Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

August 28, 2012

GOP Gibberish

I thought I would try to watch the GOP convention on its web site. Since the feed didn't work, I looked at the key line for all to read:

Compared with Democrats, many Republicans believe in a more robust version of federalism with greater limitations placed upon federal power and a larger role reserved for the States.

Here is the problem: there are no versions of federalism. There is the ONE where the states reserved all powers not delegated to the federal government. The federal government did not reserve anything 'for' the states. The states are not given a role, they were to have all the POWERS not delegated.

More distortion, more statism. None of this is by accident.  You are programmed every day.  Just pay attention and you will emerge from the sleep. At least, they used "with" correctly.  

I expect today is the first day of the end of the current GOP. The ruling class thinks they have subdued to conservatives, Tea Party, and libertarians by subverting delegates and changing the rules; this time around people understand the game and they picked on the wrong folks. The party is morphing. In the meantime, people have to decide if they want to submit to the fascism and vote for Romney rather than Johnson.

People may vote to slow down socialism, but many will vote their philosophy. 

Maybe the libertarian convention will be online. So, keep buying silver and do so soon.

August 24, 2012

The Spirit of Sullivan Ballou

July the 14th, 1861
Washington D.C.

My very dear Sarah:
The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days—perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.
Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure—and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine O God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing—perfectly willing—to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt.
But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows—when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children—is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country?
I cannot describe to you my feelings on this calm summer night, when two thousand men are sleeping around me, many of them enjoying the last, perhaps, before that of death—and I, suspicious that Death is creeping behind me with his fatal dart, am communing with God, my country, and thee.
I have sought most closely and diligently, and often in my breast, for a wrong motive in thus hazarding the happiness of those I loved and I could not find one. A pure love of my country and of the principles have often advocated before the people and "the name of honor that I love more than I fear death" have called upon me, and I have obeyed.
Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.
The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when God willing, we might still have lived and loved together and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me—perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar—that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name.
Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have often been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot. I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.
But, O Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night—amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours—always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by.
Sarah, do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again.
As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a father’s love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers his and hers I call God’s blessing upon them. O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.

Major Sullivan Ballou suffered a mortal injury on July 21, 1861 at the First Battle of Bull Run. Ballou lost his right leg when a Confederate six-pounder artillery shell slammed into him and his horse as he was riding at the front of his regiment. The horse was killed instantly, and the very severely injured Major Ballou was taken off the battlefield. What was left of his leg, had to be amputated. Major Sullivan Ballou died of his battle injury on July 28, and was buried in a yard very close to Sudley Church.


Bandon Raub released; FBI still exists

I am making a concerted effort to ignore reality, other than to prepare for an economic collapse, and have attended local concerts in the park, all great, juicing vegetables, and sitting in the sun. I bought a keyboard and am getting back to being a human for a while.

I figure I have done what I could and the election is coming. I did buy in order to set up a page to address the only real Democratic voting block, but who has time to participate in important things.

So, I am going to lunch, now, but wanted to provide something positive. Remember the last post about the guy a swarm of FBI and local police arrested because he promoted a rally on Facebook?

 Brandon Raub Set to Be Released!
By Silver Shield, on August 23rd, 2012
A judge today ordered the release of a Marine Corps veteran being detained as a psychiatric patient after concerns over his Facebook postings. 
After an hourlong hearing, Circuit Judge W. Allan Sharrett said an involuntary commitment petition issued against Brandon J. Raub was invalid because it contained no allegation or basis to holding him. 
“The petition is so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy,” said the release order signed by the judge and sought by lawyers Anthony F. Troy and Brian D. Fowler. 
Sharrett said that he was shocked by the failure of a magistrate to not include in the order any grounds for holding Raub, a Chesterfield resident who was transferred from John Randolph Hospital in Hopewell to the Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Continue reading Brandon Raub Set to Be Released!
The point is still made to people:  we will arrest you and haul you off in front of your neighbors.

The ACLU just hired a man to act as its lead in the area of technological communication. He says you can set up SSL on Facebook, but the government will still get whatever they ask for on anyone. In addition, the new hire said he was told by a Spring official that they always give the government what they ask for about users.  Essentially, he says his job is to get the big players to protect security. I say get away from them.  You can see why I am moving to VirginMobile.

