Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

June 26, 2007

Now, something completely different

Let's get off global wind-bag issues and get down to the real war.

I found myself in a loop reading about the Fatima "secrets" and how, once again, the actual words of import (Lucy or is it Miriam, aka Mary) do not exit the darkness of the Vatican. The Church is a past master of not letting people think for themselves, all the way back to the absorption of the Irish (Spanish/Coptic) church, the incredibly redacted Bible, down to the recent hiding of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican office formerly called the Office of the Inquisition.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were released by a museum in California that found a photographic copy had been archived there. The Church sued under copyright law (link to a priest comments on the scholarly in-fighting) to prevent the release, also saying it will take proper scholars a year just to translate a few words, which is the rate the Church had been releasing snippets for decades. After the document went public, the scrolls were translated in a year and showed a different Israel. It may even be that Paul (Saul) was considered the "Great Liar." Of course, there is scholarly disagreements in this area.

There is an argument that Yeshua may have been an Essene (which I seem to recall was the core of the Qumran Dead Sea Scroll folks) or that he was Jesus the Nazarean, making him a political activist, which is a completely different take than the Jesus of the carpenter in Nazareth. (Of course, the son of a carpenter would become a carpenter and would not receive an education befitting the wealthy). It is further argued that Nazareth did not exist at the time and that Nazarean is the correct nickname.

There is evidence that Yeshua and his apostles were political activists, if not revolutionaries. Keep in mind that Judas Iscariot, who some scholars now see as executing a plan, not turning on Yeshua, is not really from the Iscariot family. An iscariot was the name for an unpleasant dagger. It is a nickname. Recall "Peter's" first reaction in the presence of a few hundred Romans sent to arrest one man - he pulled his sword and struck. Why were so many soldiers sent to arrest a peaceful guy praying with his apostles? Things ain't what they tell you in Sunday school.

Anyway, the poop on the third secret, which was supposed to be withheld for few generations, is that the eventual release of the text is not accurate or highly redacted. The ins and outs of the tale are like a Dan Brown novel. Those in the know (like a few Popes and bishops) have commented that the message had to do with corruption from the top down in the Church causing a loss of direction and, thus, a loss of goodness resulting in the "chastisement" to come.

I am reminded of the Dan Brown scene where a Pope is poisoned with cocoa. I am reminded of comments from a friend who was attached to the Vatican that, in fact, the story was true and the reason he was killed, it is surmised, was he ordered a clean up of the Vatican Bank as soon as he was elected. If you recall, the head of the Vatican Bank was found, not too long after, hanging from a bridge in London.

Apparently, the released version of the Third Secret does not pass the smell test and contradicts prior discussion. The Church does not seem ready to heed the warning that it is an infected bureaucracy or the older Lucy's words:

“She (the Blessed Virgin Mary) told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Also from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.”

... Sister Lucy of Fatima speaking
to Father Fuentes,
December 26, 1957


“It [the Third Secret] has nothing to do with Gorbachev. The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church.”

... Cardinal Oddi, quoted March 17,
1990, in the journal Il Sabato

“Through some crack the smoke of satan has entered into the Church of God.”

... Pope Paul VI, Papal address of
June 30, 1972

On 60 Minutes several years ago interviewed a mullah from Pakistan who said the terrorists are infected by bad jinn, evil souls, and that their actions are evil. So, the two most powerful religions, with histories of sweeping, true-believer warfare, are both worried about their own souls being corrupted from within.

One group of jinn has a stated goal to destroy Christians who, faced with this world-wide war, is finding ways to destroy itself from within.

Sounds like a good plan, if you are the devil.

Maybe there is a movie in this.

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June 21, 2007

Global Warming After The Hysteria

As I recently note, I have a hard time getting to have fun researching the nature of the universe, so, again, I take lead from Irene who sent me a link to the Financial Post, Canada's Wall Street Journal, which in turns send the reader off other sources. To go there, click on the title. You will find extensive articles that attempt to balance information.

It is inevitable that after taking a vote on the "scientific fact" of global warming and that humans caused it, many of the voters will realize it was not a good idea to tie their careers to sky-is-falling "group think," no matter how appealing it is to be in a club. It is a common scenario, as near as I can see. For example, as one one think these days, no democrat ever supported the Iraq occupation.

This sudden enlightenment has to happen to anyone whose funding is not directly tied to governments, lobbies, and universities. Left with no trough to suck from, they fall back on their personal reputation. The funded academics don't care if they sell out, unless you think that only tobacco researchers sell out and all other scientists are aliens who abide by the rigors of Vulcan logic.

