're flooding the zones, to use a football metaphor, I prefer that. I mean, your viewers probably understand that. Setting out so many things and nobody can cover it all.
The bills, unread by Congress and the President, were prepared by leftists organizations and ready to be dumped on Congress ASAP - to be immediately passed - lest they be read and discussed by the people, who Bill Marr said last night were too stupid to consider when forcing progress on them. (The audience laughed. To that extent, he is right.)

There is an entire network of sub rosa organizations feeding the morons in Congress. Don't forget, ACORN is to control the census. An obvious joke, but most Americans probably don't know what a census is.

On the radio today, Beck said tonight's show is fearful for him, personally. He expects personal attacks, which I already see on the net: he is crazy. The typical attack.

I have to admit the morons fall for it. The evil or stupid or crazy (per situation): Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Cheney, Judge Thomas, etc etc etc, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, etc etc etc. I loved the dual attacks on Bush: he is stupid and he is devilishly clever. The attack depends on the subject matter. When you need to punt, Cheney ran everythings. You see, everyone not a true believer is crazy and stupid, just roll your eyes and don't talk to them. Give each other knowing glances.

Eventually, the believers are trashing the majority, the educated, the tax payers. The breeders are not a base in this country and the illegal aliens won't be able to vote for a long time. Still, even though Hitlers' putsh was a failure, he did eventually become dictator and millions died.

Here is some of Beck on the Piven-Cloward strategy.

The White House was on the telephone to FOX, during the broadcast, making demands.

In response to the facts about Van Jones the White House did not respond to allegations. Its reply was he is not a Czar, just an advisor, so don't call him a Czar. There you go, the Alinsky radicals don't know hot to think, just whine and threaten - but who are they threatening?

Look for the typical personal attacks on Beck. When it comes, you know he has revealed the beast. The thing is, I don't think the "all in" statists were ready, though their timing was smart. They don't have a lasting majority, only a perfect storm of events.

Soon, to say you are an Obama supporter will become an albatross. People will ask, "Are you a communist?" If people say no, then they are stupid. Some choice.

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August 25, 2009


I have been reading up on Vanadium, a trace material, that has been cited by author Doctor Julian Whitaker as important for blood sugar control. I found researching Vanadium very instructive as to the practical uses of science.

From the British Health Service, which provides no way to reply on its site (what the hell do you know):


Vanadium is a trace element found in a wide variety of foods including seafood, meat, dairy foods, cooking oils, fresh fruit and vegetables.

How much do I need?

Vanadium isn't thought to be needed for good health.

What does it do?

It's unlikely that we need vanadium for good health.

What happens if I take too much?

Some evidence suggests taking vanadium supplements might cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea, and make your tongue turn a greenish colour.

There isn't enough information to know what the effects might be of taking vanadium supplements.

What is FSA advice?

It's unlikely that we need vanadium for good health and too much could be harmful. There is no evidence to suggest that the vanadium we get from food is harmful.


There is no evidence it is harmful? Gee. There are no studies I can find that eating wood screws is a bad thing.

It is unlikely we need Vanadium? Lets look at the Mayo Clinic, which also agrees there is a paucity of persuasive human studies. You may be guessing, there are other opinions other than what a Medical Service bureaucrat has decided.


Clinical Information

The element vanadium, naturally found in minerals and rocks, is considered an essential element for mammals, although conclusive evidence for humans is lacking. Animal studies have shown that vanadium is essential for mammalian growth and reproduction, iron and lipid metabolism, and red blood cell production...-----


Let's see, an "essential element for mammals" but no conclusive studies recommend it for people even if it is "essential for mammalian growth and reproduction, iron and lipid metabolism, and red blood cell production." Yes, you are right, this is internally insane. I wonder if people actually know what they are saying. I sometimes don't, but I don't get paid for writing.


So, let me look at a discussion of ingredients of "Carbinator" or something or other, a supplement I found on the web:

...Vanadium— Is a trace mineral that has been shown to be helpful for regulating blood sugar and insulin utilization and to help metabolize glucose levels. Vanadium has positive effects on helping to normalize blood sugar for both hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar).


I had to follow up on that one.

The authors below explain the lack of studies has to do with what happens to one where they are free of vanadium. I haven't found a study to see what happens when is free of wood screws.

