Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 28, 2014

More of the Same: The sociopaths are coming

Just a thought from an essay by Anthony Daniels, M.D. writing for Imprimis.

...Let me here interject something about the intellectual and moral corruption wrought by the state in recent years—and I don’t know whether it applies to America. The governments of Britain, of both political parties, managed to lessen the official rate of unemployment by the simple expedient of shifting people from the ranks of the unemployed to the ranks of the sick.  

This happened on such a huge scale that, by 2006—a year of economic boom, remember—the British welfare state had achieved the remarkable feat of producing more invalids than the First World War. But it is known that the majority of those invalids had no real disease. This feat, then, could have been achieved only by the willing corruption of the unemployed themselves—relieved from the necessity to seek work and relieved to have a slightly higher subvention—but also of the doctors who provided them with official certificates that they knew to be bogus. And the government was only too happy, for propaganda purposes, to connive at such large-scale fraud.  

One begins to see what Confucius meant when he said, 2,500 years ago, that the first thing to do to restore a state to health was to rectify the names—in other words, to call things by their right names rather than by euphemisms....


I took the liberty of making paragraphs. You can read the original by clicking here. 

In addition to heaping people onto welfare and social security, Amerika has also dropped people off the unemployment lists if they take too long to find a job, if ever. Some 20% of the workforce is out of work are close enough. Talk to you coffee servers and you will find most of them have useless college degrees, so they serve coffee to pay down their $75,000 loans to the government. Anyone not understand indentured servitude?

I will add some graphs, at some point, but the situation, now, in the U.S. is an inverted pyramid where a smaller and shrinking group is and will pay for the majority. The evil ultra rich already have their assets out of the country, so the literate with a job will be broken (and told it is the fault of the rich. This is so 1930 it is embarassing.) 

It is already happening and anyone awake will realize the end times are near. Talking about all this is incredibly boring, at this point, but someone may catch on. Each human to become conscious will be an asset.

The Marxist schools all agree that a nation is brought down by creating a majority of people who are addicted to government. When the economic ends comes, the army, SWAT, the Bureau of Fisheries, Barnie Fyfe and so on, will institute central controls and take assets. The president has already announced he has the power to take any food the smart people have stockpiled. 

Of course, America still exists as a crippled republic because we have 300,000,000 guns, and rising. You can see why there is an all out attack upon gun ownership. Watch for  false flag operations that involve children and innocent crowds. 

So, either prepare or enjoy the game.

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June 26, 2014

Global Warming Discovered In Newfoundland

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June 16, 2014

Told You So: Its the Sun Stupid!

I have been going on about this for years  If you click on the "years," you will go back to 2007. Scroll down about a third of the archive for that month.  Indeed, this warming/changing crap is so boring that I rarely read up on it.

As I pointed out five years ago, the academic community needs to repair their reputations one the word is out. Time to move on to new grants.

From 2007, an excerpt:

Sun's Direct Role in Global Warming May Be Underestimated, Duke Physicists Report
Study does not discount the suspected contributions of 'greenhouse gases' in elevating surface temperatures
Durham, N.C. -- At least 10 to 30 percent of global warming measured during the past two decades may be due to increased solar output rather than factors such as increased heat-absorbing carbon dioxide gas released by various human activities, two Duke University physicists report...[edited out para on this doesn't kill off the man is evil theory.]
Scafetta's and West's study follows a Columbia University researcher's report of previous errors in the interpretation of data on solar brightnesscollected by sun-observing satellites.
The Duke physicists also introduce new statistical methods that they assert more accurately describe the atmosphere's delayed response to solar heating. In addition, these new methods filter out temperature-changing effects not tied to global warming, they write in their paper....

It is amazing what you learn when you do not read the NYT or listen to NPR. You do not have to claim to be a scientist  to read English.


