Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

January 27, 2014

Blame Canada 1.1

Our agent in Toronto, Irene, sent this along with an admission of Canada's blame. It is secret Internet documentation you get from Canadian sources - for Canadians, eh?

Only Big Environment still protects deniers because of all the money to be made in blaming the U.S. for millions of cows farts.

So, when Key West gets cold, is it because they drive to bars? I say not!  LOOK!

It is the arctic blow that hits Maple Trees, then leaves.

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January 25, 2014

Blame Canada: Weather Change Caused By Canadians (Canadiens)

There has been extensive ersatz scientifically related essays written about global warming, which, since there is cooling, is now called climate change. That name is used because global cooling was used in the 1970s and, if things were just cooling, they would not be changing, which includes warming.

Conditions are so bad the scholars of the United Nations have voted that humans cause whatever the current condition may be.  While this is well enough, we must drill down below the superficial scientific jargon to determine what is happening and how we can fix the earth. After all, it is crazy to just blame everyone! The Heimlich Maneuver dictates that whatever the solutions may be, the right one is the simplest. Looking for the simplest idea should be, well, simple.

In biology there is a study of the neurological stuff found in the head. This is a serious scientific survey course, so it appeared to me that if I think using my brain, that would fall into neurological activity, which is scientific. So, after a few minutes of looking at the sub zero F (not C for commiegrade) weather outside my carbon producing coffee shop, I decided to solve the problem of the weather. All I needed was some science and anecdotal observation.

Science people have voted, I heard, that there is something called chaos theory. That is a fact; that being so, one can look to the little causes of big changes, such as a butterfly causing Katrina. This is scientific theory! I am no denier!

Therefore, while writing an email to Irene in Toronto, because I was tired of Canada sending us arctic weather, it suddenly was all clear. Simplistic observation reveals all.

Eureka! It is obvious: Canadian highs come from Canada; the arctic is in Canada; arrows of cold come from Ontario right down the Mohawk valley! This is so obvious that I am reminded of being a frog coming to boil in a pot.

I am announcing a new campaign:  Blame Canada!

There is a 100% correlation, here.  All cold weather that I feel comes from Canada. Even when some comes from, say Ohio, the weatherman in Ohio will tell you it originally came from Canada! 100% of the time.  The correlation points directly at Canada; this truth is settled.

But it is not enough to blame an abstract, geo-political, semi-Marxist idea. We have to drill down and find the root cause, then, de root it. In the end, according to the U.N., people are the cause of major changes on the earth, therefore Canadians are responsible for global weather change in New York. QED. Where does that weather go? Everywhere!

The country would have died out soon enough, it being so cold, but they cleverly began having something call landed immigrants.  Aliens, that is! Why the PC name for Aliens?

Aliens become Canadians and, therefore, keep up the stress on weather. This is an outrage! Notice all Canadians, alien or not, live on the other side of the border - the very same border where the Canadian cold fronts attack us in the quiet of the night. Vancouver is a hot bed of aliens who breathe and drive cars. CO2 is their natural resource, eh. They are part of the plot. No room, here, to explain the plot.

We have enough drones to chase all Canadians back to wherever they came from. This makes sense as there is no point in killing them as rotting bodies give off carbon dioxide. Aside from the science of the matter, the change has to be permanent which requires political manipulation.

Canadians must leave in fear and close their baby hospitals, where they develop SARS. The world must remain in fear of reconquering the land of the happy indigenous people. We need to arm the First Nations (silly name for Indians) and let them stay. Things were fine when the savages took care of mother earth. It is the Catholics and Episcopalians and Jews who infected Canada. Montreal is still a hotbed of frigid foreignism. They eat warm goat cheese, of all things. And poutine! Pig's knuckles!!!

The settle fact is clear: Canadians are responsible for climate change.  There is no point in denying that. Universities should instigate courses in Canadian Cold Studies, so the sober students will understand the social justice of eliminating the evil superhero.

Weather change starts there, something we all know, and blows right through Buffalo, Albany, and continues on to cool the entire earth, then, when the earth tilts over, Canadian air heats the planet. This hot and cold game they play causes fronts, which, in turn, causes storms and kills earthlings. NEVER FORGET KATRINA!