Diabetes Information Library

The site also, pooh poohs a bit, but adds

...Though we do ingest 10-60 micrograms per day from food, there have not been any studies in humans that examine the effects of a vanadium-free diet. One thing, however, appears clear from animal studies: vanadium is vitally important in the treatment of diabetes. 6

1. Brichard, S., et al., Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 1995; 16(8): 265-70.
2. Orvig, C., et al., Metabolic Ions In Biological Systems, 1995; 31: 575-94.
3. Boden, G, et al., Metabolism, 1996; 45(9): 1130-35.
4. Yuen, V., et al., Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1995; 73: 55-64.
5. Cohen, N., et al., Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1995; 95(6): 2501-09.
6. Harland, P., et al., Journal of the American Diabetic Association, 1994; 94(8): 891-94.


OK, One more, more that is current and more useful. It also suggests why institutional medicine is steering us away from looking at Vanadium:

Natural Insulin-Mimetics: Foods Containing Vanadium

Compounds made from vanadium act as insulin-mimetics and are currently being studied to see if they could be potential oral replacements for insulin. The downfall to this is that these substances are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and the amounts that may be needed to


The article warns of having too much Vanadium as it mimics insulin. Then again, the article was just a report by someone who got paid $15. (I know what they pay.)

It starts to make sense, why would someone want to prescribe mussels to moderate an insulin problem when he could take an injection or why would a national health plan want to distribute another product if it does have to? A pound is a pound, after all.

A real book , those archaic paper things, says studies show Vanadium has helped where too much insulin is being excreted as it is not effective, insulin resistance, which is what I worry about. I just avoid sugar as best I can, but it is everywhere. This is where exercise is vital as there it burns blood sugar nicely and eliminates the concern for a little while, so you can pig out.

The point: don't listen to anyone but me.

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All in

Good thumb sucker.

It used to be Rasmussen Reports was awarded accolades for its accuracy, such as projecting the Obama victory very close to dead on. Indeed, Fordham's analysis of pollsters rated Rasmussen No. 1. But, now, obviously, the company has been taken over by deniers and birthers, as its results are not supportive.

Greg and I were talking, as usual perplexed by "apparent" irrational actions which suggested a complex strategy, and Greg mentioned that the adamant acts of the politicians, in the face of resistance, must mean the left (perhaps) is "all in." That was a few weeks ago, that analysis is stronger in light of the continuing government disregard for popular opinion. [The picture is artwork from Reuters, keep that in mind. News services enjoy being the Ministry of Propoganda.]

The powers behind the statist movement that is taking place are all in, all the chips are on the table. There has been an analysis that we are at the point that the entire game can be taken AND the statists think they have the cards, i.e. being mindless voters.

So, the parties are standing at the table, behind their chairs, as the cards are being played out. This is the highest stakes hand this nation has faced. If the Constitution and the common law survive, it will be a good time to dissect what is going on and who is directing the game. Who has been sucking money from each of us to give to bankers, unions, and refusing benefits to workers at Dole.

Obviously, the brains behind the hand are not Obama or Pelosi etc. These are useful chips who don't even know what is written on their sides. What happens to them is now less important to the players than taking control of peoples' lives, winning the entire game, probably for economic reasons. Cards are in hand and those not watchin Oprah are watching the table to see where the cards lead. Odds are merely odds, no matter how finely calculated, not the endgame. In addition, calculation can't be properly computed when data must be run through a filter.

All in, right now, is an interesting strategy. Usually, the left plays is a game of brinkmanship, of incrementalism, but no more. It is itme to make the final play. If they win, I don't know that we can recover the traditions of America. It becomes time to disappear from the game room.

The GOP is a dithering drunk trying to remember what Reagan said, a weakened opponent for sure, but the future seems to be moving away from the power structures standing behind the chairs. In the end, the cards matter.

We will see if the statists have made the correct "all in" move. Here is some evidence that they may have been premature, but they do have a good hand.


Of course, this poll was attacked as distorted in the way it was put together, what Rasmussen wanted to demonstrate, the intensity of support, so

The last three months have witnessed one of the best stock markets in history, so something else is afoot in these numbers, no? Serious bad news is to come, soon, and it will not the Bush's fault. That dog can't run anymore, it is dead. Bush did not ignite all the fires of inflation. He bemoaned the, now, little "bail out" he pushed through in a week. Indeed, the right is still critical of the move.

