Systems Integration: Fascism Redux
As we struggle to sort out the tactics of our rulers, it is important to keep track of the macro-political moves, the strategy. Permit me to provide a long essay. If there are syntax errors, etc., I apologize as I do have to earn money to pay taxes and prepare for the coming currency collapse. I submit this is a worthwhile essay to read carefully and send around. I propose to provide you with a way to understand the apparent chaos in the world and U.S., in particular. There may be chaos, but it is all part of a plan.
One place to start is in the climate confusion. As the science of the earth's physical and biological patterns grow as a result of political claims, the crowing about man-caused cooling, warming, changing the entire earth wanes. Attacks continue, of course, but scientists interested in reputations as as scientists are finally having their voices heard.
Those who are so interested in herding people via security, globalization, environmental control, and control of the Internet are those of the infamous New World Order. There is only herding, no place for individualism of the common man. There is control, not a marketplace. It wouldn't that our medical system was run by the Post Office and is a failure, as long as it is not based upon individual decision and action.
Just look at the membership list. The theme is, in my opinion: the masses are not the same as us and need to be organized and controlled for their own benefit. Oh, of course, we will be in control.
There is a high-production value T.V. show, now, called Continuum. It is very well done, but I kept finding myself put off the the good guys and in sympathy with the philosophy of the bad guys. Their sin being a determined (violent) revolution against the collective. Brilliant propaganda. The bad guys have personalities, determination, and a subtle way of thinking, the heroine is a robo cop, who misses her family (awww,) and who uses technology to defeat those who wish to have personal freedom. (Yeah!)
Fascism is a natural tendency born of our animal natures. We were able to avoid it in the U.S. because people were responsible to government themselves and the Constitution was created to provide a republic as along as, as B. Franklin stated, we can keep it. We had a good run, I suppose.
The center of the ball is the new fascism, one that uses socialism and seeks to eliminate nationalism, as that didn't work for the NAZI's (yes, they were socialists determined to promote their nation.) The new term for international fascism is the oh-so-modern sounding:
One place to start is in the climate confusion. As the science of the earth's physical and biological patterns grow as a result of political claims, the crowing about man-caused cooling, warming, changing the entire earth wanes. Attacks continue, of course, but scientists interested in reputations as as scientists are finally having their voices heard.
Another negative climate feedback: more CO2 = more plants = more aerosols = cooling
Posted on April 28, 2013 by Anthony Watts
Recall a couple of days ago that I posted on the aerosols released by trees: Those dirty trees: why hasn’t the EPA called for trees to be regulated?Now, from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis comes a cause-effect for climate....
In the comments to the blog is a note from DirkH that is interesting:
Matt Ridley recently pointed out that fossil fuels are what the Green movement should want; as we don’t compete with plants or animals for resources when we use fossil fuels.
“No animal eats coal”
If the Green movement were not the shocktroops of the Club of Rome, that is…
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
- Club of Rome
So, what is this Club of Rome? It has its own web site and many sites referring to it, but let me use a site that is not happy with the Club. As this site point out, this truly One Percenter operation is the source of Agenda 21, the basis of many seemingly stupid U.S. regulations.
Founded in 1968 at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy, the CoR describes itself as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity.” It consists of current and former Heads of State, UN beaureacrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe....
The C of R as described:
Many people have heard of the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. What do they have in common with the CoR? They were all founded by Rockefeller. The head hancho’s at each organization sit on the Board of the CoR. The T-LC and the CFR are really just the Public Relations unit of the CoR, for the CoR is where the buck stops.
I have been tirelessly talking about Agenda 21, so I hope that people are aware of this little nugget of legislation by now. It was the outcome of the Club of Rome, a think-tank that provides ‘suggestions’ to the United Nations. We are currently seeing all these ‘suggestions’ coming to fruition as current legislation bombards us daily as America is being radically transformed. This transformation is no accident, and it is not aimless nor mindless. It has been carefully construed and orchestrated. It is the work of the Club of Rome.In the Club's own language, it is making changes:
1.Environment and Resources: This cluster relates climate change, peak oil, ecosystems and water. Radical and rapid social and economic transformations will be needed to avert runaway climate change and ecological breakdown;
2. Globalisation: This cluster relates interdependence, distribution of wealth and income, demographic change, employment, trade and finance. Rising inequalities and imbalances associated with the present path of globalisation risk the breakdown of the world economic and financial systems;
3. World Development: This cluster relates sustainable development, demographic growth, poverty, environmental stress, food production, health and employment. The scandal of abiding poverty, deprivation, inequity and exclusion in a wealthy world must be corrected;
4. Social Transformation: This cluster relates social change, gender equity, values and ethics, religion and spirituality, culture, identity and behaviour. The values and behaviour on which the present path of world development is based must change if peace and progress are to be preserved within the tightening human and environmental limits;
5. Peace and Security: This cluster relates justice, democracy, governance, solidarity, security and peace. The present path of world development risks alienation, polarization, violence and conflict; the preservation of peace is vital in itself but is also a precondition for progress and for the resolution of the issues which threaten the future.Of course, the left obeys its icons and ignores that they are the One Percenters (parties are irrelevant) who are organizing control. They talk libertarian values and promote fascism, an old trick played upon the "low information voter." The past has seen this pattern result in terrible conflict. The key, here, is to merely look at the the Club's graphic:
Those who are so interested in herding people via security, globalization, environmental control, and control of the Internet are those of the infamous New World Order. There is only herding, no place for individualism of the common man. There is control, not a marketplace. It wouldn't that our medical system was run by the Post Office and is a failure, as long as it is not based upon individual decision and action.
