Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 31, 2009

Mandatory vaccination

We are being told we should have mandatory vaccination program against the dreaded flu, the contagious one that may make you sniffle. Sniffling is a good reason to abandon the Constitution. Like they say, Lincoln did it during the Civil War, so it must be OK.

Keep the story below from Russia Today in mind.

I will not get a non-vaccine, myself. Never had one. I will keep vitamin C around to prevent the scurvy that may cause death in those young, old, and in poor health.

I actually sat through a telephone interview from Harvard so I could say I would not take a vaccine and had no problem staying at home for two weeks. However, I may buy stock in Novartis and other members of the pharma-government complex.

Like I have been saying, no point trying to talk to the numb of mind; I will just take their money and become part of the ruling elite. Again, thanks for my new car and for the law that gives me a full credit for the sales tax this year. This is good for some $6,000 this year.

Ukraine halts deadly vaccination

19 May, 2008, 13:33

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health has called a moratorium on mandatory vaccination against measles and rubella. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, has insisted that vaccination is carried out on a voluntary basis only. This comes after more than 100 pupils were taken to hospital, one of whom died after having been injected with a vaccine from India.

Last week Ukraine was shaken by the news of a teenager’s death. Senior pupil Anton Tishchenko died in intensive care in a hospital in the city of Kramatorsk in Donetsk Region after he’d been given the vaccine against measles and rubella (Tresivac ZA 26-X). Later, dozens more teenagers who’d received the same medication were rushed to hospital in Kramatorsk alone. Similar situations were reported in the cities of Donetsk, Kharkov and Kremenchug amongst others.

By Friday night a total of 87 people had been admitted to hospital with the same symptoms: high blood pressure, splitting headache, high temperature and sore throat.

Medical officials urged journalists not to spread “unverified frightening stories”. They said that the vaccine from the Indian enterprise Serum Institute of India, which had been delivered to Ukraine as humanitarian aid by UNICEF, is not just safe but considered to be “the best in the world”. They said this vaccine was certificated and registered in Ukraine, but never showed the above mentioned documents to the citizens.

Schoolmates of the deceased Anton Tishchenko say they were told that the vaccination was obligatory and urgent. Therefore many of them did not even have the time to inform their parents about the vaccination.

“We’ll do everything not to lose any more lives,” said Vasily Knyazevich, the head of the Ministry of Health. In turn, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has ordered a thorough investigation into the purchasing process of the medication.

July 30, 2009

Few data points

I try to keep up with Irene. Below is an excerpt of a link she sent me.

The big mistake many people make is thinking that Mr. Obama and the spearheads of the leftist movement are operating within the same paradigm as the traditional American mind.

There exists the notion that "reality" will set in and things put on a sane track. People are giving the benefit of a doubt, though not really understanding the depth of the problems. Gene is just exaggerating.

The statists have no care, whatever, about taxes, the Constitution, the destruction of businesses or jobs, the descent of education.

I suggest we realize we are not in a normal paradigm. We are in Europe of 1930, but if you went to public school, you don't know what that means. Either we assert ourselves, or, as the book says, we are on the road to serfdom. Not me, personally, but for most of you. I know when to fold. (Thanks for all that tax money, I got a new Nissan. I will keep looking to feed off the system, as I can't stop it. My new virtue is to starve the pig as a nation of cooperative citizens is likely dead.)

Pandering to the typical American viewpoint is how the statists got power. Before Mr. Obama was elected, the left worked on "incrementalism." If you don't know what that is, you are in deeply. You are about out of time. Barney Frank recently admitted that a socialist medical system is too much to obtain now, so, he is working on it through the current plan. Essentially, he says, he will con the people because they are not paying attention. He may be right. Welcome to Barney Frank Land where we can all run a brothel from the basement.

Obama doesn't give a care about what happens, that your ERISA is being destroyed along with the value of your home, only that he changes to a leftist, European style socialist state that is easily controlled by appealing to the lower part of the the masses. He is not the typical crook, like Pelosi et al, which makes he more dangerous; he is an ideologue. Obama wants to quickly impose the vehicles of state control, like in the Muslim country he grew up, and there is a crisis to use to his advantage. His administration admits this.

He also cares about setting the record for the use of "I" by a president, along with "let me be clear about that." You know what to think when someone says, "You can trust me."

I use "lower" knowing it is always tough to categorize segments of the population. Mostly, I mean the unsophisticated, wage slaves, government drones, and the angry. Using an economic strata is possible, but not fully accurate. Basically, there are the poor of spirit who tend to be poor of the body, as well, but not always. There are also those who make a good living commiserating with the poor and down-trodden.

The angry were celebrated last election. The trick now, for those in power, is to keep the anger focused somewhere else.

The unsophisticated are clever about getting college degrees to hide their myopia and dullness. They think glibness is a sign of great leadership and intellect. The mild intellect assumes pointless blathering is a sign of intelligence, as long as it sounds good.

This is why they buy, and TOUT, overpriced hybrid cars. It is fine to buy a well engineered car, but many are driven by the PC, I-am-better-than-you religion. Don't think so? Ask people about the differences in the power system of Honda and Toyota (the use of the internal combustion engine.) Ask about the carbon impact of producing batteries and their cost to replace.

The segment called "Black" as though that has some meaning, has been diligently trained to be dependent and angry. They are treated as a sure thing come election time. Chicago, NY, and LA are just like British rotten boroughs. In a sense, America is being subjected to the results of not addressing the cultural divide for some time. The divide has been increased and fortified while most of use paid no attention. The divide is used as a weapon - go read Michele Obama's college paper. It is not good or anything, but is shows the mindset of using race.

The media is one with the leftist movement, as they imagine the media is a vehicle to help the blacks, which is racism in its most insidious form. If you don't get that, you are in deep. Journalists are honest about their working in that trade to change things, they are not journalists and their audience continues down the dumbness scale.

So, we have intellectual and moral light-weights like Jesse Jackson and that slob from NYC, whoever he is, and so on, who are appointed "black leaders" and given the podium, while the exceptional Condesa Rice and Judge Thomas are attacked. Sotomayor couldn't carry Thomas' bags.

The right wing "journalists" and activists love to invite these black leaders to the microphone, etc, because the audience will giggle at them, but the problem is the invitation provides support with their following, like talking to terrorists. Ridicule is a far more useful approach. But, I guess we have to have equal time between people and idiots.

