Obama "Care:" Means vs. Ends
Permit me to offer a piece from an email I received, from a doctors' group. The point being highlighted is how statists, socialists, Marxists and so on are interested in power and in the final desired end, usually used to buy people's allegiance.
The United States stands alone in history as a nation not, until recently, only focused on the "END," but keys on the "MEANS," by which I mean due process and the rule of law over the rule of oligarchs. We picked up this proclivity from what we thought was the English tradition. It was certainly taught, but didn't apply to the upper class. Indeed, our founding fathers have been called "whigs" for their demanding of England the rights it espoused in the face of George's statism.
Please see how we surrender our rights under the Constitution by buying into an end. We hand over privacy, property rights, and due process in return for the GOVERNMENT's promise that it will take care of us. If we accept this idea, then we deserve what will happen. History is repeated among the dopes. The non-dopes will prepare to disappear, one way or another.
PS: I got a "second notice" from my doctor's office, ostensibly though he has no email address or web site, asking why I have not given permission to share my data. When you read it, that data is available to all sorts of people, like the FBI, Homeland Security, and so on. It can be used for various studies. Of course, we know the GE has been rewarded with the contract to host the data base, after a history of refusing to be involved with computers.) If you get such a request, be very careful with giving up you privacy. The letter could be from Nigeria.
Dr. George Watson, Past-President of the Association of American Physicians, practiced traditional-insurance-based osteopathic family medicine for 23 years. In 2003, he canceled all insurance contracts andOPTED OUT of Medicare.
The United States stands alone in history as a nation not, until recently, only focused on the "END," but keys on the "MEANS," by which I mean due process and the rule of law over the rule of oligarchs. We picked up this proclivity from what we thought was the English tradition. It was certainly taught, but didn't apply to the upper class. Indeed, our founding fathers have been called "whigs" for their demanding of England the rights it espoused in the face of George's statism.
Please see how we surrender our rights under the Constitution by buying into an end. We hand over privacy, property rights, and due process in return for the GOVERNMENT's promise that it will take care of us. If we accept this idea, then we deserve what will happen. History is repeated among the dopes. The non-dopes will prepare to disappear, one way or another.
PS: I got a "second notice" from my doctor's office, ostensibly though he has no email address or web site, asking why I have not given permission to share my data. When you read it, that data is available to all sorts of people, like the FBI, Homeland Security, and so on. It can be used for various studies. Of course, we know the GE has been rewarded with the contract to host the data base, after a history of refusing to be involved with computers.) If you get such a request, be very careful with giving up you privacy. The letter could be from Nigeria.
Constitutional Liberty 1, ObamaCare 0!
Read article online and comment: http://aapsonline.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=30a32513ae04f5445c95f3239&id=e700aaf840&e=90fa94b30e
By George Watson, D.O.,
Virginia Attorney General, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II, said, “It is a great day for the Constitution. This case is not about health insurance. It is not about healthcare. It’s about liberty.”
In Commonwealth of Virginia v. Kathleen Sebelius, Judge Henry E Hudson found that Congress cannot expand the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution to force people to buy a product.
We the People could not agree more with Attorney General Cuccinelli that “this case is not about…healthcare.” Judge Hudson, on the first page of his opinion refers to “the health care scheme adopted by Congress in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”
It is a scheme to grab control of medical care and the $2.4 trillion spent in delivering and receiving medical care, under the guise of helping the uninsured (by forcing insurers to sell coverage for pre-existing conditions without “discriminatory” premiums based on medical history). It is a scheme by greedy politicians looking for more CONTROL over everyone’s liberty.
The very name of the act itself is a case of government fraud of the first degree. There will be no Patient Protection, as your records will be sent to the government, and we know how careful the government is to prevent Wikileaks.
Affordable Care Act is another fraud by this President and his minions, Pelosi and Reid. Instead of honestly dealing with the problems, they have manipulated the whole process as they try to dictate their socialist agenda to every citizen. They have used bribes of money for computers as bait to catch unthinking doctors who will, to receive paltry bonuses, turn over your most private health information to the bureaucrats. They have placed mandates on the States that will lead to bankruptcy of the States if they don’t restrict care, which means it will not be Affordable and you will not receive Care. But it is an Act. They “act” as though they are really concerned about you, but they use a legitimate problem to further their illegitimate deeds.
Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius stated, “The Act is an important, but incremental, advance that builds on prior reforms of the interstate health insurance market over the last 35 years.” She “points to congressional findings that the insurance industry has failed to take corrective action to eliminate barriers which prevent millions of Americans from obtaining affordable insurance.” But it is the government that creates the barriers! She should know. She spent 11 years as executive director and chief lobbyist for the Kansas Trial Lawyers, then 8 years as a state representative and 8 years as state insurance commissioner, before being elected governor of Kansas.
Sebelius knows that we don’t need tens of thousands of pages of implementing rules for the twenty three hundred-page “Act.” She knows that rescinding laws that favor insurance companies over their subscribers and doctors would be faster and less costly—except for the congressmen who accept the “donations” from the insurance companies’ lobbyists. She had eight years as Kansas insurance commissioner to stand up for the people. But that was not her agenda.
In Sebelius’s argument for the individual mandate (“minimum essential coverage”), she promotes “the notion that an individual’s decision not to purchase health insurance is in effect “economic activity.” (Me - The only argument available though crazy.) She insists that “the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is a necessary measure to ensure the success of its larger reforms of the interstate health insurance market.” All that We the People desire is the option to purchase insurance across state lines.
Judge Hudson said the Minimum Essential Coverage “penalty lacks logical limitation as it could apply to transportation, housing or nutritional decisions.” And he said, “Salutatory goals and creative drafting have never been sufficient to offset an absence of enumerated powers.” (You may recall I have been yelling about this for years, so listen for confirmatory analysis. There is a due process reason why the Constitution limits the avarice of the central government. Defend the HOW over any consideration of the WHAT)
We the People thank you, Judge Hudson, for protecting our Constitutional liberty!