Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

October 31, 2013

One Target of the Failed State: Gold

President Roosevelt, 1933:

''By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 5(B) of The Act of Oct. 6, 1917, as amended by section 2 of the Act of March 9, 1933, in which Congress declared that a serious emergency exists, I as President, do declare that the national emergency still exists; That the continued private hoarding of gold and silver by subjects of the United States poses a grave threat to the peace, equal justice, and well-being of the United States; and that appropriate measures must be taken immediately to protect the interests of our people. ''Therefore, pursuant to the above authority, I hereby proclaim that such gold and silver holdings are prohibited,.....

If it gets bad enough, they’ll declare a national economic emergency. 

They’ll take over the banks, all business and industry. They may even try to confiscate our gold. I served on the Gold Commission for eight or nine months while I was in Congress along with fifteen other members. 

I brought up the subject of confiscation. The power to confiscate gold is still on the books as the law of the land. I urged the full Commission to recommend Congress repeal the power to confiscate gold in an economic emergency. We pushed it to a vote and I was the only one that voted to recommend to Congress that we never again contemplate taking the gold of the American people. The fifteen other mem- bers voted it down. 

The power is still there on the books, and they can do it any time they wish.’’
–Ron Paul, discussing gold confiscation-

 Background on Gold and Confiscation (its a sales pitch)

This current gang running our turf would decide, as did Roosevelt, that owning gold is a grave threat to peace and "equal justice"....   Equal justice, sound familiar?

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October 28, 2013

Oz of Fantasyland

The photo is from an excellent essay, if you are interested. However, the picture says it all. ''

I am sure Mr. Obama just said, "...make no mistake...," as he is want to say in every speech these days, as he uses his failing NLP to manipulate the audience. I treat that phrase exactly as I treat:  "You can trust me."


The essay notes, as do we, that the Michelle Obama's ex classmate works at the American branch of the Montreal company that as, so far, gotten paid more than $600,000,000 for the Obamacare vapor ware.

This doesn't matter as before your grandchildren have to pay for it, the U.S will issue a new currency and devalue debts. This will be done by the autocracy that "needs" to take control of the chaos of America. Then, we will see what farmer has been herding the nation of sheep.

Just don't be holding U.S. currency or accounts.  Live near the Canadian border.

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October 26, 2013


Just a quick note as I eat an egg sandwich.

The barrista, here, came in from school in Oneonta to cover people at the cafe. He is studying geography. The two of us in line stared.  I had to ask.

What does that mean?

He was very upbeat. One part is "sort" of like environmental science. Another gets into food production, like GMO stuff. Then, there is urban planning.

The two of us stared.

"So, you study everything on earth"

"Pretty much."

As a nice social way to withdraw to my tea and eggs, I asked if there were any jobs for that? (OK, it was a little pointed.)

"Oh, yes.  The government is always hiring."

Perhaps, after the counter-revolution, the first thing we do is hang all the high school teachers.

October 25, 2013

Not for Nothing

This is a keeper chart.

People sometimes complain that leftists are weird or stupid, that they don't understand waste. This cannot be true. Look at the chart.

This imbalance is intentional.

Could be buying votes, could  be creating a weak people, could be a subversion by nascent fascists who look to save us when everything falls apart. Could be all of the above. However, this is not an accident.

Better vote no regarding any incumbent. An idiot on a bad day would not overspend like this.

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October 24, 2013

The End Is Neigh, Unless Individuals Act

The recent attempt by fiscal conservatives to force the Senate and Obama to end Obamacare is, generally, discussed in three ways. 

The stupid way is that goofy Republicans are the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight and were engaging in a pointless political attack. (If one were saying it was a political attach by conservative Republicans against establishment hack, that would be true.) The stupid people gloat about "winning" some perceived game.

My discussions focus on Cruz' concern that the socialization of the medical system, via insurance now, brings an end to the liberty that we have all known. We don't need an efficient medical system (which would never happen) so that we can keep paying tribute to the lords. Freedom, and that means, say, freedom to offer medical insurance across state boundaries, will always find the best solution to meeting a need. 

The third avenue of discussion is that Obamacare and our spending, in general, has put us over the edge, that fiscal cliff, and one by one our fingers are going numb. HERE is a short article, more of a blog, that simply outlines the coming end to our economic system.  It begins: 

The Tea Party Is Not "Wrong" 
 There comes a time when one doesn't care why someone has a correct position, even if the foundation from which they proceed is faulty, only that they have the correct position. 
The Tea Party, led by Ted Cruz, focused on Obamacare, as did a handful of House Republicans. 
Despite the criticism leveled against them they were exactly correct to do so, even if they came at it and arrived at their conclusions due to an incorrect starting premise or analysis. 
Here's why...