For a balanced view, free of media pandering, get a cup of coffee and watch the video on this page.

The problem is the African-American culture, a very vague term, is finally freeing itself from the slavery to its masters. More and more "blacks" are middle class, which is not good for any socialist. Mr. Obama was put into office by a landslide of black voters, but that was because he fanned the black president gambit, as though he is an American black. Eventually, the left will lose its dependable hold of the black culture, even as the left fans the fire of anger - unemployment being caused by "them."

You still hear only the angry and poorly educated, but this is not a legitimate representation of the community.

What to do" Give illegal aliens the right to stay here, free medical coverage, free legal assistance, a drivers license, forgive past due taxes, and grant earned income credits going forward, as is now in Congress. The notion is when these "Hispanics," another useless word, finally get to vote, they will become the new angry, submissive class. The problem with that is it won't happen as they have an entirely different culture and bias, unless you dumb them down and take away their Christianity, which is being attempted.

If the Catholic schools disappear, this can happen as the worst environment for a human soul is the public school. Even the good ones, like around here, foster relativism, PC, and irresponsibility. Parents don't even get higher SAT scores as a return for abandoning their children to the state.

All that said, here are just some numbers. If you don't understand what you are reading. you are up to your nose and sinking.

July 27, 2009

Hoven's Index: Obama's First Six Months

By Randall Hoven

Provided below, in a "Harper's Index" type of format, is the progress made under President Obama so far. In some cases, data from other time periods are given to provide context.

The 2008 deficit under Bush, the largest in history at the time: $459 B. CBO's estimate of
Obama's 2009 deficit: $1,845 B.

The total cumulative deficit in Bush's first seven years (2001-2007): $1.5 trillion. CBO's estimate of Obama's first seven deficits (2009-2015): $7.1 trillion.

Average federal debt held by the public from 1980 through 2000: 40.1% of GDP. In 2008: 40.8%. Predicted for 2012: 70.1%. Predicted for 2019: 82.4%.

CBO's predicted cumulative 2010-2019 deficit under laws prior to Obama's budget: $4.4 trillion. Under Obama's budget: $9.3 trillion.

CBO's estimate of federal deficit increase over the next 10 years if Obama's "Affordable Health Choices Act" is enacted: $1 trillion. Net gain in number of people covered by health insurance if enacted: 16 million (of the estimated 49 million without insurance today).

Obama's January 2009 prediction of peak unemployment if his stimulus is not passed: 9%. If it is passed: 8%. Actual unemployment rate, with stimulus passed, in June, 2009: 9.5%. Obama's June 2009 prediction of unemployment later in 2009: 10%.

Non-farm payrolls (total employees) in December 2008: 135,074,000. In June 2009: 131,692,000. Six month job loss (difference): 3.4 million.

Real GDP shrinkage in 2008, all four quarters (Q4 2007 to Q4 2008): 0.9%. Shrinkage in 2009, first quarter only: 1.4%.

Change in number of foreclosures in first half of 2009: +9%.

Number of bank failures in the first seven months (so far) of 2009: 57. Number in the last seven months of 2008: 22. Troop surge in Iraq (Oct. 2006 to Oct. 2007): 19% (from 144,000 to 171,000). Troop surge in Afghanistan (Sept. 2008 to June 2009): 65% (from 34,000 to 56,000).

Detainees held at Guantanamo as of May, 2009: 240.

Of the top 35 corporate contributors in the 2008 election cycle, the number who leaned Democrat: 21. The number who leaned Republican: 1. (That single one leaning Republican was the National Auto Dealers Association.)

Number of auto dealerships being closed by Chrysler in 2009: 789, or 25%. Being closed by GM: 42%.

Fraction of words mis-translated in a message from the US Secretary of State to the Russian Foreign Minister: 100% (one word of a one-word message). (English word: "reset". Translated meaning: "overload" or "overcharged".)

Fraction of DVDs given by President Obama to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom that cannot be played in the UK due to format differences: 100% (25 of 25).

Number of show-tunes on the iPod that President Obama gave the Queen of England: 40.

I stopped. Data points to wise etc. Tell me we are not going to have inflation.

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July 28, 2009

Public School Con

OK, New York State spends over $16,000 per student in the public schools. This means each teacher is paid by the presence of three to four students. New Jersey is right behind New York at $15,691 per student. There is an article about this below about this.

From my experience the average class above the fourth grade or so is 25. The younger classes seem bigger, but that could be an impression owing to the chaos therein. So, where does the other money go? Not taxes. There are a few non-teachers to pay and a Rube Goldberg infrastructure designed to meet everyone's "rights", but so? Where is the money?

So, you say, New Yorkers want to spend this extra money, that places like Utah ($5,683) just produce imbeciles, unlike New York...
NYT: The average scores among New York State students in the class of 2007 were 491 in critical reading and 505 in math.
I didn't come across any PR pages for Utah, like NY's, but the Department of Ed did mention in passing that the Utah SAT scores continued above the national average. Perhaps, you can find the numbers. Don't forget the SAT was curved up a good ten years ago.

I guess money isn't the answer, is it?

Vice President Biden recently passed through Albany, NY, the principal of the public school he visited was not permitted to meet him. Biden announced that more teachers would be hired and none would lose their jobs thanks to the Obama plan. (Applause) Just another example of people voting themselves money. Taxpayers are buying votes for the union and socialists; teachers are not even aware they are being used. When I was picking juries, I never selected a teacher, but that is another story.

I looked quickly into the parochial school system. In the Brooklyn diocese 14 schools are being set to close, they are not getting enough students. One reason is the high tuition average of $3,500. I would think the diocese contributes to the cost, as well.

The NEA and AFT know exactly what they doing. They have to kill off the private and parochial schools because they can do a better job for little money. The private schools are being forced into oblivion. The next generation of "higher ed" will be populated by increasingly amoral drones. People love to look to Canada for inspiration, so do so. In Ontario, where I lived, the province PAID private schools.

Don't bother with the argument that private schools have better students because they reject problem children, the old canard. That was put to bed when Giuliani, as mayor, agreed to send students to the catholic schools, at half the cost, when the NY diocese called the "won't take bad children" bluff. Within three days the teachers union had that deal killed. You can look it up.

While you are at it, there was an interview in Wired many years ago, 1996 I think, with Steve Jobs who said he sent his son to one of the best schools in the world in San Francisco that was $600 more than the local public school, per student. I pray you get his point.