Whether Canada's horrific pollution is caused by pure malevolence or ignorance does not matter where the earth's existence is in balance.  A rabid dog must be put down.

Canadians must be regulated much more, then, removed. Sorry.

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January 24, 2014

Impeach Cuomo and Obama

Andrew Cuomo and Obama should be impeached for criminal activity.  Cuomo for directing criminal activity and Obama for violating his oath of office and refusing to defend the Constitution. 

To wit:
The federal government regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. § 811), which does not recognize the difference between medical and recreational use of marijuana. Under federal law, marijuana is treated like every other controlled substance, such as cocaine and heroin.
Under the CSA, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that the federal government views marijuana as highly addictive and having no medical value. Doctors may not "prescribe" marijuana for medical use under federal law.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), charged with enforcing federal drug laws. More than a hundred people are currently in prison or are facing charges or ongoing criminal or civil investigations for their cultivation or distribution of medical marijuana.

There is no wiggle room here.  The violations are overt. Send this around. If anyone has time, write to attorney generals, the FBI, State Police, Cuomo's office, the White House and politely ask how it is the law is being ignored. 

What is going on is there is a movement afoot to remove the federal constrictions on marijuana, but the law remains as noted above. 

January 23, 2014

NOAA Fraud: U.S. Temperature Lies and Lets Make the Past Seem Much Cooler

Follow the link to a technical explanation of the false science coming out of NOAA regarding the temperature of the United States. 

As I noted years ago, the avalanche of truth will expand and push aside false science. The true believers who are stupid will stand before the torrent in a confused prayer. The diabolical pseudo scientists and politicians will dematerialize and the media will talk about a traffic jam in New Jersey, which is apparently news. Then, scientists and government will confer with Goldman Sachs and institute a new terror that the world must fight against, no matter how many trillions of dollars must be transferred from the public.

Here are two summations:

1.  Bottom line is that there is clearly a huge error in the USHCN adjustments which has added a non-existent one degree hockey stick warming to the official US temperature record, and I now know just where to look for it in their code.
FOIA time.
This is what the adjusted temperatures would look like, without the error. Ignoring the fact that the adjustments themselves are probably not valid....
ScreenHunter_66 Jan. 19 00.37
2. Bottom line is that the NCDC US temperature record is completely broken, and meaningless. Adjustments that used to go flat after 1990, now go up exponentially. Adjustments which are documented as positive, are implemented as negative....

From a related update:

Visualizing How USHCN Hides The Decline In US Temperatures

USHCN thermometers show a significant decline in US temperatures since 1920, with 1921, 1931 and 1934 being the three hottest years.
NOAA decided that this simply wouldn’t do, so about a decade ago they started adjusting the data in the four steps shown below. Remarkably, each adjustment step causes the past to get cooler.
By the time they are done corrupting the data, they have hidden the decline and created a strong warming trend, with 1998, 1999 and 2006 being the three hottest years. Prior to corruption, 1999 and 2006 aren’t even in the top ten.
You can think of USHCN as being the Enron of US temperature data. The graph below shows the total adjustment. Note the massive cheat going on in  2012, which is needed to proclaim 2012 as the hottest year ever.

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January 15, 2014

Big Pharma's FDA: Guest Bureaucrat Alonza Cruse

Below is one-third of a warning letter that demands a company to change its evil ways under the US Code.

The company makes a pill with cinnamon, D-3, and fish oil.  There are hundreds of studies that reflect that these foods work with insulin sensitivity.  I know, I have all three all the time; however, the FDA has decided the "article" is a medicine and cannot be sold as it is.  I guess one is supposed to get prescription for food. I cam across this busybody letter while researching the product.