He became famous when, at about 20, he put on his web site a widget that would produce a ticket that would get anyone passed security in the airport. Of course, the FBI arrested him and took his computer. It took a month for the numbskulls in charge to admit he had demonstrated a flaw in the security system; did I say "security?"  Recall a recent blog where the FBI went to an army base to arrest a soldier for an item in his Facebook account?

Now, go Google:  The SS, Praetorian Guard, Revolutionary Guard

Dictators don't need no stinkin' laws.

August 20, 2012

The Police, FBI and Secret Service recently surrounded the home of Brandon Raub. 

They asked him questions at his front door. He was immediately arrested and brought to John Randolph Metal Hospital.  An early report was he was arrested for injuring a local policeman. Then, he was said to be making threats which were terrorists in nature. Later, the FBI said he was not arrested.

He has a Facebook page promoting political action against the establishment by attending the Richmond Liberty March.

Brandon is a decorated Marine. 

Everything but the initial confrontation is on video tape. Here is the perfectly calm man being taken to his car.

It is likely the government will stick to the mental illness story; it works for Putin. 

So, as you consider closing your Facebook account, considering the concept devised by the Supreme Court: events that have a chilling affect on free speech. That meant something back in the day.

August 15, 2012

U.S. Civilian Government: 1.2 billion bullets

National Weather Service issued a solicitation for 46,000 rounds of hollow point bullets with a response date of August 21. 2012.

16,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets, noted for their strength, to be delivered to locations in Ellsworth, Maine, and New Bedford, Mass.
6,000 rounds of S&W JHP will be sent to Wall, New Jersey, with another 24,000 rounds of the same bullets heading to the weather station in St. Petersburg, Florida.
500 paper targets to be delivered to the same locations in Maine, Massachusetts and New Jersey.  (A little practice for using 46,000 homicides)

Department of Homeland Security: issued a solicitation for the purchase of 
750 million rounds of different types of ammo in a separate solicitation that also expires on August 20, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls. This ends August 20, 2012.

In March of 2012, DHS purchased 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets

The DHS recently put out an order for riot gear in preparation for the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration. The U.S. Army is also busy buying similar equipment.

The DHS also recently purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.

As the Business Insider notes, hollow point bullets have been “illegal in international warfare since 1899.” They are designed for one thing, to tear apart the internal organs.  

The above numbers, certainly  not the entire story, shows the CIVILIAN government purchased an amount of bullets totalling: 


That is more than 4  bullets for EVERY AMERICAN INCLUDING BABIES.

It is a good time to remember both parties voted last year to permit the U.S. Army to act within our borders and to eliminate habeas corpus.  Some more bullets, as well as heavy ordinance.  Hell, if the army can act, why not the air force? 

Catching on?  

Send this to any police or military people you know. They are about to be used against us based upon a false pretext.

The Washington Post now reports, via a statement from NOAA spokesman Scott Smullen, that the original solicitation contained a “clerical error” and that the “solicitation for ammunition and targets for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement mistakenly identified NOAA’s National Weather Service as the requesting office.”

This makes sense as the Fisheries office has much more need for hollow point bullets than the weather guys. Ever been attacked by 10,000 sharks?

August 14, 2012

No interest in lending to the U.S.

 Last month, companies sold $75 billion of investment-grade corporate bonds in the U.S. – the busiest July ever. According to Thomson Reuters, total sales for 2012 are on track to hit $1 trillion.

With interest rates at record lows… many large companies are locking in obscenely small long-term borrowing costs. And yield-starved investors are happy to buy. Jim Probert, head of investment-grade banking at Bank of America, told the Wall Street Journal, "I've been doing this for 23 years, and I've never seen demand for new issues this large."

At a 3.2% average yield, investment-grade corporate bonds are paying nearly double the yield on comparable Treasurys. And due to corporate America's flush balance sheets, some investors view corporate bonds as safer than U.S. government debt…

"U.S. corporate bonds are becoming a flight-to-quality asset class," said Michael Seigel, global head of insurance asset management at Goldman Sachs. Funds holding investment-grade bonds took in $69 billion this year through July. Treasury funds only attracted $2.1 billion....