NY leads nation in school spending; $16K per student

The Business Review (Albany)

New York's public schools spend more per pupil than the schools do in any other state, according to a report issued Monday morning by the You can watch up to ten companies at a time.

" height="13" width="13">U.S. Census Bureau.

Spending in New York translated to $15,981 per pupil in 2007, the latest year for which figures are available.

That's 1.8 percent higher than the runner-up, New Jersey, where the public schools spent $15,691 per student. The District of Columbia is third at $14,324.

The states that spend the least per pupil are Utah ($5,683), Idaho ($6,625) and Tennessee ($7,113).

The U.S. average was $9,666 per student in 2007. New York was 65 percent above the national norm.

In the Albany, N.Y., area, read The Business Review's profiles of "The Top 5."

To read about spending cuts at local schools, click here.


There are few homeschooling statistics that I could find. The government had a report in 2003. This is a sign it works for a low cost. Let me quote an excerpt of a 1997 study below. You cans see why the establishment is actively anti-homeschooling. Please, don't tell me about "socialization, as though that means something. You get great socialization on 125 St in Harlem. If anyone tells me there are bad people in the world, so you may as well become one of them (or is it go to an amoral school with them), I may punch you.

1. In 1997, a study of 5,402 homeschool students from 1,657 families was released. It was entitled, "Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America." The study demonstrated that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects. A significant finding when analyzing the data for 8th graders was the evidence that homeschoolers who are homeschooled two or more years score substantially higher than students who have been homeschooled one year or less. The new homeschoolers were scoring on the average in the 59th percentile compared to students homeschooled the last two or more years who scored between 86th and 92nd percentile. i

This was confirmed in another study by Dr. Lawrence Rudner of 20,760 homeschooled students which found the homeschoolers who have homeschooled all their school aged years had the highest academic achievement. This was especially apparent in the higher grades. ii This is a good encouragement to families catch the long-range vision and homeschool through high school.

Another important finding of Strengths of Their Own was that the race of the student does not make any difference. There was no significant difference between minority and white homeschooled students. For example, in grades K-12, both white and minority students scored, on the average, in the 87th percentile. In math, whites scored in the 82nd percentile while minorities scored in the 77th percentile. In the public schools, however, there is a sharp contrast. White public school eighth grade students, nationally scored the 58th percentile in math and the 57th percentile in reading. Black eighth grade students, on the other hand, scored on the average at the 24th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading. Hispanics scored at the 29th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading. iii

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So how does this delusion work?

Just a filler.

I think I may have noted in the past how real estate people and newspapers are delusional. Well, at least the media is. The real estate people are eternal salespeople and, as usual, the genius who went to journalism school, whatever that is, just repeat what they hear, spin and all. They must think it will help world socialism in some way.

Here is the NYT, which we all know is delusional, passing on the good news about the real estate market; nay, the economy in toto.
“Recession is over, economy is recovering — let’s look forward and stop the backward-looking focus,” the Wells Fargo chief economist John E. Silvia wrote in a research note.
You see, when the freefall turns into a modest collapse, that is great news. Wells Fargo, by the way, is located in California, home of delusion, as well as illusion.
The index of 20 metropolitan areas had an annual decline of 17.1 percent in May from the same month in 2008, an improvement over April’s 18.1 percent fall.
Hooray. Great news.

Of course, a rational discussion of real estate sales would mention that investors are bottom feeding, grabbing up the walking dead. Another item of note is the coming pressure on the good loans. The bad loans, our Fannie Mae mandates, have pretty much sunk to the bottom of the ocean, but as the economy weakens (if you don't believe Mr. Silva) the more stable owners will start selling or filing Chapter 9. This will affect better areas and the psyche.

You may recall in recent decades when the GOP, for lack of a better name, would try to slow the spending in various places like medicare or social security, the left immediately announced that the mean-spirited Republicans cut medicare.

I just don't know how you deal with blatantly stupid ideas that the media, in general, repeat to the blatantly stupid people. The morons who walk amongst us then mutter "the Republicans are bad, they cut medicare...." You can't even begin to explain 7th grade math to them. Welcome to socialism.

So, if you try to stop runaway inflation, you are pushing deflation, I guess.

Slide in Home Prices Is Slowing Down, Index Shows

Isaac Brekken for The New York Times

Homes in the Las Vegas valley on Monday. The Standard & Poor's/Case Shiller home price indexes report released on Tuesday showed the first monthly increase in single-family home prices in nearly three years.

Published: July 28, 2009

The long slide in housing prices is continuing to brake, figures released Tuesday indicate.

For the fourth consecutive month, there was modest improvement in May in housing prices, according to Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller Home Price Index, a closely watched measure of the market.

The index of 20 metropolitan areas had an annual decline of 17.1 percent in May from the same month in 2008, an improvement over April’s 18.1 percent fall.

The report contained another, more startling piece of data: prices increased in May by a half-percentage point from April, the first positive monthly return for the index in three years.

“It is very possible that years from now we will say that April 2009 was the trough in home prices,” S.&P.’s vice president for index services, Maureen Maitland, said.

But skeptics were quick to note the increase was measured in absolute terms. When adjusted for seasonality, a standard measure, prices showed a slight drop.

From its peak three years ago, the index is down about a third, pushing prices in major cities back to where they were in 2003. Analysts said that the improvement over April was unexpected and welcome, but they differed over whether it could be sustained.

“Recession is over, economy is recovering — let’s look forward and stop the backward-looking focus,” the Wells Fargo chief economist John E. Silvia wrote in a research note.

Ian Shepherdson at High Frequency Economics was more cautious. “We would not expect any gains to last,” Mr. Shepherdson told clients, “because prices are still high relative to incomes and rents, and also because the uptick in sales will, we think, prompt a new wave of supply.”

For 16 months, beginning in October 2007 and ending in January 2009, the Case-Shiller index posted record annual declines. As recently as February, all of the 20 cities in the index showed a decline from the previous month.

In May, only five of them did. The cities that are still dropping are Las Vegas and Phoenix, the two places where the bubble was the worst, as well as Miami, Seattle and Los Angeles. Prices improved in 13 cities.