Mr. Alonza is on the left.  I hate to report it, but he seems like a nice guy. At the bottom is a link to a home-made video of a lecture on management that he gave. ZZZ

First let me whet your appetite:

FEBRUARY 27--The manufacturers of a powdered energy drink mix called 'Blow' are violating federal drug guidelines, according to the Food and Drug Administration, which notes that products peddled as an 'alternative to illicit street drugs pose a potential threat to the public health.' 
FDA officials contend that 'Blow' is an unapproved drug that is being marketed online (at in a way to draw comparisons to cocaine. In a warning letter, Alonza Cruse, director of the FDA's Los Angeles office, charged that the white powdery mix is packaged 'in a vial suggestive of street drug paraphernalia' and that photos of the product make it appear that the mix has been cut into 'very fine particles to increase the efficiency of nasal absorption prior to insufflation, i.e., snorting.' 
The January 31 FDA letter, a copy of which you'll find here, advises that unless the manufacturer of 'Blow' quickly cures its violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the company risks legal action and seizure of its product. A call to Logan Gola, who runs the company selling 'Blow' was not returned at press time 
Since its introduction last year, the energy drink mix has been criticized by law enforcement officers and drug prevention specialists, who have claimed that 'Blow' glamorizes drug use and is marketed to children. (3 pages)
One wonders what the FDA is supposed to regulate?  Sounds like it takes orders from ex-mayor Blumberg. After the excerpt of the next weird warning letter, you will find the statute behind all this.

July 15, 2013
WL # 47 - 13
Neuliven Health, Inc.
Attn: Lee Zhong, M.D., Ph.D.
10171 Pacific Mesa Blvd.
Suite # 302
San Diego, CA 92121
Dear Dr. Zhong:
This is to advise you that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed your website, in April 2013 and has determined that you take orders there for the product, Glucocil, which the website promotes for conditions that cause this product to be a drug under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)]. The claims on your website establish that this product is a drug because it is intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. As explained further below, introducing or delivering this product for introduction into interstate commerce for such uses violates the Act.
Unapproved New Drugs
Examples of the claims noted on your website include the following:
On the homepage “Glucocil’s ingredients help you naturally and safely:”
•  “Lower fasting blood sugar levels up to 29%”
•  “Lower A1c levels significantly”
• “Since using Glucocil, my blood sugar level has been under control.” 
• “Glucocil helps stabilize your blood sugar all day, without adding a drug!” 
• “The average decrease I see in my patients’ glucose spike at 45 minutes is 50-75 points. With that kind of decrease in the glucose spike, the blood glucose levels are much easier to control.” 
• “Glucocil has the natural and safe ingredients clinically proven to help manage blood sugar levels.” 
• “After trying many natural remedies to lower and stabilize blood sugar levels, I have found Glucocil to be the only product that performs remarkable results.”
On the webpage titled, “How it Works”:
• “Glucocil is a natural supplement specifically designed to help prediabetics and type 2 diabetics: 
› Lower blood sugar & A1c levels …”
• “Clinical studies show that Glucocil ingredients:
               Lower fasting blood sugar levels up to 35% …
               Lower A1c levels up to 21%”
On the webpage titled, “Ingredients”
• “Cinnamon Bark Powder…Cinnamon has been shown to reduce fasting serum glucose … and total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes. More specifically, studies have found that cinnamon powder not only reduces fasting blood sugar levels up to 29%, but also significantly reduces A1c levels.” 
• “Fish Oil… It is also known that a high fish intake can delay the development of diabetes in glucose-intolerant individuals.”
• “Vitamin D… Studies suggest that high levels of vitamin D helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 33 percent, type 2 diabetes by 55 percent …”


Credit where it is due:

...Please send your reply to the attention of Dr. Raymond W. Brullo, Compliance Officer, Food and Drug Administration, Los Angeles District Office, 19701 Fairchild, Irvine, CA 92612. If you have any questions regarding any issue in this letter, please contact Dr. Brullo at (949) 608-2918.
Alonza Cruse, Director
Los Angeles District
     (Can't sleep - watch his  lecture)    
cc: Litao Zhong
     7340 A Trade St,
     San Diego, CA 92121

What is amazing is this law, below, fails basic grammatical investigation. According to the law in (g)(1), items A,B,C,D are joined in the conjunctive. That means ALL conditions are required to define a drug. Of course, to confuse analysis more a semi colon is thrown into the mix;  this would only be proper where there is a new, related sentence or a series is being spelled out. Neither is the case. In the current world of discretionary law, the courts, I am sure, will rewrite the words of the Congress so it fits what they think it should say.

Anyway, there are many medical companies and doctors who make good money selling drugs that, albeit with horrible side effects, have been approved by other doctors who are related to big companies. So, adding the three foods together make it a drug.  Nonsense. This is big pharma and little Marxists. I was forced to submit to Warfarin once until I read the NIH said it was stupid to do so, just take a baby aspirin.  No money in that, is there?

