Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

May 30, 2012

Clear thinking

This is from, a reliable site for economic discussion. Mr. Durden seems to publish comments after every coffee. Short news bits for those who look beyond MSNBC.  He knocked off this bit today, which I happened to catch. Usally, I have little time to read all the stuff that flies by.  

What he describes is the simple answer to our economic problems, but those problems are the children of political philosophy. So, if you want to see a non-statist, Marxist, socialist, Progressive analysis, read on: 

Guest Post: "Big Idea Solution": Radically Lower The Cost Basis Of The Entire Economy
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/30/2012 - 12:38
Consumer protection ETC Greece Guest Post Obamacare Purchasing Power
We are constantly told all our problems are too complex to be addressed with simple "big idea" solutions. Complex problems require complex solutions, we are assured, and so the "solutions" conjured by the Central State/Cartel Status Quo are so convoluted and complex (for example, the 2,319-page Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act or the 2,074-page Obamacare bill) that legislators say they must "pass the bill to see what's in it."  
The real "solution" is to see that complexity itself is the roadblock to radical reformation of failed systems. Complexity is the subterfuge the Status Quo uses to erect simulacra "reforms" while further consolidating their power behind the artificial moat of complexity. Over the next three days, I will present three "big idea" solutions that cut through the self-serving thicket of complexity. 
Nature is complex, but it operates according to a set of relatively simple rules. The interactions can be complex but the guiding principles can be, and indeed, must be, simple. Big Idea One: Radically lower the cost basis of the entire U.S. economy. The cost basis of any activity is self-evident: what are the total costs of the production of a good or service? The surplus produced is the net profit which can be spent on consumption or invested in productive assets (or squandered in mal-investments).

Money is very mobile and seeks the most friendly home. Currently, it goes where it is allowed to work, safely, without being confiscated whether directly or not. Simply, the cost of doing business in the U.S. is a barrier to smaller business; large businesses use government to keep it that way, as they do have batteries of lawyers and accountants. The "robber barrons" were not as clever as todays corporations.

The mentally ill socialists want regulation, high taxes, high fees and fines, to pay for more jobs for government workers. At the same time, they pretend to be against "millionaires and billionaires," big banks, big insurance, big pharma while, all the time those biggies get to run their own industries and crush small companies, as long as they contribute to the ruling class. 

May 27, 2012

Caveat: May 28, 2012

Smart guy, Jim Rogers, called a gold nut in the past, was co-founder of Quantum Fund with Soros:

..."The problem is currencies everywhere are being debased, and that's why I would rather own real assets. I'd rather own silver or rice than Toyota or IBM," Rogers says.
"If you can get the right farmland I would suspect farmland would continue to be a wonderful place to continue to put money," Rogers tells Newsmax.TV. 
"Become a farmer. Finance is finished."...
"You're going to see more social unrest including in the United States, including in western and in developed countries. There's going to be a lot more social unrest. More governments are going to fall, more countries are going to fall," he said. 
"When I say be careful, I mean be very careful in every way, not just with your investments but with your life,"...
"Mr. Obama doesn't seem to understand what's going on in the world around him. His advisers certainly don't. I hate to laugh but I kept saying in 2009 that Mr. Obama has got to learn these guys don't have a clue," Rogers says. 
"We're all going to learn in 2013, 2014 and in 2015 that they are going to make things worse and worse and worse because the world's got serious problems partly caused by these guys who don't have a clue. The idea that you have the people who caused the problems to solve the problems is bad for my nervous system."
Read more: Jim Rogers: ‘Become a Farmer. Finance is Finished’ 

May 26, 2012

Timely history

Black Tuesday, October, 1929, was the day people recognized that everyone else realized the market was a Poni scheme. Below is a fascinating history of the seemingly small events that created the great collapse. The collapse, ultimately, was waiting for someone to must pull out one of the cards holding the house of cards together. There were many fundamental causes, but this appears to be the catalyst. Two powerful stresses were over-leverage and ballon loans.