---excerpt from Stansbury & Associates

Note the last paragraph.

I am not recommending locking in 3% on an investment. The poop is bonds will sell for a few years. 

The important thing to note is our government has run for decades by borrowing money that you and your children will pay back. There is little interest, now, by sane people in lending money to the U.S. in exchange for on-going devaluation of their minute investment. In the real world, that outside of Keynesian economics, if a borrower really needs money, it raises the interest paid. 

This is not an option for the FED as a true interest rate would bring other jerry-rigged and interlocked problems to the surface, such as political and social unrest. This option inevitably becomes the final reality, but in the meantime, the surface calm is maintained while those in control prepare for the high interest. 

The talk about higher taxes or lower budget is meaningless in the face of our shortfall. It is like a homeowner facing bankruptcy and wondering if the answer to their problem is to use smaller light bulbs.

Who lends money to the Treasury at 1.5%?  When the market refuses to lend a debtor money, a Ponzi scheme comes to an end. If interest rates go up it is a warning and damages many current budgets and plans. SO, what to do?

The FED, a private consortium of banks, comes to the U.S. assistance and buys Treasury bills. 

Where do they get the money? They create it. The U.S. gave them that right. The junkie doesn't argue with the pusher.

This shell game may sound like a remote curiosity, but in accounting there are two sides to every transaction. When the government creates money, it causes it to devalue. When money devalues, the individual looses purchasing power, just as if a thief picked his pocket. Gasoline is up 20%, but not because the supply is down 20%, in the end. Rising prices reflect a lack of interest in the USD, which is coming to an end as the world's reserve currency.

The key to not being a sucker is to get off the carousel. 

August 10, 2012

Iran Oil for Turkish Gold

Some important background:

Iran, the new international devil, whose leaders sure speak in devil's tongue, does not have a central bank like the Fed and every other nation on earth where private bankers control currencies and debt.  One can easily understand how bankers want to bring Iran to its knees to beg at the altar of money.

Iran has been placed under the now absurdist "sanctions" by the U.S. and others. It cannot use SWIFT, the critical communication system for international bankers. So, economic alteration had to take place. The micromanagers and idealists never see the obvious consequences to their games:

Gold for Oil

Turkey skirting Iran sanctions by trading gold for crude
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan meets with Iranian President Ahmadinejad / AP
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan meets with Iranian President Ahmadinejad / AP
Turkey has exchanged nearly 60 tons of gold for several million tons of Iranian crude oil, despite its promises to uphold Western sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, according to recent Turkish reports.
By using gold instead of money, Turkey is able to skirt Western sanctions on Iran’s oil trade, particularly those pertaining to SWIFT, the global money transfer service that until recently assisted the Central Bank of Iran and other Iranian financial institutions.
Over the past several months, Turkey has given Iran 60 tons of gold, or more than $3 billion, according to a July 8 report on the Turkish news site Vatan Online. The report was translated by the Open Source Center, a translation service used by the CIA.
The exchanges raise questions about the Obama administration’s decision to grant Turkey a temporary waiver exempting it from U.S. sanctions to Iran, according to foreign policy experts and those on Capitol Hill who speculated that the revelation could spur Congress to pass a new round of Iran sanctions to prevent such trades.
“The idea that Turkey needs a waiver for more time to disconnect itself from the Iran oil trade is ludicrous,” said Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser on Iran and Iraq. “Turkey is playing Obama for a fool.”
“Like a loose school girl, Obama may think he can become popular by giving away the goods to whomever tells him he is the apple of their eye,” said Rubin, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “Obama doesn’t understand that for regional rulers like [Turkish Prime Minister] Erdogan and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, he has gained not respect, but disdain.”...

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August 09, 2012

Avoiding Dr. B. Brother

Dr. Dotson, whose advice is below, closed his cardiology practice and now works as an employee for a hospital. This is what is going on, today, as medicine becomes impossible as a business. He wrote an article about how bad the medical care will be and added what I copied below.