Inside the article is a YouTube link and you can hear Jamie Diamond say in an interview that the collapse is two to five years away.  Now, we have to wonder when that was filmed. He indicates WE can stop it.

Please, don't tell me you don't know who Jamie Diamond is. If you don't know, PLEASE do not vote.

No, folks, the Tea Party is not wrong.  Senator Cruz is not wrong. 
You're wrong.  You're wrong because you believe there is such a thing as a free lunch and that you can have it -- or at least, that you can force someone other than you to pay for it. 
That's not only not how it's going to work out it's not how it has worked out thus far.
Wake up folks -- while there's still time.
The "take away" from the article should include an awareness that there in NO competition in the medical profession. Insurance companies are PROTECTED by government from competition. The problem is not found in a free market approach, an argument favored by the stupid, but in the state protection of large companies. This is oligarchy, a system of control that loves use socialism as that system can force people into economic bondage. 

Note in the graph, above, that nearly 70% of our GDP is government spending. Understand what that means. In the end, it is not much of a guide, however. 

Definition of 'Gross Domestic Product - GDP'
The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory.
GDP = C + G + I + NX
"C" is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy"G" is the sum of government spending"I" is the sum of all the country's businesses spending on capital"NX" is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports. (NX = Exports - Imports)
Got it?  There are reports that 70% of the GDP is consumer spending, yet 70% is also government.  It is best to just get out of debt, get our of dollars, and buy peanut butter.

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October 10, 2013

The Siege Against America

Here.  Read this.

From time to time I add two cents to comment pages on the Internet. My only goal is to focus people away from the sleight of hand.  The current stand of the House of Representatives is the modern day Alamo; it is not, as the left/media state endlessly, about playing a power game or arguing over costs or a systemic failure of Obamacare (which is irrelevant when the point of the left is to gain power, not provide insurance.)

The Alamo was a struggle for freedom. So it is with this stand off.

The article referred to compares the current battle with that of the Russian blockade of Berlin. It is a fine analogy. The Russians were not fighting for better schnitzel, they were fighting to dominate Europe by forcing the United States, for one, to just throw up its collective hands and leave Europe.  It was a bad guess by Moscow.

It is starting to look like the Republicans are coming to understand the Constitutionalists (or reading polls.) Sen. Cruz made his stand in the Senate saying we were at the edge of being free or under the control of the President, whose party will stay in power as illegal aliens and prisoners are given the vote. The House is being neutered and it seems as though some Representatives see the knife.

What is amazing is how slow these people are.


[Watch Animal Farm.  That one is 1955 version and the propaganda worked for me. The new one is superbly made and not a cartoon. I figure this will probably be shut down as it is a new film. Reading Orwell gets one the straight poop.]

October 06, 2013

Mel GIbson Character in "Conspiracy Theory:" You mean I was right?

Greg sent me an article from England's Daily Mail online, upon a in interview with the Guardian. The Mail is like the Daily News.

I don't see any documentary evidence of the official stories of 9/11, the Sandy Hook and Marathon, Flight 800. Vincent Foster, Roswell Aliens, Oswald's background. etc. The lack of any evidence, coupled with stacks of contradictory evidence gather by non-governmental people, is what prompts "conspiracy theories," a term used for derision when they are merely the result of  attempting to place meaning upon unexplained events.  No one I know even listened to anything the government says - anything.

There are true believers, of course, and the uninformed people who just pick up tidbits without knowing they are breadcrumbs precisely laid in their paths. Black voters go about their business comfortable Obama is in office having no idea how he is screwing them.

If you look at my blog entries from time to time, you will recall I was, again, mocking our weather gurus who, again, predicted a heavier than normal hurricane season in face of contradicting solar patterns.  They may adopt a variant of the  recent excuse for the lack of global warming: the warming would be really bad if it were not for the period of cooling - you have to look back a 100 years (but not 5,000.)

The government, when confronted with discordant fact, changes the data. "Unemployment" no longer covers people who gave up finding jobs. "Inflation" does not cover fuel and food.  So, I expect "Hurricanes" will now be storms with winds over 24 mph for more than one second.