A housing market where prices are consistently stable — never mind one that rises — nevertheless appears a long way off. Many analysts think the most hopeful possibility is that prices start to rise modestly on an annual basis late next year. But that date could be pushed back even further if the economy comes out and then dips back into a recession.

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July 23, 2009


Not august, but August, the month. It is here. My car will be also, so thanks to all you taxpayers for your clunker money. I feel stimulus all over me.

A time to slow down and take advantage of the incredible global warming. Just let things slide by and go with the flow, like good serfs, and snuggle by the July fire.

I just wanted to offer two observations about the full-court press about "reforming our medical system." Each time I hear that, my blood pressure goes up and I can't afford that.

1. What's with this medical "system" concept? There is a marketplace, sure. There is no constructed organization, no central planning or government department. What is the medical system? When you start to actually define what you are talking about, the feel good platitudes start to erode.

One could use the term "system," the popular one adopted by social sciences, as shown below, but that is not how it is being invoked. At least, not in the context it is. You can't reform a market or an abstracted defined set of interactions that have no central order or control or output. The human body could called be a system, but how do you reform it? Below, is a little on the use of the term system. I like the integrated whole as opposed to a set of subsets that one makes up.

From Wiki:

System (from Latin systēma, in turn from Greek σύστημα systēma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole.

The concept of an 'integrated whole' can also be stated in terms of a system embodying a set of relationships which are differentiated from relationships of the set to other elements, and from relationships between an element of the set and elements not a part of the relational regime.

The scientific research field which is engaged in the study of the general properties of systems include systems theory, systems science, systemics and systems engineering. They investigate the abstract properties of the matter and organization, searching concepts and principles which are independent of the specific domain, substance, type, or temporal scales of existence.

Most systems share the same common characteristics. These common characteristics include the following

  • Systems are abstractions of reality, or part of reality (real-world systems)
  • Systems have structure which is defined by its parts and their composition.
  • Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing and outputs of material, information or energy.
  • Systems have interconnectivity, the various parts of a system have functional as well as structural relationships between each other.

The term system may also refer to a set of rules that governs behavior or structure. (By idiots)

A system can be said to be all this, but it is not an organization or company. It is an abstract aggregation of factors that could be said to form into a blob that has a consistent purpose, sort of, but that is far from it being a machine, hard or soft. Is there a candy store system?

2. What's with "reform"?
This is just a logical thing, so no one really cares about it.

So, what is reform? Is it something new that you like? Something new (or old) that you think is better?

There is no medical organization, so no beneficial tinkering can be made, if we were able to define a beneficial alteration. Is reform more efficiency of the parts, like a stronger biceps?

If we use the looser term for system, how does one reform it? What is bad and what is good? What parts alter the the entire system so there will be unexpected consequences.

Does reform mean cheaper? More under central control?

Is something reformed if the subsets move on or lose incentive?

So, if you say, come on, we all know what reform is, then I say, come on, no we don't and neither do you. Only you are voting for what you don't know. I know, change for changers sake
3. Has anyone found "quo warranto," by what right, the government is going to create a medical organization? Can you identify how the federal government has been empowered to become a socialist central planner and put private companies out of business? Do we care about private contracts? Or do we just skip that step?

So, off I go to fix a fence and plan a smooth escape. I will see if there is any other free money you are giving me.

As it says on the bottom of my letterhead:

Marcus Aurelius: The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

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July 19, 2009


It is Sunday and I made the mistake of watching C Span for a moment.

Sotomayor was asked if ruling that same sex marriage was constitutional would be making law or interpreting law.

She refused to answer, but she said the matter is a very important subject and that making law was much different from interpreting it. That was her answer. Nothing else made sense to any human outside the democrats in the Senate. Homer Simpson makes more sense.

The Republicans do not question the phony answers. A bad attorney would tear her apart on a cross examination. She is lying and hiding what she believes as she knows what she will do is not was she is supposed to do.

Tell me, over and over again, we are not on the eve of destruction.

What scares me is the dolts walking around don't even know what this means.


July 17, 2009

The Eve of Destruction

Orwell is rolling over in his grave.

I wanted to read up on the IBD editorial which stated that after the new health law was passed, one could not leave a business and keep one's insurance. The insurance companies will not be allowed (I have no idea under what part of the Constitution) to sign up the former customers, this being a direct contradiction to the frequent Obama claim that you can keep your insurance. Let's be clear about that.

Also, it is clear that private companies will just move over to the "pool," or whatever the mess is, which will crowd out the private insurer. That is what the bill says.

WalMart is all set to go. Don't forget business want to save money and that takes precedence over long term thinking, like "there won't be much money to buy things."

What I found rather than the IBD editorial was a flurry of psychotic reaction to the IBD claim. I guess the emperor's clothes were missing. I won't even address this propaganda, no newspeak. Just read what the protest is, below. I will go "huh" for you now. It is drivel intended to convince those who don't read past the headline, being in full drone dress.

I don't think these people are as stupid as they write; this is disembling. It is an evil barking to the true believers.

The except, below, is from MediaMatters, an Alynsky etc group tied directly to Obama etc, so you can see why there is such hysteria. I guess the argument is IBD is full of lying scum because the bill doesn't use the word "outlaw" even thought that is what the bill does de facto.

It may be time to move back to Canada. At least there, you can figure out what the hell is going on. I am just amazed at how people are running with the lemmings.

If this bill becomes law, there is no going back to a representative democracy. It is that simple. The government will own everyone. Like the provision that a g-man swat team can enter your house and force a vaccination upon your children.

IBD falsely claimed House health bill would "outlaw individual private coverage"

July 16, 2009 8:49 pm ET

SUMMARY: Investor's Business Daily falsely claimed that the House tri-committee health-care reform bill includes "a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal."


In a July 15 editorial, subsequently highlighted by Rush Limbaugh and the Media Research Center, Investor's Business Daily falsely claimed that the House tri-committee health-care reform bill includes "a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal." The editorial later stated that the "provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage." That assertion is false; the bill will not "outlaw individual private coverage."

In fact, the provision to which the editorial referred establishes the conditions under which existing private plans would be exempted from the requirement that they participate in the Health Insurance Exchange. Individual health insurance plans that do not meet the "grandfather" conditions would still be available for purchase, but only through the Exchange and subject to those regulations.

In the editorial, Investor's Business Daily claimed:

When we first saw the paragraph Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page document was released, we thought we surely must be misreading it. So we sought help from the House Ways and Means Committee.