There was rampant posturing and hyping that created the pressure upon the market. Once it appeared, just appeared in discussions, that one segment was rife with theft, the dam burst. Of course, it may be said that the collapse was planned by those who understood the game.

...For example, consider the market Crash of 1929... the event that sparked the Great Depression.
What was the 860 milligram detonator there? Yes, speculation was running wild at the time. And yes, corruption and manipulation were at an all time high. And, yes, the Feds did little to stop the deflation that was happening.
But all of those elements were just building blocks. If they had never been ignited, the bomb never would have exploded.
What lit the fuse?
On October 16, 1929, the Massachusetts Public Utilities Commission voted to not allow the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston to split its stocks.
At the time, shares were selling for a whopping $440... an astronomical number in those days. (That translates to $5,547 in 2010 dollars). When the decision to stop the stock split went public, the Commission reported that the stocks were extremely over-valued and represented a serious investment risk.
This conclusion was actually wrong... but truth and reality are poor excuses for fear and greed when it comes to stocks and trading.
In New York, then Mayor Franklin D. Roosevelt, ordered New York's Commission to investigate. In an October 19, 1929 issue of the Times, the Commission reported, "this inquiry is likely to have far-reaching effects and may lead to similar action in other States."
Professor Bonbright, the Roosevelt appointed Chair of the Committee, declared that utilities and the regulatory system that controlled prices was "a viscous system".
The utility market panicked. Within a week other utility Commissions around the country were evaluating the stocks of issuing similar statements about utility companies gouging stock holder and electric customers alike.
The impact was almost immediate.
On October 29, 1929 - also known as "Black Tuesday", the Times carried an article decrying the corrupt utility companies. That morning, as the news rolled out, investor confidence in utilities plunged, sparking a sell-off.
The next day, the Times headline ran, "Stocks Collapse in 16,410,030 Share Day"
The Times article described the scenes...

"It came with a speed and ferocity that left men dazed. The bottom simply fell out of the market..... The streets were crammed with a mixed crowd — agonized little speculators,... sold-out traders,... inquisitive individuals and tourists seeking ... a closer view of the national catastrophe..... Where was it going to end?"
In an extensive article on the Great Depression, Harold Bierman, Jr., a professor or economics at Cornell University, stated the following. It clearly illustrates that tiny sparks create massive explosions...

"It is possible that.... the overpriced public utilities hit by the Massachusetts Public Utility Commission decision and statements and the vulnerable margin investors, triggered the October selling panic and the consequences that followed."
Here's the amazing kicker of the whole thing...
During the enormous sell-off of that black day, Edison Electric went down with the rest of the herd. But, within less than a year, their shares were trading strong once again. One of the few that did.
By 1936, shares were almost back to early 1929 levels and the company was doing extremely well in the tough economic times.
What we see here is that the very thing that sparked precipitated the crash, rebounded quickly. Those that bought during the down time made a killing...

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May 24, 2012

Caveat from Fed Reserve Graphs

In the top squiggly line graph, you are looking at the unemployment job RATE (of job losses vs. peak employment month or the start of the decline) and the period of TIME of the losses. Notice both items. The rate of loss no longer fits within the channel of recession losses.  After 47 months we have moved UP to a 4.5% percentage of loss. Forget the nonsense TV rate of unemployment and understand the horror of what is happening. 

FOR 34 MONTHS our rate of losses as a percentage of peak employment has been over 5%.  You just know the Harvard types advising Obama figured the economy would always fit the earlier projections, so did what they wanted anyway fully confident the graphs control reality, rather than reflect it.

There was a long negative rate in 2001, but look.  It never dipped below 2%.  The old view is that our Keynesian system will produce an increase in the magnitude of crisis, as the  Fed throws money into the burning fire which, by definition, it must do. We have a Ponzi approach to fueling the bon fire and as all such schemes, the input disappears. Out work and productivity has its limits and we are past them.

The older recessions were over quicker. Going back to 1921, there was a very fast, deep shock to the system that repaired itself quickly; that was before the Fed used geniuses to prevent cauterizing wounds and amputating the dead. Their theory is to set up a clinic of life support experts. Hence, the "Great Depression" where FDR and friends, they admitted, just made things up to spur the economy.