Just look at the membership list. The theme is, in my opinion: the masses are not the same as us and need to be organized and controlled for their own benefit. Oh, of course, we will be in control.
The recent bizarre actions of nations and leaders make sense when traced back to Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Tri Lateral Commission, Bildebergers, and CFR. For example, recently, Boston was locked down by 9,600 police and troops coordinated by Homeland Security
It doesn't matter that the officials were ineffectual, the FBI acting like buffoon bureaucrats out of an Offenbach opera bouffe. It took a guy wanting a smoke to notice blood and to find the younger brother. What mattered is the exercise of martial powers, the invasion of private property, and the acquiescence of the population, the unprovoked riddling of the boat hide out to the cheers of talking heads on the media.
Most leaders, and this includes the essential controllers of the media, are quite in favor of Agenda 21 so the conspiracy researchers are always confounded when they look for a smoking gun, say Obama as a tyrant, etc. Information is suppressed and changed by those in whom we have placed our trust. There is a guile and intelligence behind current events, which are speeding up, but no one can accuse the White House of intelligence or sophisticated guile. It merely uses its street smarts and cadre of partners in Congress, the Supreme Court, and media; it follows a plan and instructions.
The agreement of GOP and Democratic leaders upon weak border control makes sense to those confused by the clarity of law; they are in the wrong game. The attack on the Second Amendment is not irrational, it has nothing to do with the Constitution, which is regarded as a quaint annoyance, look at how both parties promote candidates who are not natural born citizens. New York State and City, with its, perhaps, senile One Percenter mayor, are exercising control and pushing it regardless of laws. The phony climate claims, which are vanishing without comment, were politically originated and fed by the transfer of your tax money by grants, jobs, the EPA and so on. GO SEQUESTER!
Indeed, our one chance is throwing off the shackles already well forged is for the economy to collapse. The Statists are prepared for that, having brought it about, but they cannot be certain of control should people wake up one day aware and hungry. Americans are a real problem as we are peaceful and kind, until we are not. At that point, some berserker DNA takes hold and we have 400.000.000 guns, along with a mostly sympathetic military and police. Thus, my advice is to spread the word on a grass roots level and VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES to clear out the statist. The results of violence are never known.
Today, we are living in the aftermath of WWI and the fascist Woodrow Wilson. In 1913 we saw the establishment income tax, Federal Reserve, and the direct election of Senators, a serious mistake.
Perhaps the most interesting of all these organizations is the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. The purpose of this ‘Commission’ appears to be to perpetuate the spiritual aspects of the Global Green Agenda. It is basically just old-fashioned paganism dressed up as a new eco-theology. I challenge the reader to make sense of this page! The commission is composed mostly of CoR members including Gore and Gorbachev.
The United Nations Foundation was created by prominent CoR member Ted Turner. He donated one billion dollars to support the environmental activites of the UN. A significant proportion of this money was designated for “programmes specifically addressing climate change” and funding the IPCC. The Foundation has also recently created the Global Security Institute to “propose far-reaching reforms of the international system.” As would be expected the Foundation’s Board is full of the same old names including: Ted Turner, Timothy Wirth, Kofi Annan, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Emma Rothschild, and Muhammad Yunus.Check out the list of members of the Club and tell me you think you trust these people. (Well, some are religious leaders who think they are doing the best for people.) Don't forget the center of the ball chart. Liberty and personal rights are not mentioned.
There is a high-production value T.V. show, now, called Continuum. It is very well done, but I kept finding myself put off the the good guys and in sympathy with the philosophy of the bad guys. Their sin being a determined (violent) revolution against the collective. Brilliant propaganda. The bad guys have personalities, determination, and a subtle way of thinking, the heroine is a robo cop, who misses her family (awww,) and who uses technology to defeat those who wish to have personal freedom. (Yeah!)
Fascism is a natural tendency born of our animal natures. We were able to avoid it in the U.S. because people were responsible to government themselves and the Constitution was created to provide a republic as along as, as B. Franklin stated, we can keep it. We had a good run, I suppose.
The center of the ball is the new fascism, one that uses socialism and seeks to eliminate nationalism, as that didn't work for the NAZI's (yes, they were socialists determined to promote their nation.) The new term for international fascism is the oh-so-modern sounding:
Systems Integration
Labels: Anthony Watts, Bildebergers, CFR, Club of Rome, CO2, fascism, Global warming, One Percenters
posted by Gene | 9:36 AM