It turns out we were right: The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:

"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.

So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised - with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.

In fact, the paragraph in question states in context (emphasis added):


(a) GRANDFATHERED HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE DEFINED.-Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable coverage under this division, the term ''grandfathered health insurance coverage'' means individual health insurance coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the first day of Y1 [2013] if the following conditions are met:


(A) IN GENERAL.-Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.

(B) DEPENDENT COVERAGE PERMITTED.-Subparagraph (A) shall not affect the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an individual who is covered as of such first day.

Sec. 102 subsection (c) states that "Individual health insurance coverage that is not grandfathered health insurance coverage under subsection (a) may only be offered on or after the first day of Y1 as an Exchange-participating health benefits plan." {In other words, there is no private insurance anymore.}

According to the House committees' summary of the bill, the Health Insurance Exchange "creates a transparent and functional marketplace for individuals and small employers to comparison shop among private and public insurers."


A final note. I was listening to an attempt to get an answer from Judge Sotomayor as to whether she thought a person has the right to defend himself, even in the home. There was no answer, she say, because this is legal question and it must be frustrating for people trying to talk to judges whose heads were in the law, or some such nonsense. She was pushed and refused to answer.

So, she would love to make it illegal to defend yourself, I suppose.

Tell me it is not the eve of destruction.

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July 15, 2009

Slip Slidin' Away

I keep pitchen' 'em, son , and you keep missin' 'em.

Get a cup of coffee and read through the article below from the Editor and Chairman of the U.S. New & World Report, the last of the news magazine to crumble into eyewash. Zuckerman is an outspoken liberal journalist, so his words are not meant as an attack. Understand reality is tough MF.

The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think

The average length of unemployment is higher than it's been since government began tracking the data in 1948.

The recent unemployment numbers have undermined confidence that we might be nearing the bottom of the recession. What we can see on the surface is disconcerting enough, but the inside numbers are just as bad.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics preliminary estimate for job losses for June is 467,000, which means 7.2 million people have lost their jobs since the start of the recession. The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion.

Here are 10 reasons we are in even more trouble than the 9.5% unemployment rate indicates:

[Commentary] David Klein

- June's total assumed 185,000 people at work who probably were not. The government could not identify them; it made an assumption about trends. But many of the mythical jobs are in industries that have absolutely no job creation, e.g., finance. When the official numbers are adjusted over the next several months, June will look worse.

- More companies are asking employees to take unpaid leave. These people don't count on the unemployment roll.

- No fewer than 1.4 million people wanted or were available for work in the last 12 months but were not counted. Why? Because they hadn't searched for work in the four weeks preceding the survey.

- The number of workers taking part-time jobs due to the slack economy, a kind of stealth underemployment, has doubled in this recession to about nine million, or 5.8% of the work force. Add those whose hours have been cut to those who cannot find a full-time job and the total unemployed rises to 16.5%, putting the number of involuntarily idle in the range of 25 million.

It is critical that the Obama administration not play politics with the issue. The time to get ready for a serious infrastructure program is now. It's a shame Washington didn't get it right the first time.

- The average work week for rank-and-file employees in the private sector, roughly 80% of the work force, slipped to 33 hours. That's 48 minutes a week less than before the recession began, the lowest level since the government began tracking such data 45 years ago. Full-time workers are being downgraded to part time as businesses slash labor costs to remain above water, and factories are operating at only 65% of capacity. If Americans were still clocking those extra 48 minutes a week now, the same aggregate amount of work would get done with 3.3 million fewer employees, which means that if it were not for the shorter work week the jobless rate would be 11.7%, not 9.5% (which far exceeds the 8% rate projected by the Obama administration).

- The average length of official unemployment increased to 24.5 weeks, the longest since government began tracking this data in 1948. The number of long-term unemployed (i.e., for 27 weeks or more) has now jumped to 4.4 million, an all-time high.

- The average worker saw no wage gains in June, with average compensation running flat at $18.53 an hour.

- The goods producing sector is losing the most jobs -- 223,000 in the last report alone.

- The prospects for job creation are equally distressing. The likelihood is that when economic activity picks up, employers will first choose to increase hours for existing workers and bring part-time workers back to full time. Many unemployed workers looking for jobs once the recovery begins will discover that jobs as good as the ones they lost are almost impossible to find because many layoffs have been permanent. Instead of shrinking operations, companies have shut down whole business units or made sweeping structural changes in the way they conduct business. General Motors and Chrysler, closed hundreds of dealerships and reduced brands. Citigroup and Bank of America cut tens of thousands of positions and exited many parts of the world of finance.

Job losses may last well into 2010 to hit an unemployment peak close to 11%. That unemployment rate may be sustained for an extended period.

Can we find comfort in the fact that employment has long been considered a lagging indicator? It is conventionally seen as having limited predictive power since employment reflects decisions taken earlier in the business cycle. But today is different. Unemployment has doubled to 9.5% from 4.8% in only 16 months, a rate so fast it may influence future economic behavior and outlook.

How could this happen when Washington has thrown trillions of dollars into the pot, including the famous $787 billion in stimulus spending that was supposed to yield $1.50 in growth for every dollar spent? For a start, too much of the money went to transfer payments such as Medicaid, jobless benefits and the like that do nothing for jobs and growth. The spending that creates new jobs is new spending, particularly on infrastructure. It amounts to less than 10% of the stimulus package today.

About 40% of U.S. workers believe the recession will continue for another full year, and their pessimism is justified. As paychecks shrink and disappear, consumers are more hesitant to spend and won't lead the economy out of the doldrums quickly enough.

It may have made him unpopular in parts of the Obama administration, but Vice President Joe Biden was right when he said a week ago that the administration misread how bad the economy was and how effective the stimulus would be. It was supposed to be about jobs but it wasn't. The Recovery Act was a single piece of legislation but it included thousands of funding schemes for tens of thousands of projects, and those programs are stuck in the bureaucracy as the government releases the funds with typical inefficiency.

Another $150 billion, which was allocated to state coffers to continue programs like Medicaid, did not add new jobs; hundreds of billions were set aside for tax cuts and for new benefits for the poor and the unemployed, and they did not add new jobs. Now state budgets are drowning in red ink as jobless claims and Medicaid bills climb.