One cannot say what will happen next year, what with the alternative to statism being Mr. Romney, this is a snide joke you may not get - yet, so prepare yourself.  

The government has agents to get you, there will be death panels, it will be illegal to pay a doctor directly, and the government is forcing doctors to push patients into databases all run through NSA (I looked this up). So, while we wait for the system to melt down into chaos, which would take more than your lifetime, Dr. Dotson has recommendations:  

Dr. Dotson's prescription for dealing with your health in the era of Obamacare:

Avoid contact with the existing health care system as far as possible. Yes, emergencies arise that require the help of physicians, but by and large one can learn to care for one’s own minor issues. Though it is flawed, the internet has been an information leveler for the masses and permits each person to be his or her own physician to a large degree. Take advantage of it! Educate yourself about your own body and learn to fuel and maintain it as you would an expensive auto or a pet poodle. One does not need a medical degree to:

1. avoid excessive use of tobacco or alcohol or, for that matter, caffeine;
2. avoid poisons like fluoride, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and addictive drugs (legal or illicit);
3. avoid unnecessary and potentially lethal imaging studies (TSA’s radiation pornbooths, excessive mammography, repetitive CT scans – exposure to all significantly increases cancer risk);
4. avoid excessive cell phone use and exposure to other forms of EMR pollution where possible (the NSA is recording everything you say and text anyway);
5. avoid daily fast food use and abuse (remember: pink slime and silicone) ;
6. avoid untested GM foods (do you really want to become “Roundup Ready?”):
7. avoid most vaccinations and pharmaceutical agents promoted by the establishment;
8. avoid risky behaviors (and, we do not need a bunch of Nanny State bureaucrats to define and police these);
9. exercise moderately;
10. get plenty of sleep;
11. drink plenty of good quality water (buy a decent water filter to remove fluoride, chloride, and heavy metals);
12. wear protective gear at work and play where appropriate (helmets, eye-shields, knee and elbow pads, etc.):
13. seek out locally-grown, whole, organic foods and support your local food producers;
14. take appropriate nutritional supplements (multi-vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3);
15. switch off the TV and the mainstream media it represents;
16. educate yourself while you can;

And, lastly…



August 06, 2012

The Big Change, pun intended

Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

The Constitution came hard upon the use, and failure, of paper money during the Articles of Confederation. 


Utah became the first state to introduce its own alternative currency when Governor Gary Herbert signed a bill into law last March that recognized gold and silver coins issued by the U.S. Mint as an acceptable form of payment. Under the law, the coins -- which include American Gold and Silver Eagles -- are treated the same as U.S. dollars for tax purposes, eliminating capital gains taxes.

Since the face value of some U.S.-minted gold and silver coins -- like the one-ounce, $50 American Gold Eagle coin -- is so much less than the metal value (one ounce of gold is now worth more than $1,700), the new law allows the coins to be exchanged at their market value, based on weight and fineness.
"A Utah citizen, for example, could contract with another to sell his car for 10 one-ounce gold coins (approximately $17,000), or an independent contractor could arrange to be compensated in gold coins," said Rich Danker, a project director at the American Principles Project, a conservative public policy group in Washington, D.C.
Similar laws coming:  South Carolina, Washington, Minnesota, Iowa, Georgia, Idaho, and Indiana.

Take note of this for this is the most profound change in the United States' economic condition since we left the gold standard. What the states are doing is part of the Constitution, so it cannot be shut down until the tyrants denude Article 1 of authority. They forgot to attack this provision and it is the very one that can drive a stake into their hearts.

Ron Paul has been advocating a competing currency to the U. S. dollar as a simple cure for what ails us. None of the other candidates debated the point as they did not understand what he was talking about, at all, but saw he was popular on business talk shows, so it would be wise to shut up.

Think about this from a practical level: would you sell your car for ten ounces of gold or for $17,000. Before you answer, look up the buying value of your dollar and the projections for inflation. The average man will correct what our "leaders' dread - a loss of control and a loss of the ability to create money. One ounce of gold still buys a high end suit, just like in the 1920s.