It will not be easy to shut down NBC and ABC, as Hersh says, probably being expansive, unless the new tyranny falls into the hands of a completely different tyrant. It is easier to not watch. If you like, go out of your way to not buy. Me, against all odds, I am removing myself from all things Google, the anti-Christ.  Also, don't buy any brand newspapers. (I suppose the Washington Times is nice to the Constitution.)  The news is all lies, so no loss.  I recommend Xinhua and National Post online.


Not ONE word of official account of raid that killed Bin Laden is true, claims award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh

  • The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says that raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is ‘one big lie’
  • He says the US media is too 'afraid' to pick on Obama
  • Hersh, 76, says the solution is to shut down news networks like NBC and ABC 
  • He also suggested the firing of 90 per cent of mainstream editors
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says that the official account of the raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is ‘one big lie’.
Seymour Hersh, 76, said that ‘not one word’ of the Obama administration’s narrative on what happened is true.
In an interview with The Guardian published today, Hersh savages the US media for failing to challenge the White House on a whole host of issues, from NSA spying, to drone attacks, to aggression against Syria....

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October 05, 2013

Perspective from Chauvet Cave

These charcoal drawings are at least 30,000 years old

There are two sorts of perspective one can gain these ancient, beautiful drawings. So, what about 30,000 years from now?

Notice the rhinos depicted in this cave in southern France.  The artists were geniuses and explorers. Now, what have I done today?


October 04, 2013

Real Defunding of Obamacare

This needs to reviewed and passed around:

Obamacare can be defunded without Senate approval


See also

October 2, 2013
When the House passed legislation to defund ObamaCare but would keep the government running through mid-December, the Senate, led by Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) stated that they would not budge on Obamacare and the legislation was defeated.
On Monday, Dr. Harold Pease, an expert on the United States Constitutionstated that the authority in dealing with Obamacare funding belongs to the U.S. House, not the U.S. Senate and that the House is doing this all wrong.
Pease said, “Everything hinged upon funding which was given exclusively to the House of Representatives, the only power that they alone had.”
Pease went on to say, “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. To fund anything, in this case Obamacare, first approval is required by the House of Representatives.”
“If that does not happen taxpayer money cannot be spent. The people, through their representatives to Congress, have determined, after a three-year closer scrutiny of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), that it does not protect the patient, is not affordable and is not even workable; hence in the interests of the vast majority of the people needs to be defunded.”
When the United States Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare in 2012, Chief Justice Roberts stance on Obamacare coincides with the intent of the U.S. Constitution, explained by Pease, and the powers between the House and Senate.
According to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Obamacare cannot be implemented and is not considered the law of the land, contrary to Democrat claims.
Bubba Atkinson of the Independent Journal Review, citing conservative blogger, I.M. Citizen, wrote, “Chief Justice Roberts actually ruled the mandate, relative to the commerce clause, was unconstitutional. That is how the Democrats got Obama-care going in the first place. This is critical. His ruling means Congress can’t compel American citizens to purchase anything, ever. The notion is now officially and forever, unconstitutional. As it should be.”
“Next, he stated that, because Congress doesn’t have the ability to mandate, it must, to fund Obama-care, rely on its power to tax. Therefore, the mechanism that funds Obama-care is a tax,” said Atkinson. “He struck down as unconstitutional, the Obama-care idea that the federal government can bully states into complying by yanking their existing medicaid funding. Liberals, through Obama-care, basically said to the states — “comply with Obama-care or we will stop existing funding.” Roberts ruled that is a no-no.”
When the House attached Obamacare to the legislation in funding the government, it made a mistake in doing so and the funding of Obamacare should have been separate, thereby giving the Senate no power in denying the Houses’ request to defund Obamacare.
Pease said, “House opposition to funding Obamacare would have been far more powerful if made a “stand alone” bill not attached to general funding, but it is not. “Stand alone,” having no other parts, would have left the Senate no wiggle or compromise room once it went to them, nor would there be for the Joint Conference Committee thereafter that reconciles any differences between the two houses. There would be nothing to reconcile, Obamacare is merely defunded.”
“Still, the intent of the Founding Fathers was to give the people, through their House of Representatives, the power collectively to say no to any proposed federal tax, which she is decidedly doing.”
[Edited for clarity] If Obamacare is removed from the government budget, presented, and voted on as a separate bill, Obamacare can be defunded by the House. If that is the case, then the Senate and the President can vote yes or no and if the vote is no, then the Obamacare bill can sit in the House with no funding

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October 02, 2013

Fifteen Second Meditation

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the 

most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent 

moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at 

point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us 

without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C. S. Lewis

Times up.

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