Gene's Footnotes

I have never been impressed by the messenger and always inspect the message, which I now understand is not the norm. People prefer to filter out discordant information. As such, I am frequently confronted with, "Where did you hear that...." Well, here you go. If you want an email version, send me an email.

July 21, 2014


Permutations, that is.


July 17, 2014

A Snap Shot of Chaos

It is difficult being a blogger when you have real stuff to do.

Nonetheless, a word worthy of meditation, I decided I would merely list the headlines of online stories from the Washington Times, below. Read through the news items and tell me, over and over again, we are not on the eve of destruction.

The one really cool item to look into is add about Apple's next smart device. There is an entire industry firming up regarding the use of smart sensors for freakin' everything. Apple appears to have a good lead. Apple's main supplier, also near Cupertino, will be the next monster business - very soon. Also, if I recall my bleary reading, Cisco is at the hub of the Internet of everything, which it being called, at least a month ago.

Anyway, I didn't want to depress you, so I left out the sports articles.

Good night. Perhaps, tomorrow is a better day.

Illegal immigration crisis poses quandary for Democrats

Two sides: Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has called publicly for President Obama not to send immigrant children back to their home countries but privately urged a White House official not to house them at a site in Maryland. Story, A12. (Associated Press)
Potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidates are showing divisions over how ... more
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July 13, 2014

See a "High Crime" Here?

Just a layman's follow up. I take this route as it is preaching to the converted.  If we keep poking, others will wake up. The American problem is few have the motivation to act; we have been too comfortable for too long and only now as subversive have a noose in hand, people are wondering what is going on.

Recall the January solicitation for services to move 65,000 children, mentioned earlier. Have you seen a request for proposal go to execution in four months before? A political plan is afoot to use Cloward-Piven to create chaos. Odd, because those techniques were developed to get power, not lose it.

If you do not understand the above comment, click on the link, then check Wiki. You will immediately understand the left has not been irrational for fifty years, they have been diligently rational is subverting the nation. So far, they have succeeded, so you may want to wake up.

Don't count on the GOP acting sensibly or at all in the face of government sponsored suicide.  So, as I say, vote out everyone unless they sound like me.

A month or two ago news broke that Obama’s HHS was calling for private contractors to help transport illegal aliens throughout the interior United States. What made this already big news even bigger is the fact that the original call for proposals came out in January, long before the bulk of the illegal alien surge began.
The breaking news you’re about to read is ten times bigger, because the following proves the Obama administration was bankrolling America’s churches back in 2010. And the tens of millions were flowing in to prepare for the invasion currently underway.
The following is a small taste of what’s out there in grant records. This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks.
Between Dec 2010 and Nov 2013, the Catholic Charities Diocese of Galveston received $15,549,078 in federal grants from Health & Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Project” with a program description of “Refugee and Entry Assistance.”
Last year, the Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Worth received $350,000 from Department of Homeland Security for “citizenship and education training” with a program description of “citizenship and immigration services.”
Between September 2010 and September 2013, the Catholic Charities of Dallas received $823,658 from the Department of Homeland Security for “Citizenship Education Training” for “refugee and entrant assistance.”
From Dec 2012 to January 2014, Baptist Child & Family Services received $62,111,126 in federal grants from Health & Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Program.”
Any questions?
H/T Terri Harris Hill for the tip and initial research.

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July 11, 2014

Brother Is Keeping You Safe

HERE for a chart and explanation of known surveillance.


July 08, 2014

Reverse Fast and Furious: Alien Running

The term "stupid" has a definite meaning. It refers to people who cannot process information and make a rational decision. Consider the following facts:

We have tens of thousands of Central Amercans wandering into the United States and surrendering. Stop there. Time to avoid stupid.

Central Americans cannot walk into Mexico. The border, there, is strictly controlled. Therefore, Mexico is part of the recent gambit to flood America with non citizens. In fact, how do poor children find there way over 1,000 miles to Texas? This is a coordinated effort.

How is it the the DHS purchased escort services for 65,000 unaccompanied alien children in JANUARY of 2014?

How is it the Justice Department, you know Holder, requested funds for "a pilot unaccompanied alien children program"

How is it that in 2013 of all the children taken in by DHS, only .01% were deported.

How is it that suddenly a migration began in Central America? Just by accident? Of course not, there are operatives feeding the drive.

What we are witnessing is an intentional action of subversive Marxists. The weird part is that the subversives are in power and somehow the chaos will not be imputed to the Obama cast. Do not let people wander in stupidity.

“I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory,” said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. 
“If you don’t see them bring reinforcements down there to seal the border, that means that, yes, it’s a Cloward-Piven maneuver to flood the country until we get to the point where we are an open-borders country that welcomes everybody, legal and illegal,” he told WND. 
Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, agreed that Obama – who studied the chaos strategy at Columbia, according to a classmate – “is trying to do a Cloward-Piven thing with the border.” 
“Obama follows all the far-left, Leninist, socialist-type stuff,” Stockman told WND.

July 02, 2014

Lavabit, NSA, Snowden and NSA spying on all of us

Interview by a dope of Levnison, at South by SouthWest, who shut down his Lavabit rather than permit the NSA to peruse "encrypted" email in the server because he was ordered to provide them with the encryption key. He gave them an 11 page typed version of the key which provided time to erase the data base.

He is working on client side encryption, these days. Talks about effectiveness of Snowden.

I only hope viewers understand the magnitude of what was discussed. Understand the assuredness that the feds tear up your privacy. When he offered up the key on paper, the feds announced they would fine him $5,000 per day because he did not provide an electronic key.

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