Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

April 11, 2014

"Real Science" On Impact of CO2 and Correlations

How CO2 Has Affected Me Personally
CO2 has risen from 0.00032 mole fraction CO2 to a frightening 0.00040 mole fraction during my lifetime. You can see this disturbing trend in the graph below.
ScreenHunter_75 Apr. 09 09.20
How has this affected me personally? As CO2 increased, so did my height. The correlation was unmistakable. I didn’t realize it until recently, but all 40 of my tallest years have occurred during the last 40 years, and I haven’t had a below average height year in over four decades.
It is time to end the CO2 madness, and go back to living short miserable lives in caves.

By Steven Goddard. 

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April 10, 2014

Narcissism: Lois Lerner

An interesting view of Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS, the Democratic Party operative ignoring scandals, accusations of criminal activity, and violating the principles of the Fifth Amendment by answer questions, then refusing before Congress:

She is being caught lying and obfuscating, here, a violation of her oath, but look at the pose as she looks down on the member of Congress. Let's see:  "screw you"

Compare with Mr. Obama at a prayer session. Mr. Bush's head pose is normal for prayer.


Below is an extract from a body language site that reveals the basic meanings of human gesture which are animal traits, not learned quirks:

head held highheadsuperiority, fearlessness, arroganceEspecially if exhibited with jutting chin.

Rarely, do we come across an arrogant sense of superiority of this sort.  I dare say few readers have come across this degree of arrogance. Still, you sense not to hire that person.

Of course, one needs to be careful that a photo is not timed to make the jutting chin expression, but experience shows this is not the case in the above examples. Of course, the media never showed these shots.

Further, holding one's head like that is so unnatural there would be few chances to snap a photo like those. It takes an action of will to make such a posture. One wonders why the GOP, the gang that can't think straight, did not just run ads of the above pose to scare off normal people who could see what they were facing.

We are not looking at just pride; this is narcissism, a deadly trait of one with power, especially if that person is subversive out destroy all he or she disdains. I reviewed this years, ago, here:

Other symptoms in addition to the ones defined by DSM-IV-TR include: Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, has trouble keeping healthy relationships with others, easily hurt or rejected, appears unemotional, and exaggerating special achievements and talents, setting unrealistic goals for himself/herself.[5]

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, and an over-inflated sense of self-importance that is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.[6]
In addition to these symptoms, the person may display arrogance, show superiority, and seek power.[7] The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth. Comments and criticisms about others are vicious from sufferers of NPD, in an attempt to boost their own poor self-esteem.[8]

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India's Customer Service Hub

There was a caption in the original: Now you understand why Indians can figure out your computer problem and you can't.  Notice the exquisite building across the street. Once this twentieth century crap is sorted out, it will be a nice spot.

Wait, there is a tree in the ganglia.  I think it is part of the infrastructure.

I can see why the emerging world is skipping to cell phone service.

April 07, 2014

What's The Name of the Player On First?


That's what I want to know....


April 04, 2014

Anti-Reason and Climate Truthers

Ministry Of Truth: Crackdown Ordered On Climate Change Skeptics

  •  The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
Ben Webster
April 3, 2014
Ministers who question the majority view among scientists about climate change should “shut up” and instead repeat the Government line on the issue, according to MPs.
The BBC should also give less airtime to climate sceptics and its editors should seek special clearance to interview them, according to the Commons Science and Technology Committee. Andrew Miller, the committee’s Labour chairman, said that appearances on radio and television by climate sceptics such as Lord Lawson of Blaby, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, should be accompanied by “health warnings”.
Mr Miller likened climate sceptics to the Monster Raving Loony Party and said that the BBC should limit interviews with them just as it restricted the coverage it gave to fringe political parties.
In a report published today, the committee criticises the BBC’s coverage of climate change, saying that its news programmes “continue to make mistakes in their coverage of climate science by giving opinions and scientific fact the same weight”.
The MPs say that the BBC should apply the same “stringent requirements” to interviewing climate sceptics as it applies to interviewing politicians. “For example, any proposal to invite politicians to contribute to non-political output must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics. The BBC could benefit from applying a similarly stringent approach when interviewing non- experts on controversial scientific topics such as climate change,” the committee says.

When considering how confusing it is to interact with the French, one has fun trying to find the inner message; when trying to understand the British, one is distressed by the enjoyment of language and logical argument, coupled with self-delusion and purposeful corruption of the language and logic.

Here, we see the Labor Party wanting to silence those who object to the vague rant about climate change. [They dropped "warming" years ago.] The Prime Minister has recently announced that climate change is the "number 1" threat to Britain and the world. No. 1, got it. Forget the Ukraine, terrorism, GMO foods, dangerous chemicals, Hollywood. No, the problem is climate change, so much so, he announced HIS party, unlike the evil party before him, is building a new nuclear reactor!

I would like to see him swim off the coast of Japan. Whatever you do, do not get involved with trying to send an email to London explaining facts and stuff.

Oh, he also touted Britain, which is the support staff for the financial district called "The City," has the world's first "green" investment bank.  Get it, yet?