In the second graph, is the RATE of change in the M1 money supply.  This is all the money in the system with bank reserves removed.  Bank reserves include Fed funding, which was forced in 2009.  Those funds were just created.

Th e reserve numbers are very high. The theory is that the banks will have to do something useful to the economy to offset the  reserves the Fed dropped on them. Gee, people wonder why it is not really working. This is you economy at work - a mad jerry-rigging of abstractions turned into independent creatures.

By the way, Jamie Diamon, boss of JPMorgan Chase, which just traded away $2,000,000,000, is on the board of the New York Fed. Something, impossible thanks to the Dodd-Frank bill of 2012.  Of note:
Kenneth Guenther, the former head of the Independent Community Bankers of America, told American Banker:
“I do think there is a public perception problem when the head of the largest bank gets into a massive highly publicized trading loss, which he articulately condemns, when he’s tied to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the president of the Federal Reserve Bank is vice chair of the Federal Open Market Committee. There is a perception problem. I don’t think there’s any way around it.” 
Diamon doesn't see any problem with bankers feeding bankers.  

An absolutely required movie: Inside Job.   It won an Academy Award last year and makes the melt down of the system painfully clear.  It is clear and entertaining, if one can use that word.

May 22, 2012

In case you thought Romney was conservative

Excerpt from

BHunter Lewis
Monday, May 21st, 2012

...The originator of this idea, Harvard economist Greg Mankiw, who in addition to being a former George W. Bush CEA chair, also happens to be one of two named economic advisors to George Romney, has been coy about how much extra CPI inflation he would like to see. But his Harvard colleague and co-author of This Time is Different, Ken Rogoff, has explained that they are thinking of about 6%.
Even Keynes never advocated giving away money to that degree. He did advocate zero % interest rates, but not -6% interest rates. That really raises the art of giving away money, generally to government cronies, to a new level. Of course it also assumes that the bond market will just go along with it and keep buying debt securities offering  such a return.
The one thing  that all these Keynesian remedies have in common is a desire to control prices. Unfortunately it is this very lust to control prices that is giving us the “austerity” and ” lack of growth” that M. Hollande, President Obama, and the other members of the G-8 so deplore.
Of course, inflation is the only way out of the current debt pool. It will be as massive as inevitable, and may not work. Certainly, the dollar will be crippled or dead and life very different for us. (Natural gas may be our lifeboat, once Mr. Obama's social control system is gone.)

However, have you heard Mr. Romney recommending a 6% inflation rate? 

The political circus is one of time-tested illusions, such as Romney's perspective is different from Obama. He likes printing money, secretly arresting citizens, and bombing people all over the world. 

He is, I suppose, different in that he is a natural born citizen; his dad, the famous Senator Romney, wasn't, if I recall correctly.

I know you may be filled with my grumbling, even though I have cut down the blog. So, here is a lecture announcement that has induced major axioms from the sort of thing I have been grumbling about. I recommend reading the scary stuff in the beginning. 

Yes, the TSA is running traffic stops....

Crisis in America:  A Call to Action
Dear Spectator reader,
Thank you for your continued support of The American Spectator. Occasionally, we send emails like this one to introduce our readers to advertisers and other organizations.
Below you will find an important message from the organizers of FreedomFest 2012.
– The American Spectator
FreedomFest *   July 12 - 14, 2012   *   Bally's Las Vegas 
"the annual meeting place for freedom lovers from around the globe"
Act Fast! — Register before May 18th and receive a FREE Silver Dollar!