I have read many studies (OK, the abstracts) that confirm the reports in the advertisement given. The studies recommend eating certain foods or taking so many grams of an extract. So, here is a company selling the extract that the US government attacks.  The evil, violative words actually say the product is a natural supplement.  Duh!  Where is the sale of a "drug?"    

Why is the FDA even involved in cinnamon?  Because it says so?  Clearly, aspirin and cinnamon are a threat to east money from drugs.

I am making more coffee, now, and will add cinnamon and  take my D-3 pill.  I hope the NSA isn't tracking me.  I just realized I have ginger snaps.  Ginger is good for one, too,  Yikes!


SEC. 201. [21 U.S.C. 321]


  SEC. 201. [21 U.S.C. 321] Definitions; generally
For the purposes of this Act—  2
(a)(1) The term "State", except as used in the last sentence of section 702(a), means any State or Territory of the United States , the District of Columbia , and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico .
(2) The term "Territory" means any Territory or possession of the United States , including the District of Columbia , and excluding the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone.

(b) The term "interstate commerce" means (1) commerce between any State or Territory and any place outside thereof, and (2) commerce within the District of Columbia or within any other Territory not organized with a legislative body.

(c) The term "Department" means the Department of Health and Human Services.

(d) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

(e) The term "person" includes individual, partnership, corporation, and association.

(f) 1 The term "food" means (1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.

(g)(1) The term "drug" means (A) articles recognized in the official United States Pharmacopoeia, official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, or official National Formulary, or any supplement to any of them; and (B) articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals; and (C) articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals; and (D) articles intended for use as a component of any article specified in clause (A), (B), or (C). A food or dietary supplement for which a claim, subject to sections 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(3) or sections 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(5)(D), is made in accordance with the requirements of section 403(r) is not a drug solely because the label or the labeling contains such a claim. A food, dietary ingredient, or dietary supplement for which a truthful and not misleading statement is made in accordance with section 403(r)(6) is not a drug under clause (C) solely because the label or the labeling contains such a statement.

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January 13, 2014

BBC as a Subversive Public Organization

Tangled webs of deception are difficult to preserve. Even that of the Obama administration, a coven of expert subversive, true believers, only convinces other true believers these days.

Last weeks bouncing ball or squirrel, a metaphor for a distracting news event the system promotes, was about an deputy deputy of Governor Christie being a New Jersey politician and leaving a trail. That story to the end got 1.5 full pages in the local non-newspaper. There was giddy speculation that his political career was over.  

In that issue there was also a 5 inch article, page three, center bottom, about how the State Department released a statement which, oh, if you were paying attention, proved President Obama and Ms. Clinton lied to the U.N. and world and you about its permissive killing of our Ambassador in Benghazi. It lied about the YouTube basis of rioting and the arrest of some schlub for making a video, and about having no time to rescue our people; for my part a serious fly over by one jet would have scattered the Muslim terrorists, er film critics.

Recall, our retired seals had "lit up" the mortar team (that killed one) which is only done when they are informed some delivery mechanism is close.  The lighting up of the mortar gave away the position of the Americans which is why you never use the laser unless there is an immanent attack. We had a presence in the sky above the shooting.

Obama got elected because of this mammoth and obvious lie (along with Romney's dopey silence) and because of Christie became his groupie just before the election. The Chicago method: lie and double the lie, then kill off your friends, if useful.

Of course, Democrats do not really lie, that is my old-fashioned frame of reverence, they spin and reconfigure reality. Anyway, there remains a fair percentage of stupid people, using the adjective correctly, who pay no attention to anything beyond ABC radio news when it breaks into the hip hop beat. They and those of us who refused to vote for Carl Rove put Obama in power. For my part, the faster the whole government collapses the better. We need much more than a clean broom.

So, here is more on the false global warming, change, subversion promoted by the BBC.  More politically correct lying.  Well, not lying, just recasting reality to meet the correct doubleplusgood think.