Notice the demand for the state owned media to purposely NOT interview those who question the party like, as it has been put.  Do you see logic anywhere?  There is a propaganda logic, but that is sophistry, an internal logic that promotes a position, but does not seek facts. There is KGB and National Socialist logic, but not in the search of truth; rather, in search of conning the sheep as they are herded to the gate.

We are told "science" is why we must ban science, the discipline of eliminating falsehood by questioning proposed facts. We are told real scientists have voted on fact, which is crazy talk. Talk about the Loony Party.

The National Post, a real newspaper out of Toronto that Americans should look at, just for fun, created a series covering the "Deniers."  Check it out. If you are used to reading American papers, there are dictionaries online for assistance.

BTW, I hear the media playing the song about unemployment going down. I suppose I have to address it again, but be reminded, the percentage is based upon a nonsensical model that Washington redesigned starting in the Clinton era, as reported by the small guy-economist, as he claims, who worked for Mr. Clinton. 

People who couldn't find a job fast enough are not on the unemployment list.  Of course, they are still unemployed, but they are out of sight.  

Enjoy your country.

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April 01, 2014

Vote Against Every Incumbent

Irene sent this Brietbart article:


Monday's open enrollment deadline for ObamaCare, which, with its subsidies and tax credits, represents the largest expansion of government, is a good time to assess the total scale of government in the US. 

Appreciating the full scope of the US government is difficult, because its activities are undertaken at the federal, state, and local levels. Adding all of this together, government in the US consumes more than $6 trillion a year. This makes the US government the world's 3rd largest economy. 
The United States economy produces just over $16 trillion in total goods and services every year. China's economic output is, by the most reliable measure, over $8 trillion. The next largest national economy is Japan, producing around $5 trillion in total economic output. Federal, state, and local governments in the US, however, consume more than $6.2 trillion. US government spending, in fact, is about the same as the total economic output of France and Germany combined. 
Getting even a rough grasp of total government spending in the US is tricky. One must navigate multiple data sources and be sure to subtract intergovernmental transfers. The federal government provides more than half a trillion dollars to state governments. State governments transfer nearly an equal amount to local governments. States also have a number of trust funds that aren't included in their general fund expenditures.
Total federal outlays in 2012 were $3.5 trillion, roughly the size of the German economy. (Consider that; It takes the total economic output of every German, who have the 4th largest national economy, to finance our federal government.) After subtracting federal grants and transfers, state governments in the US consumed just over $1.6 trillion, which is roughly the economy of Spain or India. 
Local governments collected revenue of around $1.1 trillion in 2011 (the last year for which information is available). There are more than 90,000 units of local government in the US. 
(Note: Figures for state and local governments are based on revenue collected rather than expenditures. Under current reporting, one can account for intergovernmental transfers in revenue reported, but not in expenditures. For example, one can determine how much local governments receive from state governments for public education, but local governments report the total amount spent on education, not the funding source of the spending.)
Taken together, government in the United States, at all levels, consumes about 40% of the overall economy. Considering only of the federal government or individual states obscures the complete footprint of government in the US.  

Another option to just getting yourself safe, is to crush the system as it stands. Pay less tax, retire early (and get the money out of the 401K), get food stamps, get out of the U.S. Dollar, get every freebie offered to the dead weight. Demand reassessment of your land. Take the entire system down from within - that is what the Marxists did, it was a documented strategy,  so return the favor.  Individual action, no matter how small it seems, is critical.
Those with cash are the targets for government. Home owners and retirement funds are next. All government activity is about buying lower class voters, feeding banks, the military/industrial complex, academia and other collectivists and oligarchs - it needs your money.  
Look at all the taxes you pay and stop. For example, if you don't need to drive - don't. The tax revenue from fuel is confiscatory.  Don't buy new crap.  Don't buy a sandwich when you can buy the real food as prepared food has a high tax on it. Avoid hotels, especially expensive ones.  For that matter, avoid NYC and other big socialist cities that exist to take money from citizens. Drive carefully as the car is a major source of intrusion into your life.
Get your money out of the country or out of dollars and use all the services the socialists offer to the lower classes. Get those food stamps, fuel supplements, and so on. You are not encouraging the system, it is time to break it.  You are merely claiming some of your money back.
If most people decided to not drive for a few weeks, the state would begin to collapse. Please, quit smoking - it is your patriotic duty.  
Don't apply moral, Protestant values. Those are the ones that destroyed your nation. The enemy is in control, so resist.  Avoiding taxes is legal if you barter, so practice that art.
Few can do it, but if you can, sue government departments and individuals, as appropriate. Go to Town Meetings and complain all the time. Vote against all teachers running for the school board - an absurd conflict of interest.
 One needs a lawyer, usually, to sue, so if you can afford it, do so as a patriotic act. You can pick one of a thousand violations of the law and Constitution to sue about.  Passive resistance is much safer than what will follow.
The ultimate freedom fighters weapons are to starve the monster and to vote out everyone. Forget parties, just say no.  (OK, you can avoid the Communist, Socialist Progressive, and Working Families Parties. They all support the collective over individual freedom)

Pass this along to those who are low information voters.  It is their future that is at stake and they are committing suicide. 

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