It has already happened that those with tenure in specialties that actually apply to climate analysis, not frogs or Jupiter, are protecting themselves from the inevitable "oops." Many have spoken out about being offended by junk science, having their jobs attacked, and by being grouped into the true believer cult, as I have pointed out in the past. I find it amazing how their papers and comments are diverted by the mainstream media without so much as blush. It is much easier to say the sky is falling or that manbearpig is attacking, than analyze statistics.

Oh, the head of the NASA team that assembles all the data used by global warmers with pride, the guy with 6 graduate degrees who has been convinced that climate change is a reality, is now an idiot because he didn't say that humans can have much of an affect on climate change. Without quoting what he said, main-stream media did quote unknown "scientists" as saying he should resign for being stupid. Doesn't anyone get the danger of the "true believer?" There is one God and Gore is his prophet.

Society, that abstract idea, having been dumbed down and overwhelmed with crisis news every day, can't actually discern truth, so they buy into the messenger of their choice, which is the key to every murderous cult and war in history, of course. This time, there are billions of dollars being squeezed from the tax payers of the world, which is better than shooting them, I guess. The hysteria follows the pattern of nanotechnology and stem cell panic. If you can figure out the next false-crisis, you, too, can be rich.

It seems to me the bird flu could be the next panic, but 5,000 mg of Vitamin C every day when sick will solve that problem. You die because of scurvy. It is better to have a crisis about something no one understands except those "scientists" on CNN. The only way to milk this hysteria will be to control Vitamin C distribution - hey, wait, that is exactly what the governments and big pharma are trying to do. see Codex Alimentarius

So, you may enjoy reading through the articles the Canadian press has published. I hope to catch up to you. I will start with the one that seems to agree that global cooling is coming, something about studying mud, if I skimmed the piece well enough.


PS - I think I am going to take a vote of scientists as to whether they accept the truth that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by external forces. We need to pin that one down so physics can move on. Oh sure, there will be kooks who deny the final vote count, but, really, if we get an overwhelming agreement on the topic, those who disagree should lose their jobs.


June 18, 2007

Anyone surprised?

The problem with having work is you can't do the more fun stuff, like blog entries. Here is a cheap way to get one in. My world analyst, Irene, sent me this link.

To answer the headline. I am surprised that the BBC was able to assess itself. That is not an easy thing for true believers. The brain filters are tough to clean, let alone remove.

About a month ago I was listening to one of those radio-appointed experts in climate (works for the UN - that's a real job). When confronted with an account of the serious 1970's climate change panic, that the ice age is coming, see prior blog entry, he responded not by saying that scientists screw up badly all the time, he being some sort of scientist/bureaucrat, but rather said we were heading for an ice age, but our SUV's stopped the ice age from coming.

There is literally nothing one can say to such a person. The filters don't let anything in at all.

I wonder what he has to say about the current History Channel fare, which shows up now and then, on how the little ice age killed off the Norse who were herders and farmers on beautiful, GREEN Greenland. Eight hundred years ago, much of Greenland was not ice bound and a delightful paradise. You don't hear much about this for obvious reasons - filters


<span class=WND" height="20" width="181">
BBC network admits it: We're biased toward left
Acknowledges failure to offer debate due to inherent liberal culture of staff

Posted: June 17, 2007
10:50 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

The BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, has acknowledged the network is biased toward the left, following a report commissioned by the company.

A yearlong probe revealed the corporation especially partial in its treatment of single-issue politics such as climate change, poverty, race and religion, according to the London Times.

"It concludes that the bias has extended across drama, comedy and entertainment, with the corporation pandering to politically motivated celebrities and trendy causes," the paper said.

The report cites the danger of BBC programs being undermined by the liberal culture of its staff, who need to challenge their own assumptions more.

"There is a tendency to 'group think' with too many staff inhabiting a shared space and comfort zone," says the report.

It notes staff tend to mimic each other's common left-leaning values.

(Story continues below)

A seminar on staff impartiality held last year is documented, with officials admitting they would broadcast images of the Bible being thrown away, but not the Koran for fear of offending Muslims.

The report also warns that celebrities must not be pandered to and allowed to hijack the BBC schedule, according to the London Telegraph.

It also offers 12 new principles for the corporation to adopt to safeguard objectivity, including:

"Impartiality is no excuse for insipid programming. It allows room for fair-minded, evidence-based judgments by senior journalists and documentary-makers, and for controversial, passionate and polemical arguments by contributors and writers."

A BBC spokeswoman said: "This report is about looking forward and how we are going to face the challenges of impartiality in the modern world."

As WND reported in October, an internal BBC memo revealed senior figures admitted the national news agency was guilty of promoting left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment.