Attend the special FreedomFest sessions:
"Crisis in America:  A Call to Action"

Dear over-taxed and over-regulated citizens,
At last year's FreedomFest, we warned a record crowd of 2,400 attendees that the new ObamaCare law imposed new draconian rules requiring businesses to issue a form 1099 to all persons who bought more than $600 in goods during the year.  It threatened to destroy most small businesses in America.
Because we and other concerned citizens sounded the alarm, Congress passed and the president signed H. R. 4 repealing the new 1099 requirements.
FreedomFest can make a difference!
But now something more sinister is developing.
The Department of Homeland Security just ordered 450 million rounds of special "hallow point" .40 caliber ammunition from defense contractor ATK.  The high performance HST bullets are designed for law enforcement and ATK says they offer "optimum penetration for terminal performance."
In addition, the Department has an open bid to stockpile rifle ammo, up to 175 million rounds of .223 caliber ammo, the same used by NATO forces.
Why?  The answer is clear:  The Federal government is gearing up for the unprecedented social unrest (worse than Greece) when Washington is forced to impose "austerity" plans next year after the November elections.  Either that or face runaway inflation to pay for the costly welfare programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and massive unfunded liabilities.
Protestors could be denied basic civil rights.  The new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) takes away basic rights of American citizens who are considered "terrorists" or "enemy combatants"  — they can be held indefinitely without trial and without legal representation.  (President Obama later said he would "never" impose this act on Americans.  Don't bet on it.)
The Obama administration is getting desperate.  As part of the federal-aid highway bill, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) has added a provision that denies anyone who owes the IRS more than $50,000 to be denied a passport. (Senate Bill 1813 is now in the House.)
The TSA is expanding rapidly its power.  It's not enough for swarms of government agents to invade our privacy with enhanced pat downs at airports, but they are also now engaging in random car stops on highways in America.
And this just in:  What if you go to jail as a dissident or enemy of the state?  In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled last week that police can strip search anyone who is taken to jail.  According to the High Court decision, jailers may perform invasive strip searches on people arrested even for "minor offenses."  This travesty of justice was made in the case of Albert Florence, a black man who was arrested in New Jersey on a warrant for an unpaid fine, even though he had paid it and had proof on him when he was arrested.  The guards force him to strip naked and expose his mouth, nose, ears and genitals to a visual search in case he was hiding anything. Who cast the deciding majority vote? Justice Anthony Kennedy, the man who will decide the fate of ObamaCare in June.
These are scary times, and that is why we are having a special "emergency" session at FreedomFest entitled "Crisis in America: A Call to Action." We expectanother record crowd (over 1,000 have already signed up) and are on our way to selling out.
Register Now for Freedom Fest!
Now, more than ever, your freedoms and hard-earning wealth are in danger.
As Benjamin Franklin warned in 1776, "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Friends of liberty, we have reached the tipping point, where the burdens of being over-regulated, over-taxed, and over-indebted will kill the golden goose.  Heritage's Index of Economic Freedom shows the United States steadily declining — and now it may go into free fall, unless we act.
That's why we're holding a special "private" emergency session at this year's FreedomFest to address the on-going financial and political crisis.
Leaders of all the major freedom organizations, free-market think tanks, and media will be there:  Cato, Reason, Heritage, FreedomWorks, Fox News, Heartland, FEE, Newsmax, Atlas, Mises, Hillsdale, Liberty Fund, Students for Liberty, Human Events, etc.
Top Experts who will Address The Coming Storm
To assess the dangers ahead, we have the following experts:
  • Judge Andrew Napolitano (Fox News legal and political analyst) will bring you up to date about the latest assault on our liberties and our rights, and what we can do about them.   Last year his private VIP luncheon sold out, and he has agreed to do it again.
  • Note:  Judge Napolitano's private VIP luncheon is limited to only 100 hundred attendees:  If you want to attend, please call Tami Holland immediately at 1-866-266-5101.  His remarks will be off the record — no recordings will be allowed so he can speak freely to attendees about what's really going on in Washington, New York, and at Fox News.   Steve Forbes will introduce the judge.
  • Steve Forbes will return this year after having prostate surgery (thankfully he has fully recovered).  His topic:  "How to Find Freedom in an Unfree World:  Why This 2012 Election Will Make a HUGE Difference!"  Mr. Forbes is our official co-ambassador, and attends all 3 days!
  • Mr. X, Washington's #1 insider, will address "How to Starve the Beast (Big Government)."  CNN and CBS 60 Minutes named Mr. X "Washington's #1 Power Broker," and Fox News "The Most Hated Man in Washington" — the man who singlehandedly stopped Obama's tax-and-spending "super committee" from reaching an agreement in November.   His name and topic will be revealed when you register
  • Steve Moore, the most influential member of the Wall Street Journal board, will talk about "How Barack Obama is Bankrupting the US Economy, and What You Can Do About It." 