Finally, the Rules for Radicals doesn't make sense when you are in control. Applying fear and hysteria is nuts if you are in charge, unless you can blame the Jews and Gypsies. In the U.S., you can't blame business for long, except to the Eloi and trogledytes, as we are a nation of businesses. We are a people defined by commerce. We are producers who were too busy to notice the abusers took power. The enomic minds of the electorate are now engaged.

What is good for General Motors is, now, anathema to the country and, increasingly, people get it.

By the way, 72% of NY Democrats think their folks are trying hard. QED.

Perceptions of Obama



Obama Approval Index


A, C, T

Strongly Approve


A, C, T

Strongly Disapprove


A, C, T

Taxes Will Go Down


A, C, T

Gov't Spending Will Go Up


A, C, T

Obama on Economy - Ex/Good


V, C, T

Obama on Nat'l Sec - Ex/Good


A, C, T

Leadership - Ex/Good


A, C, T

Views Society as Fair


V, C, T

Politically Liberal


A, C, T

Iraq Priority - Troops Home


A, C, T

Troops Home - End of 1st Term


A, C, T

Obama on Energy - Ex/Good


A, C, T

Supreme Ct Choices Too Liberal


V, C, T

More Ethical Than Most Politicians


A, C, T

Ethics Ex/Good


A, C, T

Trust Obama on Economic Crisis


A, C, T

Select above: A = Article, V = Video, C = Crosstabs, T = Trends

National Tracking: Economy


Rasmussen Consumer Index


A, C, T

Rasmussen Investor Index


A, C, T

Rate Economy - Ex/Good


A, C, T

Rate Economy - Poor


A, C, T

Economy Getting Better


A, C, T

Economy Getting Worse


A, C, T

Rate Personal Finances - Ex/Good


A, C, T

Rate Personal Finances - Poor


A, C, T

Finances Getting Better


A, C, T

Finances Getting Worse


A, C, T

Economy in a Recession


A, C, T

select above: A for article, C for crosstabs, T for trends

National Tracking: Rasmussen Employment Index


RR Employment Index






Laying Off



Happy with Job



Worried about Losing Job



select above: A for article, V for video

America's Political Mood



Partisan Identification

Dem +3

A, C, T

Generic Congressional Ballot

GOP +5

A, C, T

Congress: Excellent/Good


A, C, T

Supreme Court: Excellent/Good


A, C, T

The US is on the Wrong Track


A, C, T

America's Best Days in Future


V, C, T

select above: A for article, V for video, C for crosstabs, T for trends

National Tracking: War On Terror



US is Winning the War On Terror


A, C, T

In 6 months, Iraq Will be Better


A, C, T

In 6 months, Afghanistan Will be Better


A, C, T

US is Safer than before 9/11/2001


A, C, T

select above: A for article, C for crosstabs, T for trends

National Tracking: Partisan Politics



More Partisan?


A, C, T

More Cooperative?


A, C, T

Obama Governing as Bipartisan?


A, C, T

GOPs acting Bipartisan?


A, C, T

Dems acting Bipartisan?


A, C, T

select above: A for article, C for crosstabs, T for trends

National Tracking: Taxes



Tax Increases Help or Hurt Economy?



Tax Cuts Help or Hurt Economy?



Increases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



Decreases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



See article, crosstabs, or trends

Importance of Issues

Very Important




A, C, T

Gov't Ethics/Corruption


A, C, T

Health Care


A, C, T



A, C, T

Nat'l Security/War on Terror


A, C, T

Social Security


A, C, T



A, C, T



A, C, T



A, C, T

War in Iraq


A, C, T

Select above: A = Article, C = Crosstabs, T = Trends

Trust on Issues




National Security



A, C, T

War in Iraq



A, C, T

Health Care



A, C, T




A, C, T

Social Security



A, C, T




A, C, T




A, C, T




A, C, T




A, C, T

Gov't Ethics/Corruption



A, C, T

Select above: A = Article, C = Crosstabs, T = Trends

National Tracking: Energy



Global Warming Serious Problem


A, C, T

Global Warming Caused By Humans


A, C, T

Nuclear Power Plants Should Be Built?


A, C, T

select above: A for article, C for crosstabs, T for trends

Congressional Favorables




Nancy Pelosi



V, C, T

Mitch McConnell



V, C, T

Harry Reid



V, C, T

John Boehner



V, C, T

Select above: V = Video, C = Crosstabs, T = Trends

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