New study suggests a temperature drop of up to 1°C by 2020 due to low solar activity

sc24 and historyFrom the HockeySchtick:  A paper published today in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds long solar cycles predict lower temperatures during the following solar cycle. A lag of 11 years [the average solar cycle length] is found to provide maximum correlation between solar cycle length and temperature. On the basis of the long sunspot cycle of the last solar cycle 23, the authors predict an average temperature decrease of 1C over the current solar cycle 24 from 2009-2020 for certain locations.
► A longer solar cycle predicts lower temperatures during the next cycle.
► A 1 °C or more temperature drop is predicted 2009–2020 for certain locations.
► Solar activity may have contributed 40% or more to the last century temperature increase.
► A lag of 11 years gives maximum correlation between solar cycle length and temperature.
The authors also find “solar activity may have contributed 40% or more to the last century temperature increase” and “For 3 North Atlantic stations we get 63–72% solar contribution [to the temperature increase of the past 150 years]. This points to the Atlantic currents as reinforcing a solar signal.”
A co-author of the paper is geoscientist Dr. Ole Humlum, who demonstrated in a prior paper that CO2 levels lag temperature on a short-term basis and that CO2 is not the driver of global temperature. 

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June 12, 2014

Twitter: Monitored By Government

From BBC. 

Your tax dollars at work.

US Secret Service seeks Twitter sarcasm detector

Phone users with Twitter logoThe Secret Service wants its own automated system of social media monitoring

Related Stories

The US Secret Service is seeking a Twitter sarcasm detector.
The agency has put out a work tender looking for a software system to analyse social media data.
The software should have, among other things, the "ability to detect sarcasm and false positives".
A spokesman for the service said it currently used the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Twitter analytics and needed its own, adding: "We aren't looking solely to detect sarcasm."
The Washington Post quoted Ed Donovan as saying: 
"Our objective is to automate our social media monitoring process. Twitter is what we analyse.
"This is real-time stream analysis. The ability to detect sarcasm and false positives is just one of 16 or 18 things we are looking at."
Prism controversy
The tender was put out earlier this week on the US government's Federal Business Opportunities website.
It sets out the objectives of automating social media monitoring and "synthesising large sets of social media data".
Specific requirements include "audience and geographic segmentation" and analysing "sentiment and trend".
The software also has to have "compatibility with Internet Explorer 8". The browser was released more than five years ago.
The agency does not detail the purpose of the analysis but does set out its mission, which includes "preserving the integrity of the economy and protecting national leaders and visiting heads of state and government"....
Notice there is no hesitancy to state that Twitter in being monitored for 16 to 18 "things." I wonder, can  a private company monitor Twitter?  If it is technically possible, would it be a crime?  If so,is the Treasury Department above the law?
Most importantly, how do we tolerate fascism?  Please, don't get me wrong, this is not saracasm.

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June 09, 2014

OK. Lets go around the block

Was Prof Ian Cark walking up a wall?

Henry's Law revisited: CO2 is released by warming, not vice versa

I was reading reports in the No. 1 blog, Watts Up With That, as I enjoy the comments. Regarding a report of the obvious from University of Edinburg

Eric Simpson says:June 9, 2014 at 1:42 amYeah, we’ve known for over a decade that CO2 levels rise and fall as a result of temperature changes, but there is zero evidence that CO2 causes temperature change. That’s the actual evidence! This 3 minute video is VERY persuasive, spread the word about it:

One of the keys of mass manipulation is the confusion of causation with that of correlation. Pseudo logic is an overt lie. Emotional links are intentionally drawn to correlations and treated as causation.

In the video, the hysteria over a correlation intended to show causation. In fact, the correlation, mockingly shown by Gore in the video, is that warming causes CO2 levels to increase. Soda gives off more gas when it is warmer than cold.

He does not address causation saying climate science is "complex." It may be for a C+ student in a survey course, but it is more likely the con man knew what to not say.

Here is the culprit as to the release of CO2:

Since ocean plankton is involved either as a correlation or causation of CO2, it is clear we need to exterminate all plankton. This will kill all life in the ocean which will eliminate fishy smells.