This Year's Mock Trial: The Journal vs. The Times!
"Wall Street on Trial"
Every year we host a mock trial, and this year will be "Wall Street on Trial,"pitting the Wall Street Journal's editorSteve Moore (defending attorney) against the New York Times columnist Robert Frank (prosecuting attorney), with star witnesses Steve Forbes, John Mackey, and Peter Schiff. The sparks will fly!
  • John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market and official co-ambassador to Freedom Fest, will join our panel with Steve Forbes and Yaron Brook, on"Creating a New Brand of Capitalism in the 21st Century."  
  • NEWS ALERT!  Fortune magazine just named John Mackey #7 in its "Top 12 Entrepreneurs of Our Time"! (Others on list include Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Sam Walton.)  We are honored to have John speak at our conference.  Like Steve Forbes, he attends all 3 days; he especially loves our debates. 
  • Yaron Brook, the fiery president of the Ayn Rand Institute, on "Why We Are Losing — and How to Turn Things Around."
  • Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, the political organization behind theTea Party successon "Hostile Takeover: Resisting Centralized Government's Stranglehold on America."  
  • Richard Rahn (Cato) and Warren Coats (former IMF official) will lead a special session on "The Crisis Panel: Real-Life Cases of Survival a Financial Crisis."  Rahn, Coats and other experts describe times when they personally faced currency controls, shortages, and social unrest in Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.  Not to be missed.
  • Tom Woods, senior fellow at the Mises Institute and author of the bestseller, "Meltdown:  A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse."
We will also call upon the expertise of international CEO Alexander Landia(with offices in London, Berlin, and Moscow), Keith Fitz-Gerald (editor of Money Map and top expert on Japan and China), Roberto Salinas of Mexico Business Forum, and Joel Stern, CEO of Stern Stewart and professor of finance at five top universities (Chicago, Columbia, Carnegie-Mellon, University of Cape Town, and University of Singapore).  Stern will update us on "Dangers Ahead in China and New Opportunity in Emerging Markets."
  • Tom Palmer, director of the Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity, will bring us up to date on the "Arab Spring" in the Middle East. 
  • Historian Jeffrey Hummel and economist Steve Horwitz will lead a "FEE Day" on "Why Government Inflation No Longer Works:  Watch Out for New State Powers."
  • Nick Gillespie, Matt Welch and Lisa Kennedy will host a "Reason Day." 
  • Jeffrey Tucker, new president of Laissez Faire Books (our official bookstore), will lead a panel on "Liberty that Works: New Approaches in New Times" withRobert Murphy, Wendy McElroy, Jacob Hubert, among others.
Anthem Film Festival, organized by Jo Ann Skousen, will host the latest top libertarian films and documentaries, including "Closing Bell," a short narrative about the day the bubble burst on Wall Street in 2008.   The first libertarian film festival was a huge success last year.
FreedomFest is not just a big tea party to protest the loss of our freedoms and our hard-earned wealth.  It is a serious "how to" meeting of the minds to learnnew strategies and take ACTION to preserve our liberties and secure our assets.
As George Gilder says, "FreedomFest is THE mandatory meeting for all freedom lovers."  (Yes, he'll be there as a speaker.)
Top Financial Gurus Gather
We will feature a special 3-day "financial freedom" conference at FreedomFest, with top experts on how to protect and profit from the coming financial storm.
Four years at FreedomFest, financial experts Bert Dohmen, editor of the Wellington Letter, and Peter Schiff, author of "Crash Proof," warned attendees of the impending financial crisis of 2008 — and they were spot on.  Both are returning to this year's All-Star Prediction Panel.  Peter Schiff, Chief Global Strategist for EuroPacific Capital, will speak on"Why the Dollar is Doomed: What's the Next Crisis?"
Plus the Oxford Club's team of experts have agreed to do a one-day seminar on"Bullet Proofing Your Portfolio in Chaotic Times" with Alexander Green, Karim Rahemtulla, Marc Lichtenfeld, and Steven McDonald. According to the Hulbert Financial Digest, the Oxford Club Portfolio is ranked #5 in investment newsletter performance in the past 10 years.
Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante, will be joining the always irreverent and challenging financial guru Doug Casey at a special luncheon address on "Escape from America: Don't Get Mad...Get Even!"
Lenore Hawkins, founding partner at Meritas Advisors (San Diego), and Fox Business contributor, on "Investing in the Face of Widespread Market Perversions and Faulty Economic Ideology."
We are also holding sessions on "Escape from the Coming American Tyranny: The Five Steps to Financial Freedom," with David McAlvany President of the McAlvany Financial Group, Dan Mangru,Senior Market Strategist, Joseph Glenn Commodities (Florida), Martin Truax, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Morgan Keegan, and Ty Andros, CEO, Traderview.  Ty will speak on "Absolute return investing during times of economic chaos, G7 debt spirals, collapsing economies and unfolding crack-up booms."
Major financial organizations will be there, such as Rick Rule of Global Resource Investments™.Frank Holmes of US Global Funds™. Frank Trotter of Everbank...
I urge you register now.  Already over 1,000 concerned citizens have signed up.  Conference fee is only $495 per person/$795 per couple.  Luncheons, special events, and the gala Saturday night banquet are extra.