Next year state budgets will have depleted their initial rescue dollars. Absent another rescue plan, they will have no choice but to slash spending, raise taxes, or both. State and local governments, representing about 15% of the economy, are beginning the worst contraction in postwar history amid a deficit of $166 billion for fiscal 2010, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and a gap of $350 billion in fiscal 2011.

Households overburdened with historic levels of debt will also be saving more. The savings rate has already jumped to almost 7% of after-tax income from 0% in 2007, and it is still going up. Every dollar of saving comes out of consumption. Since consumer spending is the economy's main driver, we are going to have a weak consumer sector and many businesses simply won't have the means or the need to hire employees. After the 1990-91 recessions, consumers went out and bought houses, cars and other expensive goods. This time, the combination of a weak job picture and a severe credit crunch means that people won't be able to get the financing for big expenditures, and those who can borrow will be reluctant to do so. The paycheck has returned as the primary source of spending.

This process is nowhere near complete and, until it is, the economy will barely grow if it does at all, and it may well oscillate between sluggish growth and modest decline for the next several years until the rebalancing of excessive debt has been completed. Until then, the economy will be deprived of adequate profits and cash flow, and businesses will not start to hire nor race to make capital expenditures when they have vast idle capacity.

No wonder poll after poll shows a steady erosion of confidence in the stimulus. So what kind of second-act stimulus should we look for? Something that might have a real multiplier effect, not a congressional wish list of pet programs. It is critical that the Obama administration not play politics with the issue. The time to get ready for a serious infrastructure program is now. It's a shame Washington didn't get it right the first time.

Mr. Zuckerman is chairman and editor in chief of U.S. News & World Report.

On top of what has happened, the brilliant new medical plan will force employers to pay a large tax on each employee in order to fund the medical care system that will crowd out the insurers. The obvious result, to anyone who actually worked in a business, is that the companies will stop hiring and send work offshore. Another obvious result is the lowering of wages, which makes the medical plan a tax on all employees.

It seems the left does not understand businesses do not pay taxes, they merely pass along the cost to the employees and customers. When they can no longer make a profit, they close or leave. It is that simple. The people who have been pushing globalization will now suffer as their tax targets leave.

You can bring the water to the horse, but you can't make it wine.

I will publish, later today, the recent chart, already spreading across the Internet, of the new plan the Republicans are using to ridicule what is going on. Only, it is not funny. If you see the current speech on CSpan, watch it. I believe it is King who talks for a long time explaining what will happen. He discusses the eonomy from his viewpoint - he owns a business.

When the lowest economic part of a "democracy" learns it can pay itself by taking control of the government, the original idea of democracy is complete - mob rule. Our brief American experiment is ending and becoming a government of the people, by the wet mice, for the mob. This will recreate a class system and, eventually, the ruling class will be those who can convince the dull that they will protect the dull.

The Greeks said after democracy comes a tyranny as people look to a strong hand to fix the chaos. It starts out a well meaning tyranny, then changes, just like early Soviet Russia.

The wealthy will do as they always do. They will not sit around and pay for the picnic society.

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Towne on "Money" or how nations steal from their citizens

Below is part of a long series of articles by Jake Towne for Seeking Alpha. Jake is British, which makes some of the comments below more interesting.

Due to industrial consumption, a shocking surprise to many is that silver's aboveground stocks are far less than gold's.


As previously stated, Gold is the world's smallest major market. In 2007, the last reported year, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) exchanged over $20 Trillion USD in gold. This was larger than America's GDP of $14 Trillion USD, and the LBMA trading only represents about 75% of the world totals. Furthermore, the IFSL estimates the LBMA's volume is quite likely three-to-five times larger since much of the transactions are increasingly netted out and cleared without appearing in the statistics. This is despite the fact that all of the aboveground gold stock 160,000 metric tons melted down would fit inside of a cube roughly 20 meters to a side.

Due to industrial consumption, a shocking surprise to many is that silver's aboveground stocks are far less than gold's. The best estimates range from 30,000 metric tons on the low end to 60,000 metric tons on the high end - a cube that is at most 18 meters to a side. As seen in the graph, the market capitalization of silver is just a small fraction of gold's which makes it far easier to manipulate.

In 1974, New York's COMEX futures market was opened to gold trading, paving the way to the "paper gold" derivatives and ETF's of our modern day. In December 2008, the notional value of all gold derivative contracts was $395 billion USD, or roughly equivalent to 15,000 metric tons of gold. To put this in perspective consider than futures markets are typically used as hedging operations for commodity producers, trading basis risk for price risk. Since the annual production of gold is around 2,500 metric tons, and the contracts are all within a year, the large notional value becomes questionable. And to put this in perspective with silver, in 2007 the equivalent of the entire aboveground stock of gold was exchanged every 269 trading days while the equivalent of the entire aboveground stock of silver is exchanged every 9 trading days.

Here is another little known fact I dare not omit since gold is saved and not consumed, it's stocks-to-flow ratio is about 60. This means that there is the equivalent of ~60 years worth of production in aboveground stock for every year of mine production. This is in stark contrast to all other commodities, where the stock-to-flow ratio hovers around 1. Please see the graph. This ratio is the key reason why gold is money and a currency.

Perhaps this chart Theodore Butler graciously allowed me to publish from his article "Making the Case" most aptly the gold and silver manipulation by U.S. Banks most clearly below.

Furthermore, in a 2003 lawsuit against the world's largest gold producer, Blanchard and Company charged Barrick Gold (ABX) with manipulation of the gold price by using central bank gold, Barrick replied that they could not be sued without the central bank and other bullion dealers present as necessary parties, and that the central banks had sovereign immunity. Barrick's motion to dismiss was also a confession of the state of the gold market.

Termination of the forward sales contracts would leave the bullion banks with no right to recover the promised gold from the gold producers; yet, they will remain obligated to repay the borrowed gold to the central banks. In order to satisfy their obligations to the central banks, the bullion banks would have to purchase gold on the spot market at prices that may be substantially higher than the price at which they sold the borrowed gold... It would expose the bullion banks to monumental financial losses. (p. 20-21/24)

Barrick's motion to dismiss was settled out of court, and shortly thereafter Barrick announced its hedging operations were terminated.

The Barrick Gold case was preceded by Howe vs. BIS, where, as a BIS shareholder, Reginald Howe charged the Bank of International Settlements, Alan Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and others with fraud and manipulation of the gold price in the derivatives market and on the COMEX in 2000. In a long, twisting decision, U.S. federal Judge dismissed the case due to lack of standing. However, none of the claims were refuted and Lindsay resorted to questionable logic that Greenspan and Summers were above the law and unable to be sued in 2002. James Turk picks apart the decision in his commentary here.