A private attempt to create a currency, even in harmony with U.S. law and with the approval of the Treasury, ended with an arrest by the FBI, the Presidential Guard.

The reporting of this movement is quiet in D.C., N.Y., Massachusetts, and California because these places thrive on the games inherent in fiat currency.  You have not heard of it, but do not think that is because it is not important. 

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August 04, 2012


This is Saturday.

I have a pile of mail to go through, usually all trouble, and there is a brief hiatus in a few cases so that I could force myself to catch up, but I was not interested in work, an increasingly foolish effort, like playing the violin as the Titanic takes on water. I get a tight stomach when I arrive at 206 Glen Street. This is sign that should not be ignored. So...

I went to the Coffee Planet, ordered peanut butter, crunch, on a dark bread toast and sipped upon a dark, gourmet coffee and the prose of Nathaniel Hawthorne. I read about the garden behind the House of the Seven Gables, which, so far is story about nothing.

The book is not a novel, according to Hawthorne, but a romance. Mostly, it is a delicate and sensitive portrait of a curious family and home in New England in the 1850s..

Why, I learned yesterday, that aged coffee cherries were as valuable as gold; then, thanks to Google, I learned coffee made from this "mocha" (Arabica aged during trip from Africa) was syrupy and low in acid.

There is something wonderful about knowing there are others who could see into your soul and to accept it, no matter how lost. I read the chapter without any concern there was no story only interesting people with diverse pasts who attempt to enjoy each others lives.  I have stopped skimming and gently take in the story of people long past who mostly lived in their past.

Still not wanting to go to the office, I drove north to the YMCA. I did my fifteen minutes of basketball to warm up and spent a good half hour working all my muscles groups, done efficiently thanks to modern engineering. Then, the reward: a shower.

This adventure was not enough. I did not stop when I saw my office and, instead, drove to the southern most part of Lucerne where there is a great music shop.

Ed has been there thirty five years, just had a $24,000 treatment for cancer, and sits in a corner surrounded by two million dollars worth of inventory, none of it financed. He can fix the inner working of an amplifier, my Roland keyboard, a sax, or help you buy the instrument just for you. Because his business model is to not screw people, he has five cars and no debt. The Ford truck belongs in a movie of the future.

Ed is wistful. He knows his children cannot possibly take over the business; he is, after all, an accomplished musician, technician. and electrician.  He cannot train them or hire people to replace him because of our laws and taxes; he cannot afford to hire people and knows he could not bring in the next Eds, as no one could afford to buy the place, so when he dies, the business is over.  We talked about nothing and everything for a half of an hour.

Then, I drove north to Lucerne, I get confused if it is Luzerne, and stopped at a wonderful cafe and ice cream shop on the river, just north of the terrifying falls. The air temperature was 91, but the back porch was delightful with the gentle tease of a constant breeze.  I worked slowly through a mesclun salad and a Guiness.

I read a bit of Hawthorne and watched the deceptively placid looking river.  The waitress says she had to move to Hudson Falls, her apartment in town having been part of a house that was sold. (This is a move from heaven to purgatory). There was no sign of any loud tourists, just sensible folks out for lunch. No one spoke above a whisper.

There were half a dozen young men off in the distance near the falls, which would be more like a horrible "chute."  I mumbled to no one in particular that I hoped they were not going into the water. I didn't see any boats which would have been bad enough.

Well, this started the porch talking. One man, a lifer in Luzerne, said he was tired of cleaning up the mess the bodies leave when idiots jump into the river. However, "They can kill themselves is they want." There is, and has to be, a powerful "hydraulic," as a canoeist calls it. It is a sucking you cannot escape.  They said in two weeks, your body would be buoyant and float to Corinth.

The porch people agreed cleaning up the mess was terrible and were happy it is now illegal to jump there. You can see the edge of the location on the left- some rocks where the chute begins. Most important, during this talk, my waitress convinced to get the 72% chocolate chip ice cream.

After bidding a sad farewell to the chocolate, I sat silently watching the river, the mist, the boys off to the right swimming from an exposed rock. The coffee did not intrude. I had earlier expanded the thought of the fireman, he who cleaned up bodies, that this spot, right now, was the best place on earth. I have been around, I told him.