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May 21, 2012

Debt and Crash

Our economy narrowed down to two approaches to what has been our policy:

There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.  Ludwig von Mises.

Keynes, however, says our way of life is based off of a debt based currency that must create more debt every year in excess of the debt AND interest accrued the year before.  This is because every dollar that comes into existence is a debt with a certain amount of interest attached on to it.  When debt is created, money is created.  When debt is paid off, money is destroyed.  The real trick is that the money that is owed for the interest does not exist, since only the principle of the loan is put into the economy.  The ONLY way this interest can be paid is by more debt being created to pay the previous debt AND interest.  This is why we have an ever expanding debt that cannot stop.
I know of no example of the keep-spending and borrowing theory that worked long term. It can't. We already owe more than all the money on earth.


Top economist Hussman issues his strongest market warning yet
Monday, May 14, 2012
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From The Burning Platform:

You've been warned. This is a must-read piece by John Hussman. Here are the best snippets:


"Valuations have never been as extended as they are today – on the basis of normalized earnings – except in the quarters leading up to the 1929 crash. Exhaustion syndromes prior to 1987, while still very hostile to stocks, didn't occur in valuation conditions as rich as we have today.

It's worth noting that there is a very narrow band in 2006 that was followed by a decline of only a few percent, but even the seemingly benign instances in 1998 and early 2000 represented losses exceeding 10%. I suspect we're at risk of something far more significant...

Read full article...

May 19, 2012

Caveat: May 19, 2012

The trend above suggests we will continue the secular bear market;  that is, the price of a stock will continue to decrease in relation to its book value.  This means, if you watch the  stock price, you miss what is happening as the familiar relationships will not work until the next bull market.

OK, let me try again. It doesn't matter if a company grows a little. the price of the stock will readily decline as people are backing off from high risk.  It is like the PE of tech stocks was once 50 and now it is 20ish.  People are not willing to pay a high multiple anymore, so a healthy company can still see the stock decline.

This is what is happening in the real estate market. No one believes in the ever-upward realty market, anymore, so the prices deteriorate.

Human nature is waiting for the bottom

May 17, 2012

Bye, Bye American Pie

This entry is brought on by a video I just watched, you can skip to it, below, if you are bored already.  The video is not about the film "The Dictator" but the ultimate point is the same.