The admissions of bias were made at the impartiality summit. Most executives admitted the corporation's representation of homosexuals and ethnic minorities was unbalanced and disproportionate.

June 04, 2007

Keep Your Eyes Open

Al Qaida operative working with Latino gang.
Pilfered nuclear material from McMaster University, Ontario.
Friend of poor Mr. Padilla.

[Hey, it could be just another scare tactic by the crazy right!]

This Man Leads Nuclear ‘9/11' Plan Wires
Friday, June 1, 2007

Adnan el-Shukrijumah

He is the most wanted man in America yet most Americans have never heard his name.

He has been described as the "Fixer" of the Sept. 11 attacks. Several captured al-Qaida operatives have revealed this is the same man who bin Laden has tapped to lead the terror group's diabolical scheme to detonate nuclear devices simultaneously in several U.S. cities.

Meet Adnan el-Shukrijumah, now believed to be operating within the U.S. – a man the FBI warns is likely armed and dangerous.

"But no one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman, and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan."

That's the dire warning from Paul L. Williams, author of his just released book "The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World." [Editor's Note: Get Paul Williams' explosive "The Day of Islam" FREE — Click Here Now.]

According to Williams, Adnan has not only been charged by al-Qaida with orchestrating a nuclear attack – he may have already smuggled nuclear material into America.

The U.S. government is offering a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture.

Ominously, Adnan "possesses the uncanny ability to blend into a crowd, to alter his looks, and to assume a multitude of identities," writes Williams, a seasoned investigative reporter and former FBI consultant.

"Few things about el-Shukrijumah indicate his radical Islamic orientation … He has been known to have a beer on occasion … to smoke an occasional Camel, and to carry rosary beads in his pocket …

"He is the proverbial Mr. Cellophane."

Adnan, 31, was born in Guyana, according to Williams, although the FBI believes he was born in Saudi Arabia. He spent his early years in New York City, where his father, a radical Muslim cleric, was the imam of a Brooklyn mosque known to serve as a recruiting station for al-Qaida.

In 1995, Adnan's family moved to Miramar, Fla., where Adnan's father became spiritual leader of a radical mosque. In Florida Adnan befriended Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a dirty bomb in Manhattan, and Imran Mandhai, who was convicted of trying to blow up nuclear power plants in Florida.

Between 1996 and 2000, Adnan traveled extensively, spending time in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Trinidad, Tobago and Guyana. He managed to collect passports from a number of countries, and began using at least five aliases.

Adnan also attended flight school in Florida and Oklahoma, along with Mohammad Atta and other 9/11 operatives, and became adept at piloting jets.

In April 2001, Williams disclosed, Adnan spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with al-Qaida officials to help plan the 9/11 attacks.

After the terrorist strikes, Adnan became a key figure in al-Qaida's plans to escalate its attacks on the U.S. Williams compiled evidence that Osama bin Laden designated him to arrange a simultaneous nuclear attack on seven U.S. cities – New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Boston and Las Vegas.

Williams believes Adnan then enrolled at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, site of a five-megawatt nuclear research reactor. Incredibly, Adnan was able to get a job as a guide at the reactor.

"Bit by bit, the al-Qaida operative allegedly managed to pilfer approximately 180 pounds of nuclear material from the university – enough to build several radiological bombs," Williams reports.

Adnan disappeared from the school in October 2003, several days before the nuclear material was reported missing.

Alerted about Adnan's plans by a captured high-ranking al-Qaida official, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI director Robert Mueller issued a BOLO (be-on-the-lookout) alert for Adnan on March 21, 2004.

In the following months Adnan was spotted in Colorado, Pakistan, Honduras, Belize and Mexico.

In November 2004, another key al-Qaida operative was captured in Pakistan. He told interrogators that the terrorist group had arranged to smuggle nuclear supplies and tactical nuclear weapons into Mexico, then to transport them across the U.S. border with the aid of a Latino street gang. The gang was later identified as Mara Salvatrucha – a group Adnan at met with during his visit to Honduras.

"The gang has some form of presence in virtually every Hispanic community across the United States, and can offer al-Qaida unparalleled infiltration into any city in the country," according to a report from the Jamestown Foundation cited by Williams.

U.S. officials responded to the intelligence and began monitoring all heavy trucks crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, and Mexican officials vowed to keep close watch on flight schools and aviation facilities. Those precautions may have come to late, says Williams, who writes:

"A Piper PA Pawnee crop duster was stolen from Ejido Queretaro near Mexicali on November 1, 2004. The plane's tail number was XBCYP. The thieves, Mexican officials surmised, were either drug dealers or al-Qaida operatives, and clearly one was a highly trained pilot who met the description of Adnan el-Shukrijumah."