Good people, wonderfuly simple food, and a warm, gentle, August breeze running up the rive into the foothills of the Adirondacks.

This is perfect.

 It would have been nice to share this perfect place and time, but sensing the perfect is more than being in its presence. I wish perfect moments to everyone.

In the presence of perfection, all the rest is noise.

August 03, 2012

Reply to Rep. Chris Gibson

Hello Chris,

I note your district has changed and we will have a new representative, both candidates being Democrats, as of a few years ago. Not much interest in deciding between fast or slow progress to socialism.

I wish you well as you reorganize.

As a parting thought, in response to your regular email posting, I suggest there is nothing government can do to create jobs other than to remove itself.  We are far beyond the use of band aids to stop bleeding in the tax base.

I see this every day as clients close their businesses because they can no longer resist OSHA, taxes, Obama care, Wormkans' Comp, and so on.  New York State in particular destroys start-ups and rewards large companies, the oligarchy that loves when start-ups get crushed. The same goes for national policy. There is nothing the government can do to change this other the long overdue sepaku.  Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

A small company cannot keep a lawyer, accountant, compliance officer on staff. Thus, only certain types of small, service businesses get started. Our vast legion of bureaucrats have never produced anything, met a payroll, or been threatened with ruin or jail by a clerk; all the while attempting to pay confiscatory school taxes so their children can be taught to be victims and dullards.

Business operators live in fear of the governments, their employees, regulators, and so on. The era of American ingenuity is over. The margin for profit is gone and remains under daily attack. You will see a diaspora of people close behind the flight of capital that is already happening. This happens even when there is deluded happy talk by the government though officials seem to think spin will trick people into staying to participate in organized theft.

Seven out of the top eleven states now insolvent are democrat, i.e. socialist. They are far more in debt than the red states. They do not care they are insolvent as they fully intend to take federal money (everyone else's) and to tax those evil rich people who earn $250,000 a year, like a Blimpie store. This is classic socialist transfer of wealth, which I mentioned two years ago when we first met. This economic chaos is not a problem to a socialist; it is intended. It provides a way to increase government. Their logic is, "So what, we borrow from ourselves?" The inmates are in charge, now.

Soon, we will see the necessary devaluation of the dollar which is how money is stolen from the working class to pay off government debt.  This is inevitable as it is thoroughly understood by people who can still read.  It is the long-pending plan of such folks as Goldman Sachs and their staff in the Treasury and Fed. Me, I buy junk silver. So, what is this talk about making jobs? More IRS agents, maybe.

In the end, economics will reset the entire nation; this is a sure thing and it is lumbering toward us. There will be a new economy based upon avoiding government which ends the era of the American community, though it will recreate local communities. I expect barter and multiple attempts to start new currencies and that the FBI will told to stamp out based upon exhuming a concept from the long buried Constitution. The FBI does have to protect Goldman.

If the coming change resets American thinking, this is another matter in light of the socialistic and insipid public schools. We are losing the traditions which made us unique, as we become like the Europeans. We can be like the English who kept doubling down on stupid.

Economics, however, can undo much mind control, when people cannot have a family or, for that matter, a savings account. There are three college graduates I know in Glens Falls who are happy to be serving coffee.

Perhaps, if there is a counterrevolution, the Constitution can be rebuilt so that its framework will again promote prosperity; it has a long way to go. We can restore, perhaps, habeas corpus, posse commitatus, personal privacy, property rights, the commerce clause, Congress acting according to the enumerated powers, returning the presidency to a republican concept, and restore the eligibility requirement to become president or vice president.  [See my brlief. :]  I would love to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment, a brilliant maneuver by socialists.

Right now, my Constitution is a cruel poster paraded about to impress the distracted public. Talk about the government making jobs is depressing.  Anyway, there is no problem with jobs, just change the definition of unemployment.