Scandal: BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives

David Rose of the Mail on Sunday tears the BBC a new one, thanks to an “amateur climate blogger”.
  • Pensioner forces BBC to lift veil on 2006 eco-seminar to top executives
  • Papers reveal influence of top green campaigners including Greenpeace
  • Then-head of news Helen Boaden said it impacted a ‘broad range of output’
  • Yet BBC has spent more than £20,000 in legal fees trying to keep it secret
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming,  The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war  – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Then director of television Jana Bennett opened the seminar by telling the executives to ask themselves: ‘How do you plan and run a city that is going to be submerged?’ And she asked them to consider if climate change laboratories might offer material for a thriller.
A lobby group with close links to green campaigners, the International Broadcasting Trust (IBT), helped to arrange government funding for both the climate seminar  and other BBC seminars run by  Mr Harrabin – one of which was attended by then Labour Cabinet Minister Hilary Benn.
Applying for money from Mr Benn’s Department for International Development (DFID), the IBT promised Ministers the seminars would influence programme content for years to come.
The BBC began its long legal battle to keep details of the conference secret after an amateur climate blogger spotted a passing reference to it in an official report.
Tony Newbery, 69, from North Wales, asked for further disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. The BBC’s resistance to revealing anything about its funding and the names of those present led to a protracted struggle in the Information Tribunal. The BBC has admitted it has spent more than £20,000 on barristers’ fees. However, the full cost of their legal battle is understood to be much higher.

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January 09, 2014

Blatant Fascism: Probe of IRS Criminal Acvtivity

If you do not like tyranny, you had better replace the GOP drones.

Look what is being done regarding the recent criminal activity by Mr. Obama. Like Hitler, he will keep pushing until the only way to clean out the government will be ugly. To survive a republic requires intelligent citizens and honorable representatives. The first is questionable, the second is clearly not true.

It is incomprehensible that moral and awake Americans in  Congress just grumble on Fox TV and do nothing to protect the republic. They are, de facto, liars. There is strategy or game plan that authorizes conspiracy, lying, and illegal action. Get them out. Keep pouring the Draino. You do not compromise with someone shooting at you.

The Tea Party has been shot at and the marshal has appointed a hand of the boss that runs the gambling hall in town is running the farmers off the land to pretend to handle the problem.

Vote Primaries, where your vote counts. The party does not matter; the deadwood has to go.

If the following just meanders by without registering with you, I am sure the way to get your interest is to substitute Obama with Nixon. While this may wake up your dormant emotionalism, recall Nixon's first Watergate prosecutor resigned in protest over the appearance of interference.  The second prosecutor brought Nixon down so that the GOP demanded his resignation.

Now, think about Al Capone in the White House and consider wether he would ever resign for a crime or eliminate the complainant.  I sure hope you wake up.

From Washington Post:

JUSTICE: Feds pick Obama supporter to lead probe into IRS tea party targeting

  • SIZE: + / -
    The Justice Department selected an avowed political supporter of President Obama to lead the criminal probe into the IRS targeting of tea party groups, according to top Republicans who said Wednesday that the move has ruined the entire investigation.
    House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, and regulatory affairs subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, said they have discovered that the head of the investigation is Barbara Kay Bosserman, a trial lawyer in the Justice Department who donated more than $6,000 to Mr. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, as well as several hundred dollars to the national Democratic Party.
    “The department has created a startling conflict of interest,” Mr. Issaand Mr. Jordan said in a letter sent Wednesday and reviewed by The Washington Times. “It is unbelievable that the department would choose such an individual to examine the federal government’s systematic targeting and harassment of organizations opposed to the president’s policies.”
    The Internal Revenue Service’s internal auditor revealed in May that the agency had been inappropriately targeting and blocking applications for tax-exempt status from tea party and conservative-leaning groups. In the immediate aftermath, Mr. Obama promised that the FBI and theJustice Department would investigate whether the IRS broke any laws.
    Eight months later, the investigation has not produced any public findings, and Mr. Issa says the FBI and Justice Department have stonewalled his efforts to find out what’s going on....

    Mr. Issa doth protest too  much. 
    Why not institute articles of impeachment? How many dozens of crimes constitute high crimes and misdemeanors? The Attorney General makes no excuses for not enforcing the law and overreaching. He can be impeached easily. We live in a republic, not serve drinks in a club. 

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