One final but quite important note that due to the nature of futures markets, the gold cartel just as easily can profit when the price rises as when it falls. It is typically rare (~1%) for a paper gold futures contract to be settled in gold. Most often, it is simply rolled over. The game of golden musical chairs stops when the expected deliveries of physical metal off the exchange shake the confidence that metal will be delivered, resulting in a heightening of counterparty risk.


It took me extensive amounts of research to conclude that the gold and silver prices are manipulated, and GATA was the first and prime source of this information. For many seeing this for the first time, I apologize if the above is too complex. Looking back, it should have been much easier – if you listen to the central banks, they literally state they doing this.

One must not forget that central banks are simply government-sanctioned tools of the elite to debase and manipulate the currency in an orderly and politically-expedient manner, regardless of their claims to maintain "political independence." The simple truth is that the central banks were designed to control the "money power" which eventually MUST and WILL BE returned to We the People.

However, I expect no one to believe the same as I without doing the same research as I have, and to that effect, please see my source list. Any questions, especially feedback to the contrary, please ask them below and I will do my best in replying in a timely fashion.

Lastly, let's ask what if I am wrong, and what are the consequences? Nothing.

But what about the possibility that GATA, myself, and many others are correct? Then Larry Summers, the director of the Obama administration National Economic Council, should receive a trial by jury, not left free to continue to meddle with the world economy. As individuals, we must end this charade and help destroy the gold cartel or the gold cartel will proceed to annihilate what's left of the free market in our America, the greatest nation to ever be conceived in the liberty of the individual by the minds of men.

Got physical gold? Physical silver? (Please note ETF funds like GLD and SLV, run by cartel members HSBC Bank and JP Morgan Chase Bank, do not count.)

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July 13, 2009

HeyChump #1

I occasionally leave a twitter note, feeling guilty about Facebook - I set up a new email address for it and forget the password. Anyway, here is today's tweet:

HeyChump #1: H1N1 deaths outside Mexico: 2. Total cost of governmental reaction: $3,000,000,000,000

If you don't understand why I recounted this as a "HeyChump," then there is a banana calling you.

I like my HeyChump idea. It is the only way to deal with the mindlessness of so many. It sort of goes along with Greg's notion the only way to deal with Muslim terrorists is ridicule.

There is hope, though. Obama's Presidential Approval Ratingis -8. All we have to do is shut down all the public and Ivy League schools, and a practical and rational America may reappear. In the meantime, nimrods will say Sotomayor had an interesting life so she should be a Supreme Court judge. It makes the hair on my neck rise when I consider that. Just like the time Ted Kennedy ridiculed the Judge Bork's intellectual prowess. I guess he assumes everyone cheats on college tests and Bork didn't get caught.

As to my prescription - kill all the schools - Let me remind you, Cornell was rated No. 1 in the nation for students unlearning American history and culture. Yup, entering freshmen score higher on American facts, culture, and philosophy, than graduating seniors. Thank God, students in Africa and Asia study our history and hope to apply it, one day.

I am thinking the mess we are in can be traced to the Viet Nam war. After college, I taught in various places and found nearly ALL the males teaching there were looking for a draft exemption. (I was 1Y, wiseguy, then had a high lottery number.) Don't get me wrong, they liked to rap with the "kids," aka children, and play their guitars. They infested the schools and took over the unions. I recall I was alone in the NYC public schools I would visit in wearing a jacket and tie, save for the principal and custodian.

I recently sat through a fifteen minute interview on the phone from MIT to say I knew what HiV1 was and that I had no interest whatever in getting a flu shot or having anyone I know get one. I didn't shriek with horror with the idea that I may have to stay home for three days, if there is an outbreak, so as to avoid getting sick

I figure someone is trying to figure out how to ratchet up the fear. Still, HeyChump #1 was specatcularly executed, like the nano and stem cell panics.

Another interesting Rasmussen result:

National Tracking: Taxes



Tax Increases Help or Hurt Economy?



Tax Cuts Help or Hurt Economy?



Increases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



Decreases in Gov't Spending Help or Hurt Economy?



See article, crosstabs, or trends

Now if Congress or the major media would only read this. I suppose this means the idiot opposition may have a chance to get some candidates voted in.

I am guessing I have lost my patience. Sugar, probably.


Public Service Note: If you get the flu - massive doses of Vitamin C is required to avoid serious scurvy. Then, you won't die.

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July 09, 2009

Saul Alinsky Rides Again


...Contrary to most reports, her decision had been in the works for months, accelerating recently as it became clear that controversies and endless ethics investigations were threatening to overshadow her legislative agenda. "Attacks inside Alaska and largely invisible to the national media had paralyzed her administration," someone close to the governor told me. "She was fully aware she would be branded a 'quitter.' She did not want to disappoint her constituents, but she was no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."

This situation developed because Alaska's transparency laws allow anyone to file Freedom of Information Act requests. While normally useful, in the hands of political opponents FOIA requests can become a means to bog down a target in a bureaucratic quagmire, thanks to the need to comb through records and respond by a strict timetable. Similarly, ethics investigations are easily triggered and can drag on for months even if the initial complaint is flimsy. Since Ms. Palin returned to Alaska after the 2008 campaign, some 150 FOIA requests have been filed and her office has been targeted for investigation by everyone from the FBI to the Alaska legislature. Most have centered on Ms. Palin's use of government resources, and to date have turned up little save for a few state trips that she agreed to reimburse the state for because her children had accompanied her. In the process, though, she accumulated $500,000 in legal fees in just the last nine months, and knew the bill would grow ever larger in the future....

But Palin friends say such commentary misses the real point. "The Beltway media can't understand someone not consumed with presidential ambition," one told me. "Maybe Sarah Palin won't run for president and maybe her family situation made it tougher to handle the barrage of attacks that come with that territory. The real issue that should be asked is why a mean-spirited system has to treat people who run like that, instead of why someone may choose not to go through it."

This is our "progressive movement," the one that Obama worked for and Clinton praised in a thesis: Saul Alinsky's purpose in the Rules for Radicals -


The life of man upon earth is a warfare...
--Job 7:1

What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.