The image is another example of Buckminster Fuller's thesis that the bucky dome is a universal design.


urederra says:
First the last XKCD comic and now this paper. Are people becoming dumber? Hey, maybe it is another effect of rising CO2 levels.
Because solubility of permanent gases usually decreases with increasing temperature at around the room temperature, the partial pressure a given gas concentration has in liquid must increase. While heating water (saturated with nitrogen) from 25 to 95 °C, the solubility will decrease to about 43% of its initial value. This can be verified when heating water in a pot; small bubbles evolve and rise long before the water reaches boiling temperature. Similarly, carbon dioxide from a carbonated drink escapes much faster when the drink is not cooled because the required partial pressure of CO2 to achieve the same solubility increases in higher temperatures. Partial pressure of CO2 in the gas phase in equilibrium with seawater doubles with every 16 K increase in temperature.
It is 1800s Physics, for Pete’s shake.

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June 06, 2014

Doing Something: Talking to Dopes

Perhaps, a good plan would be to have serious comments to articles and, then, work with the trolls, true believers, and serious people who reply.  I have to say the mockery level of replies is vastly lower than a year ago.

Great photo from Washington Times of Sen. Reid demanding the First Amendment be changed to permit the government to ban free speech:

This is another photo where I need to check with micro expressions.   Here:


Lips which are pulled inwards from all directions are an indication of tension and may indicate frustration or disapproval.
Pursed lips are a classic sign of anger, including when it is suppressed. It is effectively holding the mouth shut to prevent the person saying what they feel like saying. This may also be an indication of lying or withholding the truth as the person stops themselves from telling the truth.
Pursed lips can also indicate a person who is thinking and who is deciding between possible options. Deciding and disapproval are both evaluative actions, which is the common core of lip-pursing.

From the local Times Union

"This expression is typically found in men and ... comes from the need to keep a 'stiff upper lip,'" says Wood. "Many times this expression is an attempt to hide many intense emotions; sadness, fear and anger."

Here is a conversation from Washington Times:

  • You need no more to understand the subversives: "...proposed constitutional change that would give government the power to ban all spending on political campaigns." Except for unions, of course.
    Here is the 1st, known throughout the world as that which makes America great:
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for aredress of grievances."
    The Amendments were written to restate the obvious that the federal government cannot contravene inalienable rights. IT WAS A RESTATEMENT because several knew the central government would certainly try. The Democrats object to the language above because they object to free speech.
    If one likes the idea of stopping free speech, how about we establish a religion or stop Jews from meeting on the Sabbath?
    The democrats turn to the courts when they cannot get what they want; here, they lost in court so now they want an amendment so they can ignore the court and stop candidates from countering the fascists in government
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        Definition of fascism in English:
        fascismSyllabification: fas·cism
        Pronunciation: /ˈfaSHˌizəm 
        (also Fascism)NOUN
        1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
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            See, in English, Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism." Mussolini was a Marxist fascist. This is what he said and he was the leading scholar of socialism in his time. Your dictionary may something else, but he spoke Italian. Hitler, of course, was a National SOCIALIST
            The manipulation of language is an old subversive technique. For example, we do not and have never lived in a democracy and the word liberal, throughout history until the recent US meant a philosophy dedicated to preserving individual freedom and liberty. Sounds nice so it was converted by those who believe the collective needs to control people and how much soda they drink.
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                It's in the name, it must be so! Flawless revisionist logic. I suppose you believe that the DPRK is a democratic republic as well? I gave the definition in English, not revisionist code-speak.
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                    Hitler, 1927: “We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system....and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
                    His complaints (left out) were similar to Mr. Obama and, as to effects, were true. Old Europe was an oligarchy, the cause, whose time had come. The US resisted revolution as it was a republic, and I highlight it "was." We are now a growing oligarchy in partnership with the ruling class.
                    It is hard to believe anyone who uses the term "revisionist" does not know his kinship with a fellow traveler, but Mr. Goldberg explains how this happened. The historical analysis is brilliant
                    A revisionist is a person who resists Marxist political subversion in favor of something prior. I am one but only in the vocabulary of the angry subversive.
                    The term "code-speak" is quite Orwellian. I have never heard anyone adopt Big Brother's views overtly.
                    Thank you for your compliment concerning logic.

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