The political class knows how to subvert law, tradition, and culture by pandering to fears, anger, and greed. All they need do is control what makes it on TV;  before that is was newspapers and magazines, which are dying quickly, today, in import.  

The GOP votes for the NDAA, etc. How did we become so stupid?  

My Congressman, Chis Gibson, calls himself a conservative and votes out habeas corpus and the ban against troops having authority to act within the country and arrest me for, according to the FBI, promoting the Constitution. That his notion is stupid will not prevent me from disappearing. There being no habeas corpus, no Court can hear my case and screw it up.

This is not being conservative, it is profoundly ignorant and Chris is well schooled, but that means little in our nation. He is well schooled in the establishment. He udnerstands war and big government. Still, he thinks he is a conservative because that seems to mean trusting government and having a nice family, a definition common in NAZI Germany. 

I hear the House of Representatives just passed a bill to protect women from abuse. This sounds great, but under what Constitution do they act? There is no authority for a nanny government, but that is not the point.  I do not even have to look that one up. The point is that the drones think, "How nice," as they give away their freedom while they change the channel to watch American Idol. They will vote by pulling a lever on some low-grade comprehension of their political party.

We have these stupid bills every day now as the system is being overwhelmed from within by the Marxists. This is their model. It is much harder to undo vicious laws than to pass them. Judges are bureaucrats, lawsuits expensive, and the government will destroy anyone who attacks its authority. 

Look at Congress in 1913 - founders of the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax.  See where that one set of light-weights got us. 


The English have criminal law against saying bad words. I would suggest this sounds bizarre, but expect in modern America some may think it is a nice law. When I was young, no one accepted legalized gambling, role models from Hollywood, homosexual (you will see why I can't say 'gay' below) marriage, and divorce was a terrible thing to happen, the rate being almost non-existant. See how incrementalism works?

A British boy was put in jail for calling a horse "gay." 

Now, PAY ATTENTION: "gay" was picked up as a soft word two generations ago as a substitute for a word no one liked, but the formerly soft word is now a good word, but the boy used it in its modern teen sense of "stupid" which should not be permitted, as, in the minds of the older dolts, it once was a soft word for homosexuals back to when that term creeped people out.  

So, the logic is if you call a horse "gay," you are saying is it "stupid," but because years ago "gay" became used for "homosexual" and that word was a negative time used by some mean people, so to prevent time travelers from calling a horse gay and meaning it should be shunned as homosexual, the boy should go to jail.  Or, now that I think of it, the more likely reason is that a time-traveler may misinterpret the boy and discriminate against the horse or nod in understanding. 

In any event, the state of mind of the user is irrelevant and we all need to be held to a secret standard of people on committees which is for the common good.

You can see why you should never attempt to communicate or be funny. So, use "curious" for anything stupid, got it?  Gay is OK to say if you are gay but the rest of us should say "gay, in the pre-1960 sense" or, in the alternative, say nothing.

So, I need to revise the first paragraph: How did we be come so curious?

Each of us has to resist the boon of a government doing something that sounds great, like telling us we can't use incandescent bulbs. The result of this touchy-feely directive is

1. We give up power to the government where none exists.
2. We condone the usurpation of power.
3. We reject the rule of law by making it the rule edicts.  Students are actually taught the Constitution is a living document that should not mean what it says.
4. We destroy local government and local input. This remove us from considering any control possible.

This observation is not hyperbole and the sooner we understand, the sooner we may be able to begin dismantling the monsters.  If readers think it is hyperbole, then they are already dumbed down into submission.

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May 15, 2012

Caveat: May 15, 2012

Of course, no one tells the truth and, here, we have Russians being cited by Washington. The first reaction any reader should have is what is the point of the hype and fear generation; then, you can consider if it makes sense.  It does seem to as Russia has a long economic relationship with Iran, having build massive infrastructure there.


Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran's Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack

|April 09, 2012|
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WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources.
Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.
Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.
"Iran is our neighbor," Rogozin said. "If Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security." Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia's defense sector.
Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn't believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.
The implication of preparing to move Russian troops not only is to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of such an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces, or both....

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