Tax increase? Cut spending? There is not enough money that can be stolen or saved to meet our obligations. This talk is nonsense and both parties know it. People, now, know it, so the essential faith in the economic system is over; hence little investment, at least in the U.S. The stock market is not the economy; mostly, it is a Ponzi scheme as people try to remain afloat upon an unsettled lagoon about to undergo a tsunami.

I recall reading that if you took all the money of the 1 percenters, that would not cover a year's obligations. This may be a mistatement; it is hard to know anymore as the numbers are beyond usefulness. We owe, as a people who have vast, future entitlement to meet on top of actual debt, more money than exists in the world. So, cut spending or raise taxes? This is a mutually agreed upon propaganda campaign.

Mass illusion not only exists, it is used and promoted by those seeking power and economic oligarchy.  As a retired officer, I am sure you have taken note of the massive purchase of weapons in the last two years. Many are, now, aware of the illusion and the quest for centralized control. The millions of new gun owners are not "kooks." The recent assault on the First Amendment increased the tension. Bad times are going to settle upon the nicest of towns.

I fear for us. We are on the edge of anarchy and the anticipated use of martial law; yet, our leaders believe they can continue to get away with talking gibberish. The hollow words will fade into history, but that history will see significant, uncontrolled change.

We are going to have "change" and very soon. The KGB thinks the result will be four new nations, the left and monied interests see a new command and control oligarchy, Muslims see a new caliphate in the future, and our current ruling class sees some sort of return to making so much money that we will return to Happy Taxland. That way, we can afford to blow up new countries.

What Americans foresee will become clear in November.

Gene Cunningham

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From: "Congressman Chris Gibson"
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 11:54:08 AM
Subject: Washington Update

August 3, 2012 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email
Update from Washington
Dear Friend,

Last night, the House of Representatives finished legislative business for the week, beginning the start of a district work period.  I am looking forward to spending the month of August in New York, where I have a schedule that takes me across the 20th Congressional District.  Events include county fairs, tours of local small businesses, a disaster recovery update in Prattsville, and a follow-up meeting on broadband in Columbia County.  I hope to see many of you during my travels.

Before I left Washington, I had the opportunity to vote on an important piece of legislation.  H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, extends for one year current tax rates and other tax provisions, including the child tax credit, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) patch, the estate tax, and marriage penalty relief.

Creating jobs is my number one priority, and enacting comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform is essential to that goal.  In March, I voted for the Cooper-LaTourette Bipartisan Budget Proposal, which I believe lays out the principles that will grow our economy and create jobs.  Our current code is complex, burdensome, and unfair. We need to commit to closing loopholes while protecting middle class deductions and lowering tax rates for all.  We need to give our local businesses and family farms the ability to continue to expand and hire more workers.

As we work toward that goal, we must protect Upstate New York families from facing higher taxes at the end of this year.  Additionally, across my district, a number of small business owners and farmers have shared with me the impact higher taxes would have on their ability to sustain and grow their operations, particularly in these challenging economic times.  For these reasons, I voted for H.R. 8, which extends current tax provisions for one year - giving us the time necessary to advance pro-growth reform.  H.R. 8 passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 256-171.

Although I am glad the House acted on preventing tax increases, I am disappointed that the House of Representatives has not yet considered a full five year Farm Bill, which the House Agriculture Committee passed in a bipartisan fashion a few weeks ago.  While not perfect, the FARRM Act contains a number of important provisions that will assist local family farms struggling with profitability.  Importantly, the bill overhauls the safety net program for dairy farmers, encourages the growth and sustainability of local and regional agriculture and organic farming, protects conservation programs, and helps beginning farmers access the capital they need to enter the field.  We also reauthorized the broadband loan program with some improvements, which my amendment was able to save funding for last year.  I signed a letter with 76 of my colleagues urging the leadership of the House to bring the Farm Bill to the floor, and will continue to advocate for passage when we return in September so that Upstate farmers get the assistance and certainty they need.

As always, please let me know if my office can do anything to assist you.                                                                                                        

Chris Gibson
Member of Congress




YNN: Push to Pass Farm Bill

Windham Journal
: Gibson, FEMA Update Residents on Flood Relief
Troy Record:
Work Begins on Wilkinson Family's New, 'Smart' Home

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