In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace, cooperation, equal and full opportunities for education, full and useful employment, health, and the creation of those circumstances in which man can have the chance to live by values that give meaning to life. We are talking about a mass power organization which will change the world into a place where all men and women walk erect, in the spirit of that credo of the Spanish Civil War, "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." This means revolution.

The significant changes in history have been made by revolutions. There are people who say that it is not revolution but evolution, that brings about change--but evolution is simply the term used by nonparticipants to denote a particular sequence of revolutions as they synthesized into a specific major social change. In this book I propose certain general observations, propositions, and concepts of the mechanics of mass movements and the various stages of the cycle of action and reaction in revolution. This is not an ideological book except insofar as argument for change, rather than for the status quo, can be called an ideology; different people, in different places, in different situations and different times will construct their own solutions and symbols of salvation for those times. This book will not contain any panacea or dogma; I detest and fear dogma. I know that all revolutions must have ideologies to spur them on. That in the heat of conflict these ideologies tend to be smelted into rigid dogmas claiming exclusive possession of the truth, and the keys to paradise, is tragic. Dogma is the enemy of human freedom. Dogma must be watched for and apprehended at every turn and twist of the revolutionary movement. The human spirit glows from that small inner light of doubt whether we are right, while those who believe with complete certainly that they possess the right are dark inside and darken the world outside with cruelty, pain and injustice. Those who enshrine the poor or Have-Nots are as guilty as other dogmatists and just as dangerous. To diminish the danger that ideology will deteriorate into dogma, and to protect the free, open, questing, and creative mind of man, as well as to allow for change, no ideology should be more specific than that of America's founding fathers: "For the general welfare."
The only people who tut-tut at statements that Obama, Clinton, Social Organizers and most of the left's leaders are Alinsky graduates are the democrats who don't pay much attention to things like books and resumes.

At least, they won't be afraid of what history teaches after a take over - the useful idiots, the self-proclaimed "intellectuals" are the first to be destroyed. They are a threat as they can undo what they have done.

Watch for money and jobs to quickly emmigrate, followed by people, those rich people who are supposed to pay for my new car.

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July 08, 2009

Crab Grass Argument: won't go away

Regarding a prior blog entry, see below a section from an interesting activist group fostering the return to the original grand jury concepts, which had been a citizens' tool, not a charade controlled by the state.

I have to say before getting a history lesson, I did not grok the origins of the Grand Jury system and was dismissive of what it has become. It is a joke, now.

Of course, I understand that some readers will just shoot the messenger, the grand jury organization, which is flipping out about no one examining Mr. Obama's credentials. In that way it is easy to avoid the message, but that does not mean the message is going away.

There are some half dozen cases working their way through various systems regarding Mr. Obama's right to be president and the failure of many to investigate that right. A recent Court ordered the Defendants, including Mr. Cheney, lest you think this is a right wing conspiracy, to get proper legal representation and come back, last week, as they showed up with a deputy attorney general. They are all looking for free legal help paid for by you.

I wrote to the attorney for the Plaintiff and suggested the United States is not the correct defense team for people who are accused of subverting the United States, namely Congressional leaders responsible for looking into legitimacy. He agreed and and noted that it is part of the action. A perfect example of impropriety and a conflict of interest. If you don't think so, just imagine Bush were president - now you will get it.

The web page doesn't give any source, but says Obama has spent over a million dollars, thusfar, to avoid producing a certificate of birth. Whatever the amount, it is significant.

Don't jump to conclusions that this is settled, read the section below. Hawaii won't accept its own Certification of Birth as proof of birth in Hawaii.

Of course fighting and avoidance is a legal right, but one wonders why refuse to produce a simple piece of paper? Obama was in Hawaii before the election and could have driven to the proper office to get a copy of the actual certificate, if he didn't have one.

An interesting piece is below. I did not use red and only use bold for a special highlight or name. I guess I am from another era. To me all that flamboyant typography makes you look crazy.

A CERTIFICATION of Live Birth and a Birth Certificate (A CERTIFICATE of Live Birth)… [notice the difference in the words "certification" and "certificate"] ARE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT DOCUMENTS.

A CERTIFICATION of Live Birth - the document that Team Obama produced - is a document that essentially proves that you exist and Barack Hussein Obama most certainly EXISTS - that point is not in dispute.

A CERTIFICATE of Live Birth (an ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE) - on the other hand contains more information. It gives the specific location of your birth, the hospital, the time of birth, the attending physician etc.

Bottom line, a Certification of Live Birth does not by any stretch of the imagination meet the Constitution requirement for proof of “natural born citizenship.”

For proof, Obama must submit a BIRTH CERTIFICATE showing he was born of a father and mother in the United States and that his parents were BOTH US Citizens. Everyone is now aware of the fact that Barrack Obama’s father was NOT a United States Citizen. {I am not sure this is correct re both parents}

For purposes of illustration see the images below. The first image is the CERTIFICATION of Live Birth that Team Obama released and the next image is an example of an actual CERTIFICATE of Live Birth (an ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE) from the State of Hawaii from approximately the same time that Obama was born.

The image of Mr. Obama's certification would not publish. If you want to see it, again, click on the "interesting" organization, above. Here is the second image, the underlying certificate.

Birth Certificate

Why is this important? Stated again, a Certification is just a computer printout that says Obama exits. It is NOT a Certificate of Live Birth (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) that is considered in Hawaii to be the TRUE Certificate. The Certificate of Live Birth specifically answers questions like WHERE were the father and mother born? What were the parents’ residences at time of birth? In other words, what were the legal statuses of the parents? Were they US Citizens? We know that the father was NOT a US Citizen.

If you think a Certification is a legal document then ask yourself why the State of Hawaii won’t even accept it? That’s right!

Example: The State of Hawaii maintains programs to encourage property ownership for native Hawaiians. In order to qualify for this you must process an application through Hawaii Department of Home Lands. The following is a guideline:

DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout).

If the State of Hawaii DOES NOT accept its own CERTIFICATION of Live Birth as proof that an individual was actually born in Hawaii, why should we? If Hawaii REQUIRES an ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE , WHY SHOULDN’T WE?

Off hand, one would think the data in the certificate would pop into the certification, but Hawaii doesn't think so. It is a puzzle easily remedied.

There is more apparently about an expert proving forgery and the use of photoshop, but we all have to work.

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